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Posting & Notice Requirements

Employers are required to provide workers with posted notices of their employment and labor rights according to the following labor laws:

Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards (COMPS) Order

7.4. Posting Requirements

7.4.1 Posting. Every employer subject to the COMPS Order must display a COMPS Order poster for the current year, with applicable dollar figures as stated in the PAY CALC Order for that year, published by the Division in an area frequented by employees where it may be easily read during the workday. If the work site or other conditions make a physical posting impractical (including private residences employing only one worker, and certain entirely outdoor work sites lacking an indoor area), the employer shall provide a copy of the COMPS Order or poster to each employee within his or her first month of employment, and shall make it available to employees upon request. Employers shall be deemed noncompliant if they attempt to minimize the effect of posters or notices required by statute or these Rules, such as by communicating positions contrary to, or discouraging the exercise of rights covered in, the required poster or notice. An employer that does not comply with the above requirements of this paragraph shall be ineligible for any employee-specific credits, deductions, or exemptions in the COMPS Order, but shall remain eligible for employer- or industry-wide exemptions, such as exempting an entire employer or industry from any overtime or meal/rest period requirements in Rules 4-5. 

7.4.2 Distribution. Every employer publishing or distributing to employees any handbook, manual, or written or posted policies shall include a copy of the COMPS Order, or a COMPS Order poster published by the Division, with any such handbook, manual, or policies. Every employer that requires employees to sign any handbook, manual, or policy shall, at the same time or promptly thereafter, include a copy of the COMPS Order, or a COMPS Order poster published by the Division, and have the employee sign an acknowledgement of being provided the COMPS Order or the COMPS Order poster. 

7.4.3 Translation. Employers with any employees with limited English language ability shall: 

(A) use a Spanish-language version of the COMPS Order and poster published by the Division, if the employee(s) in question speak Spanish; or

(B) contact the Division to request that the Division, if possible, provide a version of the COMPS Order and poster in another language that any employee(s) need. 

Colorado Workplace Public Health Rights and Agricultural Labor Rights

Rule 4. Poster requirements. A poster informing all employees and workers of their rights under HFWA and PHEW must be posted, displayed, or otherwise provided by employers and principals, as required by C.R.S. § 8-13.3-408 (HFWA), and C.R.S. § 8-14.4-103 (PHEW). All agricultural employers must post a notice of agricultural employees’ rights under Part 2 of Article 13.5 of Title 8, C.R.S., as required by C.R.S. § 8-13.5-202. 

4.1.1 The poster(s) must specify: (A) (B) (C) (D) for those covered by HFWA, (1) the amount of paid sick leave to which employees are entitled, and (2) the terms of its use; for those covered by PHEW, (1) the right to raise reasonable concerns about workplace violations of government health or safety rules, or otherwise significant workplace health or safety threats, and (2) the right to wear one’s own personal protective equipment, such as a mask, faceguard, or gloves, if it provides a higher level of protection than already-provided equipment, is recommended by a governmental public health agency with jurisdiction over the workplace, and does not render the worker incapable of performing the job duties; for those covered by either HFWA or PHEW, (1) that it is unlawful to retaliate for or interfere with HFWA or PHEW rights, and (2) that a complaint may be filed if retaliation, interference, or another denial of HFWA or PHEW rights occurs; and for those covered by the ALRRA, all rights under Part 2 of Article 13.5 of Title 8, C.R.S., and rules issued pursuant to and as implementation of those provisions, including: (1) § 202 of Part 2 (access to key service providers, visitors, and employee residences); (2) § 203 of Part 2 (protections from heat illness and injury; restrictions on short-handled hoe and other short-handled tool use; and for handweeding/thinning, additional rest as well as gloves and knee pads); and (3) § 204 of Part 2 (procedures and remedies for enforcement of Part 2 rights); and (4) the Agricultural Labor Conditions Rules, 7 CCR 1103-15. 

