Chapter One: The Face at The Window
by laura | Nov 7, 2011 | Amazing Grace
I am awake and I am cold. In the first few moments of awareness, this is all I know. Waves of shudders pass through me, and in a single spasm of deep shock, I open my eyes. I don’t know where I am or who I am. The surroundings are unfamiliar and something is...Chapter Two: The Lost Boys and Girls
by laura | Nov 8, 2011 | Amazing Grace
Families are somewhat like planetary systems. In a certain terrain and atmosphere, the members develop and evolve based on the resources available. It seems to me, after all these years, that it’s impossible to understand the deep inner nature of anyone without...Chapter Three: Another Window Opens on Strange Connections
by laura | Nov 9, 2011 | Amazing Grace
Now I wonder if this mysterious event in Orlando that my Grandmother would not even talk about on her deathbed drove Mother to take up with a new protector. As soon as Cecil entered our lives, we moved. First to a different house in Orlando, and very soon after to...Chapter Four: Dead Babies and Iron Skillets
by laura | Nov 9, 2011 | Amazing Grace
Grandpa decided to arrange for Tom and me to stay with Aunt and Uncle, my mother’s brother and his wife, in Sarasota. In this way, Mother could keep working on legal problems and we would be “safe”. My aunt put us back in school, I contracted...Chapter Five: Jane Eyre Redux
by laura | Nov 9, 2011 | Amazing Grace
Mother’s new religious zeal was fine with me. I loved Sunday school, the stories the teacher told with illustrations on the felt board, and singing, and just the whole feeling. I was reading the Bible (in bits and pieces), and God was taking care of us now for...- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Grace – Acknowledgements and Introduction
- Chapter One: The Face at The Window
- Chapter Two: The Lost Boys and Girls
- Chapter Three: Another Window Opens on Strange Connections
- Chapter Four: Dead Babies and Iron Skillets
- Chapter Five: Jane Eyre Redux
- Chapter Six: Violets and Bulls in the Graveyard
- Chapter Seven: Trapezes and Dog Days
- Chapter Eight: The Farm
- Chapter Nine: The Stand Off
- Chapter Ten: Shrinks and Rebels or Being Fifteen is an Awkward State
- Chapter Eleven: Graveyards, Psychopaths, Psychics, and Meetings on the Bridge
- Chapter Twelve: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Chapter Thirteen: Oysters on the Half Shell
- Chapter Fourteen: Pearls in the Oyster
- Chapter Fifteen: Blitzkrieg
- Chapter Sixteen: Dances with Sunlight
- Chapter Seventeen: Mirror! Mirror! On the Wall…
- Chapter Eighteen: The Wolf and the Dove
- Chapter Nineteen: The World’s Most Beautiful Baby
- Chapter Twenty: Minks and Turkey Basters
- Chapter Twenty-one: Parties, Mosquitoes, Hives, Hypnosis and Fishing Boats
- Chapter Twenty-two: The Devil in the Details
- Chapter Twenty-three: In The Forest
- Chapter Twenty-four: The Poisoned Apple
- Chapter Twenty-five: The Boat Ride to Damascus
- Chapter Twenty-six: Another Face at the Window
- Chapter Twenty-seven: The Noah Syndrome or The Lost Love
- Chapter Twenty-eight: The Ark in Montana
- Chapter Twenty-nine: The Dream
- Chapter Thirty: A Knight in Armor
- Chapter Thirty-one: The Cleft in the Rock
- Chapter Thirty-two: Moving to Montana
- Chapter Thirty-three: Synchronicity City
- Chapter Thirty-four: That’s Hollywood!
