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◄ Cornerwise ►

(adv.) With the corner in front; diagonally; not square.

a thing for aberrancy aberration across affect affinity angle angle off animus aptitude aptness aslant aslope athwart atilt bag bear off bend bend to bendwise bent bevel beveled biased biaswise branching off canting careening cast catercorner catercornered catercornerways character chosen kind circuitousness color conatus conduce conduciveness constitution contribute corner cornerways cornerwise crook crossways crosswise cup of tea curve declination deflect delight departure detour deviance deviancy deviate deviation deviousness diagonal diagonally diagonalwise diathesis diffract diffuse digression discrimination discursion disperse dispose disposition distort divagate divagation divarication diverge divergence diversion divert dogleg double drift drifting druthers eagerness eccentricity errantry excursion excursus exorbitation fancy fascination favor favoritism feeling for forejudgment garble go grain hairpin have a tendency head idiosyncrasy impulse inclination inclinational inclinatory incline inclined inclining indirection individualism induce inequality influence interest involvement jaundice jaundiced eye kidney kittycorner lead lean leaning liability liking listing look to lurch make makeup mental set mettle mind mind-set misconstrue misdirect misinterpret misrender misrepresent misuse mold move mutual affinity mutual attraction nature nepotism oblique oblique angle oblique figure oblique line obliquity on the bias one-sidedness out of plumb out of square parti pris partialism partiality particular choice partisanism partisanship penchant pererration personal choice persuade pervert pitched point point to preconception predilection predispose predisposition preference preferential treatment prejudgment prejudice prejudice against prejudice the issue prepossess prepossession probability proclivity prompt proneness propensity pull raking rambling readiness recumbent redound to refract rhomboid scatter scratch comma sensitivity to separatrix serve set set toward sheer shelving shelvy shift shifting shifting course shifting path show a tendency sideling sidelong skew slant slanted slanting slantways slantwise slash sloped sloping slue soft spot soften up solidus stamp standpoint strain straying streak stripe style susceptibility sway sweep swerve swerving swinging sympathy tack taint taste temper temperament tend tendency thing thwart tilted tilting tinge tipped tipping tipsy


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