4.1.2. Employers and principals may use the latest version of the “Colorado Workplace Public Health Rights Poster” (provided by the Division at www.coloradolaborlaw.gov) to satisfy the poster requirements of both HFWA and PHEW. Agricultural employers may use an up-todate “Agricultural Labor Rights and Responsibilities Poster” published by the Division or, at any time such a poster is unavailable, an up-to-date version of an Interpretive Notice and Formal Opinion on agricultural labor rights and responsibilities published by the Division, to satisfy the poster requirements of the ALRRA. Employers and principals may comply by using another poster that contains all substantive information in the “Colorado Workplace Public Health Rights Poster,” and if applicable, in an “Agricultural Labor Rights and Responsibilities Poster,” and otherwise satisfies all statutory and rule requirements. 

4.1.3. The poster(s) shall be displayed in each establishment where employees or workers work, in a conspicuous location frequented by employees or workers where it may be easily read during the workday, and in all places where notices concerning the rights and safety of employees or workers are customarily posted — such as in break rooms, on employee bulletin boards, and/or adjacent to time clocks, department entrances, and/or facility entrances. In addition: 

(A) Agricultural employers must post an “Agricultural Labor Rights and Responsibilities Poster” or equivalent posting at any employer-provided housing, and must post it electronically, including by e-mail and on an intranet or internet site, if the agricultural employer customarily communicates with agricultural employees by these means. 

(B) If the work site or other conditions make a physical posting of the “Colorado Workplace Public Health Rights Poster” impractical (including remote work, private residences employing only one worker, and certain entirely outdoor work sites lacking an indoor area), the employer or principal shall provide a copy of the poster to each employee or worker within their first month of work, including through (if information is customarily disseminated to the employees or workers through these means) either electronic communication or conspicuous posting in a web-based platform. 

Notice of Paydays

8-4-107. Post notice of paydays. Every employer shall post and keep posted conspicuously at the place of work if practicable, or otherwise where it can be seen as employees come or go to their places of work, or at the office or nearest agency for payment kept by the employer a notice specifying the regular paydays and the time and place of payment, in accordance with the provisions of section 8-4-103, and also any changes concerning them that may occur from time to time. 

Table: Posters

Poster:Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards (COMPS) Order PosterColorado Workplace Public Health Rights PosterAgricultural Labor Rights PosterNotice of Paydays Poster
Last Update:January 1, 2024Jul 14, 2023Apr 8, 2022Aug 23, 2016
EnglishThis is the English language poster and handout that summarizes rights and responsibilities, and how to report violations or ask compliance questions, under the Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order.  This is the English language poster and handout that summarizes rights and responsibilities to paid sick leave, to report health emergency violations, and to personal protective equipment at work under Colorado law, including how to report violations or ask compliance questions.Agricultural Labor Rights & Responsibilities: Poster & NoticePayday poster required by 8-4-107, C.R.S

Este es el póster y el folleto en Español que resume los derechos y responsabilidades, y cómo reportar violaciones o hacer preguntas sobre el cumplimiento, según la Orden de Compensación de Tiempo Extra y Obligaciones Mínimas para los Salarios de Colorado.

Este es el póster y el folleto en idioma español que resume los derechos y responsabilidades sobre la licencia por enfermedad paga, para expresar su inquietud por las violaciones de las reglas de salud o seguridad del gobierno en el lugar de trabajo; y al uso de equipos de protección personal en el trabajo según la ley de Colorado, e incluye cómo informar de las violaciones o hacer preguntas sobre el cumplimiento.Derechos Y Responsabilidades Laborales Agrícolas: Póster Y Aviso


