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#dev 2018-11-17

2018-11-17 UTC
Could see social readers even getting smart with bot/automation "I see [tantek] blogs about IndieWeb alot would you like to add them to your channel" or "Wow @kartikPrabhu posts way more than many of your followers. Want to pick specific ideas to follow?"
what is a recommendation engine
A recommendation engine is software or a service that recommends things to people based on their behavior or people that have behaved like them in the past, like the features of sites that say things like people that bought this also bought that, or liked, or followed, etc https://indieweb.org/recommendation_engine
[jgmac1106] feel free to add to Brainstorming there stuff like that!
Will do...never thought about recommendations of gardening feeds of who you follow rather than recommending people you don't follow... Gotta shower kids first
Logic seems simple. Person has y tag in p-category x times and you have same p-name of an h-feed (not sure if h-feeds get named) as a channel wanna add their y feed to your channel?
makes sense!
jmac, eli_oat, jgmac1106 and [eddie] joined the channel
tantek jgmac1106 super interesting conversation about following! No time for it now, but I’d love to continue this discussion more and see if we can take those lessons and move that forward in a positive direction. I’d love to see how Indigenous for iOS might be able to help move that “following” people goal forward (although that might require buy in from Aperture too, haha!)
I was also interested in that convo but don't have time/energy to catch up
I added the chat time stamps to /follow brainstorming so it’s easy to find on another day with more time and energy available 👍
sebsel joined the channel
There is no wait in Siri Shortcuts to get the Location header of the URL you just called.
I can send a HEAD request for the headers, but I need the headers returned after the POST request of the Micropub.
My endpoint also returns the URL as a <a> link in the body
Are there more endpoints that do that?
I guess not, but it would make Siri Shortcuts work ;)
I mean it works, but I can't show the user the newly created post.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I'm curious: I made this one, which references other Shortcuts for fetching the Micropub endpoint and IndieAuth... does the link import those too? https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/cecbd3b2d3634fa492c8657b80bbb32c
jgmac1106, [manton] and [eddie] joined the channel
My nickname cache is officially fully converted into h-cards that are stored in individual files. Each file name is the person’s primary url (minus special characters)
Now I just need to be able to add and retrieve the h-cards through my Micropub endpoint
and then a Micropub client that supports it, of course, haha
[eddie] Are you extending Micropub for this, or automatically converting usernames on the backend...? Sorry, haven't been following all of the earlier discussions about this.
No worries. For adding people, it’s using Micropub very standard, no extension really, but it’s sending an h-card rather than an h-entry so a Micropub endpoint would need to watch for that distinction and behave differently.
For fetching people for auto-complete that is an extension, using the Micropub query syntax
Right now I’m testing out ?q=contacts&search={nickname}
The returned objects are h-cards so I have the url to attach to the h-entry for the actual post
Cool. I am also working on auto-complete right now, so I could adopt your extension in M.b. Not sure about "contacts" but I'll try not to be too picky... 🙂
so the actual micropub post itself isn’t being altered, it’s still just using the person’s url
so you'll do person-tags with it?
awesome! not pressed on contacts
any suggestions? That part hasn’t been implemented by anyone yet so it’s still totally flexible
an interesting question is how to put e.g. links to people in the content
do you expect the client to produce html content then?
I think links to people in content and person tags should always be the url
But a smart website can use that url to modify the url based on syndication
so I’m storing all my contacts profiles under properties.url
Are the results a list of h-cards, or just simple JSON? From M.b's perspective, "usernames" or "people", but I could see adopting an h-card-like naming for the query.
ok, so the client generates links, so the server doesn't strictly have to understand any @username syntax
Yeah, the results are a list of h-cards
not currently sknebel, although that definitely could be a next step
so only person tags for now?
manton that makes sense. We thought about ?q=cards but some people might store venues as cards
Cool. I don't have a strong opinion about it yet, so don't let me hold you up.
sknebel: person tags or linking to the person as a url in the content. Then you could just replace any urls in the content with other urls when the need exists
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
a, so naked plaintext urls in the content?
it’s not a thing that people are really using currently
Is @ a venue not a thing too?
it’s a brainstormed thing, kevinmarks
sknebel: yep
It is if they have an account. (it was the checkin syntax on Dodgeball)
regex for urls, check if any are in your nickname cache and if so replace them with the syndicated silo is how I’m approaching it
guess that could work
hmm so kevinmarks you don’t think there needs to be a difference between a venue and a person?
If you @venued it would essentially become a checkin rather than a person tag?
Well h-card can represent both.
yes exactly
alternative could be a key string (which could be the url, but something else if the server prefers something different) being returned too... although that might differ between text and html...