- Chapter Thirty-five: The Crane Dance
- Chapter Thirty-six: Hailing the Universe
- Chapter Thirty-seven: Missing Child, Missing Time
- Chapter Thirty-eight: Flying Black Boomerangs
- Chapter Thirty-nine: Flying Black Boomerangs Redux
- Chapter Forty: Aliens, Demons and Vampires
- Chapter Forty-one: Aunt Clara
- Chapter Forty-two: Green Slime
- Chapter Forty-three: Hungry Aliens, Stinky Demons, and the Return of Keith
- Chapter Forty-four: Comets and Cassiopaeans
- Comets and Catastrophes
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Letters From the Edge
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline
- Cosmic COINTELPRO Timeline – Introduction
- 1700
- 1806
- 1832
- 1860
- 1889
- 1893
- 1897
- 1898
- 1900
- 1901
- 1903
- 1904
- 1905
- 1906
- 1907
- 1908
- 1909
- 1910
- 1911
- 1912
- 1913
- 1914
- 1915
- 1916
- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- 1921
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1928
- 1929
- 1930
- 1931
- 1932
- 1933
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- 1938
- 1939
- 1940
- 1941
- 1942
- 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- John F. Kennedy
- JFK: The Debris of History
- The Gladiator: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- The Bushes and the Lost King
- Sim City and John F. Kennedy
- John F. Kennedy and All Those “isms”
- John F. Kennedy, J. Edgar Hoover, Organized Crime and the Global Village
- John F. Kennedy and the Psychopathology of Politics
- John F. Kennedy and the Pigs of War
- John F. Kennedy and the Titans
- John F. Kennedy, Oil, and the War on Terror
- John F. Kennedy, The Secret Service and Rich, Fascist Texans
- John F. Kennedy and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Jupiter Nostradamus Edgar Cayce and the Return of the Mongols
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 1
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 2
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 3
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 4
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 5
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 6
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 7
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 8
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 9
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 10
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 11
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 12
- Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 13
- The Cassiopaean "Hit" List
- The Cs Hit List 02: Space and Weather Science Gone Wild
- The Cs Hit List 01: Prophecy, Prediction, and Portents of Things to Come
- The Cs Hit List 03: History Is Bunk
- The Cs Hit List 04: Nature, Nurture, and My Monkey Genes
- The Cs Hit List 05: Dr. Greenbaum and the Manchurian Candidates
- The Cs Hit List 06: Let’s Do the Planetary Twist to the Tune of the Brothers Heliopolis
- The Cs Hit List 07: Sun Star Companion, Singing Stones and Smoking Visions
- The Cs Hit List 08: Of Oracles and Conspiracies: TWA 800, 9/11, H1N1, and VISA
- The Cs Hit List 09: DNA, Rational Design and the Origins of Life
- The Grail Quest and the Destiny of Man
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man I
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part II: The Terror of History
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part III: Time
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part III-Time, cont.
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part III-2: Time, cont.
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part IV: Machiavelli and the ETs
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part V: The Chalice and the Blade
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VI: A View of History from Us in the Future
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VII: The Nordic Covenant and the Coral Castle
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part VIII: Oak Island and the Shepherds of Arcadia
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part IX: Alchemy and St. Germain
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part X: The Fulcanelli Phenomenon
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XI: Rennes-le-chateau and the Accursed Treasure
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XII: The Priory of Sion
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XIII: Visa to Magonia
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XIV: The Shepherds of Arcadia Reprise
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XV: Jesus: The Man and the Myth
- The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part XVI: The Crucifixion: The Big Lie
- The Wave Volume 1
- The Wave Chapter 1: Riding The Wave
- The Wave Chapter 2: Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences
- The Wave Chapter 3: Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz or, “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!”
- The Wave Chapter 4: The Cassiopaeans Get Taken Out of the Closet and Go for a “Test Drive”
- The Wave Chapter 5: Perpendicular Realities, Tesseracts, and Other Odd Phenomena
- The Wave Chapter 6: Animal Psychology or That which was A, will be A. That which was not-A, will be not-A. Everything was and will be either A or not-A.
- The Wave Chapter 7: Balloons, Anti-balloons and Fireworks or Laura Falls Into the Pit and Ark Comes to the Rescue
- The Wave Chapter 8: Everywhere You Look, There Is the Face of God
- The Wave Chapter 9: The Beast of Gévaudan, Spring-Heeled Jack, Mothman, And Other Dimensional Window Fallers
- The Wave Volume 2
- The Wave Chapter 12: All There Is Is Lessons
- The Wave Chapter 10: The Truth Is Out There, But Trust No One!
