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Use the tutorials, samples, how-to, and reference documentation to learn CircleCI.

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Examples and guides

Get started in minutes: follow step-by-step guides or explore a sample app.

Featured Resources

Execution environmentsExecution environments

Run jobs in Linux, Windows, macOS, Arm, or GPU environments.


Trigger pipelines from your VCS, API, and the CircleCI app.

Deployment ExamplesDeployment Examples

Create and configure jobs to deploy to AWS, GCP, and more.

Using DockerUsing Docker

Build Docker images and execute your jobs in Docker environments.

Third Party IntegrationsThird Party Integrations

Easily integrate third-party tools using certified and partner orbs.


Create and manage contexts in the CircleCI app.

Test splittingTest splitting

Use test splitting to run tests simultaneously across multiple environments to reduce pipeline execution time.


Use OpenID Connect tokens to access compatible cloud services without long-lived credentials being stored in CircleCI.

Config policiesConfig policies

Create organization-level policies to impose rules and scopes to govern the use of configuration elements


View and manage your releases from a single dashboard. Gain immediate visibility into org wide releases. No infra access required.Get started with releases

Samples and tools

Open Source ProjectsSample config.yml FilesDatabase Config ExamplesFull Config ExampleUsing Environment Variables