When foursquare maps checkins to twitter does it @ the venue?
sknebel: true, I guess the url wouldn’t HAVE to be a requirement it could be like syndication with an id
Lunch, and charging gadgets (at @21stAmendment Brewery & Restaurant in San Francisco, CA) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/ivSBBkr7ygm
Venues near me now don't have twitter accounts registered with foursquare…
I don't think that's necessarily an answer to what behavior you want here though
yeah, it doesn’t feel right
Well, part of the goal is to pick the right url or @ for syndication, so if you have multiple urls, an h-card is a good way to express that.
no-one argued against using h-cards for venues. just that looking up venues and looking up people should be possible as different things (if both are possible, a client can still offer a combined lookup over the two if that's wanted)
I've been recently looking at the various rich text editor libraries out there, but they get complicated quickly :/
in fact, it’s the very fact that both can be defined by cards which is the challenge discussed (the fact that ?q=cards is not good for a nickname cache query, because it is not clear if you want people or venues)
Yeah 😞 rich text editors are complicated
Right now I've written longer posts with formatting in github gists and then converted them to html, which kinda works but isn't satisfying
haha yeah I can understand that.
I either use Quill (when sends html) or the iOS app Drafts where I type everything in Markdown
yeah, maybe looking into adding easy publishing for one of the existing markdown editors isn't a bad idea
not the biggest fan of markdown, but also not sure what's better and still somewhat stable
[Khurt], [pfefferle] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
[eddie]: another thing maybe, general to the micropub extensions: how do you feel about having them as part of the endpoint vs on a different url (like e.g. the media endpoint)? curious if you have thoughts about that
i.e. having a q=contacts vs a contacts url in q=config
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Were I still in sf having 21st amendment in my nickname cache would make sense.
[cleverdevil] and [eddie] joined the channel
Yes, it would. But you would want to CHECK IN there, not tag it like a person
That’s the key issue, it’s all about the right data for the UI
the UI for checking in to a venue is different than the UI for mentioning someone or tagging someone with you
[schmarty] joined the channel
sebsel++ the IndieAuth shortcut is great and embedding it works so well! The combined shortcut you posted does not also fetch the sub-workflows. I was given the option to choose which to run, so I need to grab those separately.
sebsel has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (25 in all channels)
Ah, as soon as I installed the micropub endpoint shortcut, the post shortcut found it.
Plugin que permite que las webs hablen entre sí... @ciudadanoB en #WCGranada https://es.wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/
[sebsel] joined the channel
nice! :D
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Well that depends. On twitter its the same.
[cleverdevil] and [eddie] joined the channel
[eddie]: Working on adding the category changes
I should have it out today or tomorrow
I have to remember how to search
What do you mean by how to search?
That’s great GWG!
The search parameter, how to map it to WordPress functions
Also trying to decide if I want to add anything else while I am in the code
query wise
Ahh gotcha!
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
it's not clear from https://indieweb.org/h-feed: should the page containing the h-feed (e.g. my blog's home page) contain all my articles or, in case the entries are paginated, just the latest N entries?
Up to you
last page only it is, then :)
GWG has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (168 in all channels)
I think I may add query for post lists
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
GWG that’s a good idea. I’m gonna be adding post list query support to indigenous for iOS so that’ll be great for Indigenous (in both platforms) and Wordpress and Drupal to all support it!
I'll give it a shot
sknebel I don’t know how I missed your last message! I think ?q=contacts is nice because if you have 5 or 10 different query URLs then a Micropub client would have to save and remember all those query URLs,
I'd still like something like q=mp to get a list of mp parameters the endpoint accepted.
and in reality the same general code is probably going to be hit with any Micropub queries because they all have to access the same storage for the most part unlike the media endpoint
Hmmmm it’s interesting there are three different types of “support” that a Micropub could expose. I wonder if these should all be merged: post-types (what types of post a server supports), mp parameters (what kind of Micropub commands can be sent via Micropub), and Micropub queries (what queries a Micropub server will respond to)
interesting, from my first few bits category lookup and address book are fairly distinct pieces of code that wouldn't integrate in the endpoint at all if they didn't have to
They aren’t both in the same storage? Database or flat file?
jjuran joined the channel
I guess they don’t have to integrate but could they be on separate servers?
[eddie]: That would be q=config, wouldn't it?
I think post-types are already in the config so I think it makes sense to add supported no parameters and queries to that
Mp* parameters
flat file. admittedly the storage architecture is somewhat odd
address book could also live somewhere completely different (e.g. followings from a reader?)