Amharicይህ በኮሎራዶ የትርፍ ሰዓት እና ዝቅተኛ ክፍያ ደረጃዎች ትእዛዝ መሰረት መብቶችን እና ኃላፊነቶችን እና ጥሰቶችን እንዴት ሪፖርት ማድረግ ወይም ተገቢ ጥያቄዎችን መጠየቅ እንደሚቻል የሚያጠቃልለው የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ፖስተር እና አጭር ጽሁፍ ነው።ይህ የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ፖስተር እና ስለሚከፈልበት የህመም ጊዜ ፈቃድ መብቶችን እና ኃላፊነቶችን ጠቅለል አድርጎ የሚይዝ የመመሪያ መጽሐፍ ነው፣ ይህም ጥሰቶችን እንዴት ሪፖርት ማድረግ ወይም የህግ ተገዢነትን በተመለከተ ጥያቄዎችን እንዴት መጠየቅ እንደሚቻል ጨምሮ፣ የመንግስት የጤና ወይም የደህንነት ደንቦችን በሥራ ቦታ የመጣስ እና በኮሎራዶ ህግ መሰረት በሥራ ቦታ ላይ የግል መከላከያ መሳሪያዎችን ስለመልበስ ያለ ስጋትን ለመግለጽ ነው።





Arabicهذا ملص ٌق ومنشور باللغة العربية يلخص الحقوق والمسؤوليات وكيفية اإلبالغ عن االنتهاكات أو طرح األسئلة المتعلقة باالمتثال وفقا لألمر الخاص بمعاییر وقت العمل اإلضافي والحد األدنى .لألجر بوالية كولورادوهذا هو الملصق والنشرة اللغوية (العربية) التي تلخص الحقوق والمسئوليات المتعلقة بالإجازة المرضية مدفوعة الأجر، وللتعبير عن القلق بشأن انتهاكات قواعد الصحة أو السلامة الحكومية في مكان العمل، وأيضًا بشأن ارتداء معدات الحماية الشخصية في مكان العمل بموجب قانون كولورادو، بما في ذلك كيفية الإبلاغ عن الانتهاكات أو طرح الأسئلة المتعلقة بالامتثال.



Burmeseဤသည်မှာ ကော်လိုရာဒို အချိန်ပို အလုပ်လုပ်ခြင်းနှင့် အနည်းဆုံး လစာ စံနှုန်းများ အမိန့် ဥပဒေ အောက်ရှိ အခွင့်အရေးနှင့် တာဝန်များ၊ ပြစ်မှုများကို မည်သို့ အစီရင်ခံနည်း သို့မဟုတ် လိုက်နာမှု ဆိုင်ရာ မေးခွန်းများ မေးမြန်းနည်း တို့ကို အကျဉ်းချုပ် ဖော်ပြသည့် မြန်မာ ဘာသာစကား ပိုစတာနှင့် ဖြစ်သည်။

ဤသည်မှာ လစာပေး ဖျားနာခွင့်အတွက် အခွင့်အရေးနှင့် တာဝန်များ၊ ကျန်းမာရေး အရေးပေါ် ချိုးဖောက်မှုများကို သတင်းပို့ရန်နှင့် ချိုးဖောက်မှုများကို တိုင်ကြားနည်း သို့မဟုတ် လိုက်နာမှုဆိုင်ရာ မေးခွန်းများ မေးခြင်းအပါအဝင် ကော်လိုရာဒို ဥပဒေအောက်ရှိ အလုပ်ခွင်အတွင်း တစ်ကိုယ်ရေ ကာကွယ်ရေး ကိရိယာများ အကြောင်း အကျဉ်းချုပ် ဖော်ပြ ထားသော မြန်မာ ဘာသာစကား ပိုစတာနှင့် လက်ကမ်း စာစောင် ဖြစ်သည်။ 




នេះគឺជាបដា និងខិត្តបណ្ណជាភាសាខ្មែរដែលសង្ខេបអំពីសិទ្ធិ និងទំនួលខុសត្រូវ ក៏ដូចជារបៀបរាយការណ៍អំពីការបំពាន ឬសួរសំណួរអំពីអនុលោមភាព ក្រោមបទដ្ឋានស្ដង់ដារនៃការទូទាត់អប្បបរមា និងការងារបន្ថែមម៉ោងនៅរដ្ឋ Colorado។

