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How to Not Freak the Fuxk Out 

“Cimcie’s Sound Therapy” offer services combining ancient practices with contemporary technology to achieve a state of equilibrium within our bodies. When operating at peak performance, our electro magnetic bio suits are capable of accomplishing extraordinary feats.

Vibrational Medicine, Plant Wisdom, Somatic Sound Therapy

CIMCIE COLETTE NICHOLS; I’m a multifaceted and ambitious creative force who blends my love for nature, the arts, and personal growth. Certified in sound therapy, vibrational medicine and herbalism, I’m committed to helping others find balance and harmony in their lives, because that’s where the thriving is. My approach to wellness combines ancient wisdom with modern practices, empowering clients to uncover their own healing potential. 

I don’t know everything, and I barely know anything, but what I do know is what has helped me not drown in the dark abyss of grief. I’ve also been sober for 20+ years and….. wow. I don’t know how I’ve done it lately, wait. I do know. These tools and PEOPLE. These modalities have helped me vibrate to my highest, and even vibrate me out of my lowest, frequencies. Life is amazing. Let’s get high on our own supply!

But what do you do when your supply is depleted, when you are running on nervous system fatigue and burn out?

Think of your body like a house. You’re the architect, the builder, and the homeowner, all rolled into one. In this scenario, therapies like vibrational medicine, homeopathics, and sound therapy are like the blueprint of your house. They help regulate the ‘electrical wiring’ of your body – your nervous system.

Now, let’s talk about the building materials of your house – the bricks, wood, and concrete. In your body, these are the vitamins, minerals, and food you consume. They form the structure and keep you strong and healthy.

When you first built your ‘house’, everything was shiny and new. But over time, just like any house, wear and tear can cause some things to go wrong. This is where we need to go back to our blueprints, our ‘electrical wiring’, to make the necessary repairs.

We also need to keep maintaining the ‘walls and roof’, and maybe even replace some ‘rotted wood’. In other words, we need to continually nourish our bodies with good food, vitamins, and minerals and use healing therapies to keep our ‘house’ in tip-top condition.

You’re the master of your own ‘house’.

The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. How do you deal with that? What do you do when that is effected? How do you heal a broken heart? I leaned into frequencies, inner alchemy work and vibration. Let’s try some stuff to see if anything resonates with you, literally, to help you find peace, feel good, manage life’s challenges, and master your own inner alchemy.

Servicing Savannah Georgia by the Fall 2023


Intimate Somatic Sound Baths

In person


Vibroacoustic Table and Biomat Therapy

In Person


Nutrition, Minerals, Plant Medicine (not just shrooms)






What we offer

Somatic Sound Baths

Unwind your mind and rejuvenate your body with our somatic sound baths. Book your immersive healing experience now and let the symphony of vibrations bring harmony to your life.

Vibroacoustic Therapy

Experience the ultimate relaxation of vibroacoustic sound table therapy and far infrared BioMat technology. Feel the healing vibrations and warmth work in harmony to rejuvenate your body and mind—book your transformative session today.

Nutrition Support

Unleash the power of food and minerals as medicine. Explore how personalized nutrition and herbal medicine can transform your well-being. Begin your journey today and unearth the incredible potential that lies within nature’s bounty

Community (People)

Connect, share, and grow with like-minded individuals in our vibrant Discord community. Find support, exchange ideas, and be inspired by others on a similar journey—join us now and let’s make a positive impact together.

Need More Info

Go ahead and reach out! Or attend a sound bath, you’re already here. Just try it.

The information and content provided on this website, including any products or services, are for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease, nor to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding your medical condition or the use of any information found on this website.


info at cimcie dot com

currently; savannah, ga

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