Hmmm true
on the other hand, it's not that much work to have the endpoint proxy a bunch of names
and I guess having them external has some security implications too, since there's no obvious way of using lesser-privileged tokens
I think it’s a heavier load for people to add new URLs than new parameters. I’m not opposed to new URLs in principle but I feel like there would need to be enough of a specific reason to separate
I mean, the url can point to just a new parameter :D
but it's a design philosophy thing, and it seems MP goes more for one endpoint with params, so probably makes sense to stick to that even if I dislike it
“The url can point to just a new parameter”
jjuran and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
!tell Zegnat reading up on webkit vs search box vs CSS, who on earth came up with this idea?!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Has anyone implemented muting or blocking in a microsub client yet?
muting would make sense in a microsub client and server
blocking is more webmention related which you'd need to implement on your own site, or rather, what CMSs have implemented blocking
Muting and blocking are already in the microsub spec. I am a bit unsure of the use case vs just unfollowing them in a reader. The only use case I can think of is to block a certain author on a multi author feed
interesting. yes from a reader perspective I don't quite understand why you'd need to block rather than just (and definitely) unfollow.
maybe it's a legacy function from silo subscription approaches?
even "a certain author on a multi author feed", mute is sufficient
I'd expect block to be something you might do via Micropub, that is, posting an addition to your blocklist
A reader might support block in the UI, but not through Microsub, just as readers support "liking", but do so through Micropub
Yeah that's kinda what I'm thinking too. But maybe it was related to some future functionality that I've not though of yet
!tell swentel I'm having some problems setting up Indigenous for Android for development; looking to use this app as my daily driver
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jjuran joined the channel
is debating working on a client himself
build all the things
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Very good post there about scaling problems with activitypub
Why is visibility, which is a command, not mp-visibility in Micropub?
isn't it more a property?
Is it?
That was the question
to me it is. It's a state the post is in, can be changed, ...
unlike e.g. mp-syndicate or mp-destination, which are commands to do something once, when the post is created
or rather, the request is received
Yeah i'd say it was a property
Posts could be marked up with the microformats for it quite easily
why would one markup "visibility" as a mf2
if it is not "visible" no one can consume it
if it is "visible" then there is no need to mark it up
doesn't need to be marked up, no
[grantcodes]: muting could also hide likes/reposts/... from other people
and agreed, block is described in a way that it needs deep integration into the site, not just the reader backend
can I mark up a section on a homepage as an h-feed? I was thinking of putting my three most recent articles on the home page: https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/ or would I still add the h-feed on body or html?
Greg McVerry
jgmac1106: you can put h-feed on any HTML element
realizing I should have known definition of e.g.
if you entire page is a h-feed then put it on <html> or <body>
else on whatever element makes sense
can I do this not to display the author, seems redundant? <link class="p-author h-card" href="jgregorymcverry.com">
you can, but invisible markup tends to be problematic for future maintenance
if I have an h-card somewhere else on the page do I need an h-card listed in each h-entry?
not sure how readers consume that
AngeloGladding and [tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I have three h-feeds on my home page
primary/main, articles only, and manual h-event entries of events I'm going to or hosting
tantek, and it is a challenge for me to parse that
yeah that’s what made me think of doing it, gonna just highlight a few pieces, will do some manual articles when I want full control
the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that in a person-centric design of all this stuff, our home page should be an h-card that represents us, then inside that whatever else structured information you choose to have on your home page, e.g. feeds
GWG, why? Thought we solved it in the past few days
tantek, I wish each feed had a fragment identifier
I can't figure out how to address them
So I decided to ignore them
that's a good suggestion - can you make that on /h-feed#Brainstorming ?
GWG, each of my h-feed elements *does* have an ID
Is that new?
Or did I miss it?
no - they've had them for a while AFAIK
apparently someone already put that idea in referencing
misses it too
GWG: would it help your parsing if the microformats parser gave you the id?
@gwg can you parse this? https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/ or this https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/articles.html want to see if I did it correctly. I could add both in Aperture so taken that as a godd sign
looking on unmung it sees if my author info is missing, guess I need to put it in,
sknebel: Probably.
jgmac1106: Feed discovery, feed parsing, or top level element parsing?
Your feeds don't have explicit names.
feed discovery and parsing, I tried to hide the h-card in each n-etry since I have a big ass h-card on the homepage and it is a single author site, but I think I need to go put it in
unmung didn’t list any author for my h-entries
I see an h-card as a top level element.
okay so i am good?
You have an author property with h-card inside your h-entrys, but they are empty.
So, in my amateur opinion, needs work
Then again, my parser needs work too.