នេះគឺជាបដា និងខិត្តបណ្ណជាភាសាខ្មែរដែលសង្ខេបអំពីសិទ្ធិ និងទំនួលខុសត្រូវចំពោះការឈប់សម្រាកដែលមានប្រាក់ឈ្មួលពេលមានជំងឺ ចំពោះការរាយការណ៍អំពីការបំពានពេលមានអាសន្នពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងសុខភាព និងចំពោះសម្ភារៈការពារខ្លួននៅកន្លែងធ្វើការក្រោមច្បាប់របស់រដ្ឋ Colorado រួមទាំងរបៀបរាយការណ៍អំពីការបំពាន ឬសួរសំណួរអំពីអនុលោមភាព។N/AN/A
Dariاین پوستر وهدایت زبان نپالی است که حقوق و مسئولیت ها را خالصه میکند، وچگونگی گزارش تخلفات یا پرسیدن سواالت انطباق تحت دستور اضافه کاری کلرادو.و حداقل استانداردهای پرداخت را بیان می کنداین پوستر و جزوه زبان فارسی/دریاست که حقوق و مسئولیت‌های مربوط به رخصتی با معاش را خلاصه می سازد، تا نگرانی در مورد نقض قوانین صحی و ایمنی دولتی در محل کار، و پوشیدن تجهیزات محفاظتی فردی در محل کار تحت قانون کولورادو، به شمول چگونگی گزارش دهی از نقض ویا پرسیدن سؤالات مطابقت را بیان کند.




C'est l'affiche et communiqué française qui resumé les droits et les résponsibilités, et comment signaler les violations ou en tant que questions de conformité, en vertu des Normes de Paie Minimum et des Heures Supplementaires dans le Colorado.

Voici l'affiche et le document en français qui résument les droits et les responsabilités en matière de congés de maladie payés, d'expression des préoccupations concernant les violations des règles gouvernementales de santé ou de sécurité sur le lieu de travail et de port d'équipements de protection individuelle au travail en vertu de la loi du Colorado, y compris la manière de signaler les violations ou de poser des questions liées à la conformité.




Iyi ni inyandiko yo mu Kinyarwanda isobanura mu ncamake uburenganzira n’inshingano, ndetse nuburyo bwo kumenyesha ababishinzwe mugihe hari amabwiriza atubahirijwe cyangwa mugihe hakenewe ubusobanuro burambuye ku mabwiriza. Hakurikijwe iteka rya Colorado rigenga imikorere mu masaha y’ikirenga ndetse n’imishahara fatizo.

Iki ni icyapa kiri mu rurimi rw'Ikinyarwanda hamwe n'agatabo gakubiyemo incamake y'uburenganzira n'inshingano zo kubura ku kazi kubera uburwayi, kugaragaza impungenge zo kurenga ku mabwiriza ya leta agenga ubuzima n'umutekano w'aho gukorera, ndetse no kwambara imyambaro y'ubwirinzi ku kazi nk'uko biteganywa n'itegeko rya Colorado, harimo uko watanga amakuru ku wabirenzeho cyangwa kubaza ibibazo bijyanye na byo.




यो नेपाली भाषाको पर्चा तथा पर्ची हो, जसले कोलोराडोको अतिरिक्त समयको काम (ओभरटाइम) तथा न्यूनतम तनखा मापदण्डसम्बन्धी आदेश (Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order) अन्तर्गत अधिकार तथा जिम्मेवारीहरू, र उल्लंघनहरूको उजुरी कसरी गर्ने र आज्ञापालनाका प्रश्नहरू कसरी सोध्ने भन्ने विषयको संक्षेपीकरण गरेको छ ।

यो नेपाली भाषाको पोस्टर र ह्यान्डआउट हो जसले उल्लङ्घनको रिपोर्ट कसरी गर्ने र अनुपालनका प्रश्नहरू कसरी सोध्ने लगायत तलबी बिदाका लागि, सरकारी स्वास्थ्य वा सुरक्षाका नियमहरूको कार्यस्थलको उल्लङ्घनको बारेमा चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्न र कोलोराडो कानून अन्तर्गत काम गर्दा व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षात्मक उपकरणहरू लगाउनका लागि अधिकार तथा जिम्मेवारीहरू सारांशकृत गर्दछ।




Yaán óiye dé Rohingya zuban ot elan adde leká zián é hók ókkol adde zimmadari ókkol, ar kanun khéláfi ókkol óre keén gorí repoth goré dé yáto kaanun manar mosáel keén gorí fusár goré dé hían óre khúlasá boyan goré, Colorado Abaráthaim adde Hommán Tolob or Man Ókkol ór Hókúm or tole.

