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Call for 2024 Summer Interns

Feb 06 2024
We have multiple summer intern positions for 3D generative models, transformers, medical image analysis, vision+language, embodied AI, etc. See the details here.

Six papers accepted by ICCV 2023

Jul 25 2023
We have six papers accepted by ICCV 2023! Congratulations to everybody whose papers were accepted! The full publication list will be updated here.

Eight papers accepted by CVPR 2023

Feb 28 2023
We have eight papers accepted by CVPR 2023! Congratulations to everybody whose papers were accepted! The full publication list will be updated here.

Zongwei received the AMIA 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award

Sep 13 2022
Our postdoc, Dr. Zongwei Zhou, is selected as First Prize in the AMIA 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition for his excellent Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations to Zongwei on this excellent work and this recognition in a...

Urgent Call for Postdocs

Aug 16 2022
Postdoctoral position at the CCVL research group at Johns Hopkins University The goals of CCVL (Computational Cognition Vision and Learning) are to develop mathematical and computational AI models of vision and its relations to other...

10 papers accepted by ECCV 2022

Jul 11 2022
We have 10 papers provisionally accepted by ECCV 2022! Congratulations to everybody whose papers were provisionally accepted! The full publication list will be updated here.

12 papers accepted by CVPR 2022

Mar 01 2022
We have 12 papers accepted by CVPR 2022! Congratulations and thanks everybody for working so hard. The full publication list has been updated here.

Congratulations to Our Graduated Students!

Dec 01 2021
In the last month, THREE CCVL members have succesfully defensed their dissertations. They are: Name   Date   Professional Plans   Thesis Qing Liu   11/02/2021   Adobe Research, Research Engineer   Object Recognition and Parsing with Weak Supervision Yingda Xia...

3 papers accepted by MICCAI 2021, 2 papers accepted by CogSci 2021

Jun 24 2021
Recently, we have 3 papers accepted by MICCAI 2021, 2 papers accepted by CogSci 2021. Congratulations to all! Full publication list can be accessed here.

DeepLab2 Released!

Jun 21 2021
DeepLab2 is a TensorFlow library for deep labeling, aiming to provide a unified and state-of-the-art TensorFlow codebase for dense pixel labeling tasks, including, but not limited to semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, panoptic segmentation, depth estimation,...

Congratulations to Our Graduated Students!

Jun 10 2021
In the past year, SEVEN CCVL members have succesfully defensed their dissertations. They are: Name   Date   Professional Plans   Thesis Chenxi Liu   06/16/2020   Waymo, Research Scientist   On the Automation and Diagnosis of Visual Intelligence Zhishuai Zhang...

Farewell to Dr. Wei Shen and Dr. Yan Wang

Feb 10 2021
Recently, two senior members have left CCVL. They are: Dr. Wei Shen, previous CCVL faculty member, now is an Associate Professor in Artificial Intelligence Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Dr. Yan Wang, previous CCVL Postdoc...

ICLR 2021 Workshop on Security and Safety in Machine Learning Systems

Jan 09 2021
While machine learning (ML) models have achieved great success in many applications, concerns have been raised about their potential vulnerabilities and risks when applied to safety-critical applications. On the one hand, from the security perspective,...

ECCV 2020 Workshop on Adversarial Robustness in the Real World

Jun 25 2020
Computer vision systems nowadays have advanced performance but research in adversarial machine learning also shows that they are not as robust as the human vision system. The existence of real-world adversarial examples, created under scenarios...

3 papers accepted to AAAI, 2 papers accepted to ICLR, 10 papers accepted to CVPR

Feb 22 2020
Recently, we have 3 papers accepted to AAAI 2020, 2 papers accepted to ICLR 2020, 10 papers accepted to CVPR 2020! Full publication list can be accessed here.

CVPR 2020 Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning in Computer Vision

Feb 16 2020
Although computer vision models have achieved advanced performance on various recognition tasks in recent years, they are known to be vulnerable against adversarial examples. The existence of adversarial examples reveals that current computer vision models...

Cihang Xie Named 2020 Facebook Fellow

Jan 28 2020
Congratulations to Cihang Xie, a PhD student in our lab, who is named 2020 Facebook Fellow!

Summary of 2019 - research papers

Oct 10 2019
In 2019, our group published 36 conference papers, 7 journal papers and 2 book chapters. Here is a summary. Full publication list can be accessed here. Conference papers Conference Paper accepted AAAI 2 CogSci 2...

Chenxi Liu Named 2019 Google AI Fellow

Sep 10 2019
Chenxi Liu, a PhD student in our lab is among 54 students selected as 2019 Google AI Fellows. Ten years ago, Google created the PhD Fellowship Program to recognize and support outstanding graduate students who...

Welcome Message to New PhD Students! (Fall 2019)

Aug 31 2019
Zihao Xiao, Chenglin Yang, Yutong Bai, Angtian Wang and Chen Wei just joined our lab in Fall 2019 as PhD students. Welcome! What to know more about our team? Click here.

1st JHU Computer Vision Workshop

Apr 05 2019
1st JHU Computer Vision Workshop by Vision Professors - Drs. Alan Yuille, Vishal Patel, Rene Vidal, Gregory Hager Event Timing: Friday April 5, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Event Address: Salon C at...

PASCAL in Detail Workshop Challenge at CVPR 2017

Mar 01 2017
The last decade has seen enormous improvement for tasks such as object detection due to the creation of large annotated datasets which enable learning and benchmarking object detection algorithms. The goal of this workshop challenge...