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◄ Attack Of Nerves ►

ado aggravation all-overs angst animation anxiety anxiety hysteria anxiety neurosis anxious bench anxious concern anxious seat anxiousness apprehension apprehensiveness arousal arousing attack of nerves bluster bother botheration brawl broil brouhaha buck fever burst bustle cacophony cankerworm of care care case of nerves chaos chills of fear churning cold creeps cold shivers cold sweat commotion concern concernment confusion creeps disquiet disquietude distress disturbance dither dread ebullience ebullition eddy effervescence electrification embroilment exacerbation exasperation excessive irritability excitation excitement exhilaration fanaticism fear fear and trembling feery-fary ferment fermentation fidgetiness fidgets firing fit flap flurry fluster flutter flutteriness fomentation foofaraw foreboding forebodingness frenzy fume furor furore fury fuss fussiness galvanization goose bumps gooseflesh heartquake horripilation hubbub hullabaloo hurly-burly hurry hurry-scurry incitation incitement inflammation infuriation inquietude instigation irritation jimjams lather lathering up maelstrom malaise misgiving morbid excitability nerves nervosity nervous stomach nervous strain nervous tension nervousness overanxiety palpitation pandemonium panic panickiness passion pell-mell pep rally pep talk perturbation pins and needles pother provocation pucker quaking quiver of terror rabble-rousing racket rage restlessness row ruckus ruffle rumpus scramble shaking shivers solicitude spasm spell of nerves spurt stage fright state of nerves steaming up stew stimulation stimulus stir stirring stirring up stirring-up storminess strain suspense sweat swirl swirling tempestuousness tension thrill of fear tic to-do trepidation trepidity trouble tumult tumultuousness turbulence turmoil twitching uneasiness unquiet unquietness uproar upset vellication vexation vortex whipping up whirl wildness working up yeastiness zeal zealousness


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