Yián óilde Rohingya zuban or pusthar arde sábaiya habosfata zíyane tonhá ola biaram or cúthkilla hók arde zimma óll or húlasa toiyargoré, ham or zagat hókumot or sehét yáto héfazoti kaanun okkol muhaléfar babote sinta ezehargoré, arde Colorado or kaanun or matehát ot ham or zagat nizor héfazot or sáman okkol fiñdá, keéngorí muhaléfar repouth gora yáto rezamondir súal ókkol éçe cámil ase.



RussianЗдесь вы найдёте объявление и информационные материалы на русском языке с обзором прав и обязанностей, а также разъясняющие, как сообщать о нарушениях или задавать вопросы о соблюдении требований, согласно Постановлению о Размере Минимальной Заработный Платы и Нормы Сверхурочный Работы Штата Колорадо.Это - плакат и раздаточный материал на русском языке, в которых кратко излагаются права и обязанности в отношении оплачиваемого отпуска по болезни, выражения обеспокоенности по поводу нарушений государственных правил охраны труда и техники безопасности на рабочем месте и ношения средств индивидуальной защиты на работе в соответствии с законодательством штата Колорадо, в том числе о том, как сообщать о нарушениях или задавать вопросы о соблюдении.



Simplified Chinese






Kani waa boodhka luqadda Somali iyo qoraallo kooban oo soo koobaya xuquuqda iyo waajibaadka fasaxa jirada ee mushaharka leh, si loo muujiyo walaaca ku saabsan ku xadgudubka goobta shaqada ee xeerarka caafimaadka ama badbaadada dawladda, iyo xidhashada qalab ilaalin shaqsiyeed marka la eego sharciga Colorado, oo ay ku jiraan sida loo sameeyo ka warbixinta xadgudubyada ama weydii su'aalaha u hoggaansanaanta.

Boodhka Xuquuqda Caafimaadka Dadweynaha ee Goobta Shaqada ee Colorado: FASAXA MUSHAHARKA LEH, SIR SHAACINTA, & QALABKA ILAALINTA




Hili ni tangazo kwa lugha ya Kiswahili na maandishi yanayo weka kwa ufupi haki na majukumu na vile ya kuripoti ukiukaji ama vile kuuliza maswali kuhusu malipo kazini kama vile muda wa ziada na kiwango cha chini cha malipo

Hili ni bango na kitini cha Kiswahili ambacho kinatoa muhtasari wa haki na wajibu wa likizo ya ugonjwa yenye malipo, kuelezea wasiwasi kuhusu ukiukaji wa sheria za serikali za afya au usalama mahali pa kazi, na kuvaa vifaa vya kibinafsi vya kujikinga kazini chini ya sheria ya Colorado, ikiwa ni pamoja na jinsi ya kuripoti ukiukaji au kuuliza maswali ya namna ya kufuata utaratibu.




Đây là thông tin bằng tiếng Việt tóm tắt các quyền và trách nhiệm cũng như cách báo cáo vi phạm hoặc đặt câu hỏi về việc tuân thủ, theo Lệnh tiêu chuẩn trả lương tối thiểu và làm thêm giờ của Colorado.

Đây là áp phích và tài liệu phát tay bằng ngôn ngữ tiếng việt tóm tắt các quyền và trách nhiệm đối với chế độ nghỉ ốm có lương, để bày tỏ lo ngại về việc vi phạm các quy tắc an toàn hoặc sức khỏe của chính phủ tại nơi làm việc và việc đeo thiết bị bảo hộ cá nhân tại nơi làm việc theo luật Colorado, bao gồm cả cách báo cáo vi phạm hoặc đặt câu hỏi về tuân thủ.



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