- The Wave Chapter 11: Roses Grow Best In Manure
- The Wave Chapter 13: All There Is Is Lessons (Some Further Remarks)
- The Wave Chapter 14: All There Is Is Lessons, or Candy Will Ruin Your Teeth
- The Wave Chapter 15: All There Is Is Lessons, or He Hideth My Soul in the Cleft of the Rock
- The Wave Chapter 16: All There Is Is Lessons, or Laura Finds Reiki and Ends Up in the Soup… Pea Soup, That Is
- The Wave Chapter 17: All There Is Is Lessons, or Wandering Around in Third Density Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
- The Wave Chapter 18: All There Is Is Lessons, or A Trip to “Alligator Alley”
- The Wave Chapter 19: All There Is Is Lessons, or Dr. Greenbaum and the Soul Hackers
- The Wave Volume 3
- The Wave Chapter 20: Black Lightning Strikes… or Marjoe Gortner Meets Ted Patrick
- The Wave Chapter 21: Roswell Revisited or Shades of the X-Files
- The Wave Chapter 22: The Nexus Seven Meet the Cassiopaeans
- The Wave Chapter 23: Lucifer and the Pot of Gold or The Quest for the Holy Grail of No Anticipation
- The Wave Chapter 24: The Bacchantes Meet Apollo At Stonehenge And Play The Third Man Theme
- The Wave Chapter 25: A Walk In Nature Among The Names of God Where We Have An Interview With the Vampire And Discover a Cosmic Egg
- The Wave Chapter 26: The Tree of Life
- The Wave Chapter 27: Stripped to the Bone The Shamanic Initiation Of The Knighted Ones: Technicians of Ecstasy
- The Wave Volume 4
- The Wave Chapter 28: Technicians of Ecstasy: The Shamanic Initiation Of The Knighted Ones Part 1
- The Wave Chapter 28: Technicians of Ecstasy: The Shamanic Initiation Of The Knighted Ones Part 2
- The Wave Chapter 29: The 3-5 Code: The Journey From Jerusalem To Oak Island Via the Pyrenees
- The Wave Chapter 30: Grape Wine In a Mason Jar: Jesus, Di and Dodi Take Off From the Denver Airport In Winter to Rain Contrails Upon Our Heads
- The Wave Chapter 31: The Priory of Sion and The Shepherds of Arcadia
- The Wave: Chapter 32 Torah, Kaballah, And When I Dream…
- The Wave Volume 5/6
- The Wave Chapter 33: Introduction
- The Wave Chapter 34: The Channel
- The Wave Chapter 35: A Strange Interlude
- The Wave Chapter 36: A Vile Superstition
- The Wave Chapter 37: Critical Channeling
- The Wave Chapter 38: The Feminine Vampire
- The Wave Chapter 39: The Court of Seven
- The Wave Chapter 40: Secret Agents From Alpha 1
- The Wave Chapter 41: The Realm of Archetypes
- The Wave Chapter 42: The Tradition
- The Wave Chapter 43: The Head of Bran
- The Wave Chapter 44: The Crane Dance
- The Wave Chapter 45: The Gulf Breeze
- The Wave Chapter 46: The Theological Reality
- The Wave Chapter 47: Semiotics and The Content Plane
- The Wave Chapter 48: The Juvenile Dictionary
- The Wave Chapter 49: Frequency Resonance Vibration
- The Wave Chapter 50: Shifts in the Matrix
- The Wave Chapter 51: The Psychomantium
- The Wave Chapter 52: The Cryptogeographic Being
- The Wave Chapter 53: Strange Birds
- The Wave Chapter 54: Glimpses of Other Realities
- The Wave Chapter 55: Albert Einstein, Free Energy and the Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- The Wave Chapter 56 : Intolerance, Cruelty, and the Economics of Intelligence
- The Wave Volume 7
- The Wave Chapter 57: It’s Just Economics
- The Wave Chapter 58: Alien Reaction Machines
- The Wave Chapter 59: An Encounter with the Unicorn
- The Wave Chapter 60: The Unicorn’s Closet
- The Wave Chapter 61: Ira’s Inner Cesspool
- The Wave Chapter 62: Secret Games at Princeton
- The Wave Chapter 63: Murdering the Feminine
- The Wave Volume 8
- The Wave Chapter 64: Crossing the Threshold
- The Wave Chapter 65: The Way of the Fool
- The Wave Chapter 66: The Zelator
- The Wave Chapter 67: Food for the Moon and the Burning House
- The Wave Chapter 68: As Above, So Below
- The Wave Chapter 69: The Whirlpool of Charybdis, the Sirens and the Navigator
- The Wave Chapter 70: You Take the High Road and I’ll Take the Low Road and I’ll Be in Scotland Afore Ye!
- The Wave Chapter 71: If I Speak in the Tongues of Men and Angels or, Jaguars: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Love and Complex Systems
- The Wave Chapter 72: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Love and Complex Systems: Debugging the Universe
- Truth or Lies
- Who Wrote The Bible
- Answers to Questions From Readers
- Dreams and Disinformation
- Angels and Prayer
- Contrails or Chemtrails?
- Crystals, Shems, 4D Takeover and Music
- Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?
- EgyptAir Flight 990, Sacred Geometry, Y2K, Origins of the Tarot, Schools of Ascension and other Disinformation
- Enlightenment and Ascension
- Evolution of Souls
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density
- Laura Answers Questions from Readers: Cassiopaea in Russia
- Oneness With God?
