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A downloadable game

One lover left behind.

You sit on a weary shore, watching the waves lap against the Birmingham docks. Perhaps you’re with a friend, recounting what happened just this morning, asking for advice from a sister.

They left you. Not a warning, not a goodbye, or at least not a goodbye you were awake to remember. The spot beside you on the bed, empty; their essential belongings, gone. Weren’t they yours? Weren’t you their only one?

It’s hard to know how to feel, when you don’t know what happened. Don’t know where they are.

The other lover, crossing the country.

The US is built on its train tracks. Rambling men follow them in their travels, boxcars screeching across them carry the future of people and cities alike. Industry’s backbone, fueling the economy, but more importantly, they give people like you a chance to leave it all behind.

You left your honey behind. For what, we are yet to know. Won’t you enlighten us? Where are you headed? Why leave your life – and her – behind?


Divider Ornamentation - (c) Waldenfont

Am I Blue? is a storytelling game about two lovers, why one of them left the other behind, and what that decision will mean for the both of them. Inspired by Ethel Waters' Am I Blue? and Birmingham Bertha, both from the year 1929.

The nature of the story and the drama is crafted by the players. One player plays Bertha, a lady left behind overnight, and the other plays Sam, the lover who left.

Play happens on opposite sides of a closed door, a physical barrier between our lovers, and communication happens only through letters and postcards.

Abandonment. A second shot. Reunion. Consequences.

Divider Ornamentation - (c) Waldenfont

Illustrations & Game Design by AsinineStars (Francis) & Sqwormy (Atlas)
Writing, Layout & Game Design by Tyrastafr-TTRPGs

Am I Blue? © 2025 by Chitin Games is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

ORNAMENTATION/DIVIDER IMAGE FONT: Border Sandmann and Kraftwerk Vignetten Licht, Copyright © 2017 Oliver Weiss, Walden Font Co. Used with license permission.


AM I BLUE RPG.pdf 2.6 MB

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