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◄ Break In ►

acclimate acclimatize accommodate accustom adapt adjust admit apprentice barge in be admitted breach break break in upon break into break open break through break to harness breaking and entering breed breeze in bring up burglarizing burglary burst in bust bust in butt in case harden cave in charge in chime in chip in come barging in come between come breezing in come busting in come in condition confirm crash crash in crash the gates creep in cross the threshold crowd in cultivate cut in develop discipline domesticate domesticize drill drop in edge in elbow in encroach enter entrench establish exercise familiarize fetch up fit fix foist in force open form foster gain admittance gentle get going get in get in there get off get squared away get under way go in go into groom habituate harden have an entree have an in hop in horn in house-train housebreak housebreaking impinge impose impose on impose upon improve infiltrate infringe insert insinuate interfere interlope interpose interrupt intervene intrude inure invade irrupt jam in jump in lick into shape look in make a beginning make a move naturalize nurse nurture obtrude orient orientate pack in pop in practice prepare press in prize open push in put in put in tune put on put to school put upon raise ready rear rehearse rupture rush in safeblowing safebreaking safecracking season send to school set a course set foot in slink in slip in smash in sneak in split open squeeze in start up steal in step in storm in stove in take in take in hand tame tear open throng in thrust in train trench trespass unlawful entry visit warm up wedge in wont work in worm in


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