- Questions About Ascension
- Spiritual Contracts, Chemtrails and Excerpts on Prayer
- The Cassiopaeans and Ra
- The Great Cycle of Life
- Transient Passengers
- Audio Files
- Book Reviews
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Sophie’s Choice
- Stan Gooch’s “Cities of Dreams”
- The Case For The UFO
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The Whirling Dervishes
- Catastrophism
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- All For One and One For All
- Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comet Elenin Update!
- Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What?
- Cometary Showers, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Disclosure and Comets
- Earthquake Axis Shift – Is the West Coast of the U.S. Next?
- Fallout Around the Breakfast Table
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Independence Day
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Letters From the Edge
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- On Radiometric Dating
- The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The Hope
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- Commentary
- A Survey of Channeling
- Abortion, Psychopaths and Mother Love
- Abovetopsecret: Ethics and Google Bombs
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- All For One and One For All
- America: Who Is Responsible?
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- Amir Peretz and The Faith Based School of Politics
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Anti-semitism, British Academia and the Israel Lobby
- Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction
- Big Lies, Small Lies, Brazen Lies
- Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- Burton Mack and 9-11
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Condoleezza Pregnant: Giving Birth to Monster
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Crocodile Condi vs Baby Babs Boxer
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Did Nostradamus Predict 9-11 and WWIII?
- Eíriú-Eolas Breathing and Meditation Program
- Enochian Aliens? Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?
- Fallout Around the Breakfast Table
- Four and a Half Years
- Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic
- Happy New World
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 1
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Indecent Haste… Hypocrisy, Saddam and Stoning Satan
- Independence Day
- Internet Free Speech Under Threat! Eric Pepin – Higher Balance Institute Sue QFG for 4.47 Million Over SOTT Forum Comments!
- Is Cassiopaea a Cult, or under attack by COINTELPRO AGENTS?
- Is Mel Gibson a modern day Suetonius?
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Karl Rove’s Rewriting of History is Nothing New – Hopefully, there will be another Procopius to Write About the Neocons
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!
- Laura Knight-Jadczyk Interview on BBC Radio
- Let The Games Begin
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Living in Truth
- Making Sense of Political Complexity
- Disclaimer
- My Mother Will Never Dance Again…
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- Official Culture in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?
- On Radiometric Dating
- Order out of Chaos
- Organic Portals Part 1
- Organic Portals Part 2
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Paul Craig Roberts sez “We Are All Prisoners Now”
- Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans
- Post-Election Reality Check
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Reader’s Comments on “Adventures with Cassiopaeans”
- Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- Science and Religion
- Signs of the Times Attacked by Psy-ops!
- Smokescreens, Snowjobs and Long Knives
- Sophie’s Choice
- SOTT-Cassiopaea: Anti-Cult, Anti-Defamation and Psychopath Free Zone
- Stan Gooch’s “Cities of Dreams”
- Stupid Is as Stupid Does
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War
- Terrorism and the Three Sillies
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Body Snatchers
- The Case For The UFO
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Crossroads
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Man Behind the Curtain – Operation Pincer Memorandum
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Most Dangerous Idea in the World
- Conspiracy
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Albert Einstein, Free Energy and The Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- Anti-semitism, British Academia and the Israel Lobby
- Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Spam: “We are contacting you for a mutually beneficial transaction…”
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Indecent Haste… Hypocrisy, Saddam and Stoning Satan
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!
- Let The Games Begin
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Mass Mind Control
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- Signs of the Times Attacked by Psy-ops!
- The Case For The UFO
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Fifth Column
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Inquisition and the Origins of Fascism and Mind Control
- The Most Dangerous Idea in the World
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- Transmarginal Inhibition
- Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11
- Underwater and Undgerground Bases: SOTT Interview with Richard Sauder
- V is for Vendetta, COINTELPRO and the Alternative Media
- Will the REAL “Dr. Grant Gartrel(l)” please stand up?
- William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment
- Word Control = Thought Control = World Control
- Dossier 9-11 and After
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Did Nostradamus Predict 9-11 and WWIII?
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Independence Day
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Mass Mind Control
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Fifth Column
- The Global Game of Survivor: America’s Next Four Years
- The Mossad Happy Dance
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11
- WAR?
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- World Trade Center Terrorist Attack: Those who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It
- Earth Changes
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- All For One and One For All
- Binary Stars: Does our Sun have a Dark Companion?
- Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comet Elenin Update!
- Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What?
- Cometary Showers, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Earthquake Axis Shift – Is the West Coast of the U.S. Next?
- Fallout Around the Breakfast Table
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 1
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Independence Day
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Letters From the Edge
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- To Bee or not to Be
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- Esotericism
- A Survey of Channeling
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- All For One and One For All
- Big Lies, Small Lies, Brazen Lies
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 1
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 2 – The World Inside the Devil
- Enochian Aliens? Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?
- Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- Gnosticism and the Christian Myth
- Happy New World
- Is Mel Gibson a modern day Suetonius?
- Living in Truth
- Order out of Chaos
- Questions About Ascension
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- Shocks and Signs of The Times
- Stalking or Precis on The Good and The Evil
- Supernovae: Vehicle of Ascension?
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Cult of the Plausible Lie
- The Floyd Void or, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and assorted Prophetic Considerations
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code
- The Way Out is the Way In
- The Whirling Dervishes
- Transient Passengers
- Truth, Lies, Reality
- Where Troy Once Stood: The Mystery of Homer’s Iliad & Odyssey Revealed
- Why You Don’t Create Your Own Reality – an antidote to fatuous New Age paradigms
- History
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- Albert Einstein, Free Energy and The Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- All For One and One For All
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Big Lies, Small Lies, Brazen Lies
- Born from the Ashes and Blood Part 1
- Born from the Ashes and Blood Part 2
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Cosquer – The Cave Beneath the Sea
- Did Nostradamus Predict 9-11 and WWIII?
- Disclosure and Comets
- Enochian Aliens? Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic
- Gnosticism and the Christian Myth
- Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Independence Day
- Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism
- Karl Rove’s Rewriting of History is Nothing New – Hopefully, there will be another Procopius to Write About the Neocons
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Mass Mind Control
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- My Mother Will Never Dance Again…
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- On Radiometric Dating
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Science and Religion
- St Malachy and The Toil of the Sun
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War
- Terrorism and the Three Sillies
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Body Snatchers
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Crossroads
- The Cult of the Plausible Lie
- The Fifth Column
- The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale
- The Global Game of Survivor: America’s Next Four Years
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The Hope
- The Inquisition and the Origins of Fascism and Mind Control
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Mystic vs. Hitler
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- The Politics of History
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code
- The Way Out is the Way In
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- War Crimes and Conscience
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Where Troy Once Stood: The Mystery of Homer’s Iliad & Odyssey Revealed
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- World Trade Center Terrorist Attack: Those who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It
- Knowledge and Being
- Swerdlow Controlled via Satellite? or “reductio ad absurdum”
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Cosmic Spam: “We are contacting you for a mutually beneficial transaction…”
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 1
- Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 2 – The World Inside the Devil
- Flight 990, Mars Probe, Contrails and Weather Anomalies, Montaukees, Ong’s Hat, Philip K. Dick, and other Curiosities
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 1
- Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted? Part 2
- Internet Free Speech Under Threat! Eric Pepin – Higher Balance Institute Sue QFG for 4.47 Million Over SOTT Forum Comments!
- Is Cassiopaea a Cult, or under attack by COINTELPRO AGENTS?
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Letters From the Edge
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Picknett and Prince on the Cassiopaeans
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2
- SOTT-Cassiopaea: Anti-Cult, Anti-Defamation and Psychopath Free Zone
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- Why You Don’t Create Your Own Reality – an antidote to fatuous New Age paradigms
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- NWO & Global Elite
- 666 – The Mark of the Beast?
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
-, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon’s Flying Fish.
- Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy
- Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- America: Who Is Responsible?
- America’s Nervous Breakdown
- Amir Peretz and The Faith Based School of Politics
- Anti-semitism, British Academia and the Israel Lobby
- Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction
- Born from the Ashes and Blood Part 1
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- Chaos and Consent: Working Towards the Fuhrer
- Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Comments on the Pentagon Strike
- Condoleezza Pregnant: Giving Birth to Monster
- Crocodile Condi vs Baby Babs Boxer
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- From Where I Sit: Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
- George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor
- How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
- Indecent Haste… Hypocrisy, Saddam and Stoning Satan
- Is the World Coming to an End? Not necessarily – but the future doesn’t look bright!
- Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11
- Making Sense of Political Complexity
- Mass Mind Control
- MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?
- My Mother Will Never Dance Again…
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- Order out of Chaos
- Paris Under the Nazis – New York Under the Neocons – The Darker Context
- Paul Craig Roberts sez “We Are All Prisoners Now”
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Post-Election Reality Check
- Protocols of the Pathocrats
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad?
- Smokescreens, Snowjobs and Long Knives
- Stupid Is as Stupid Does
- Terrorism and the Three Sillies
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Body Snatchers
- The Denver Airport Material
- The Denver Airport Material Image Catalog
- The Fifth Column
- The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect – A Christmas Essay
- The Global Game of Survivor: America’s Next Four Years
- The Greenbaum Speech
- The Inquisition and the Origins of Fascism and Mind Control
- The Man Behind the Curtain – Operation Pincer Memorandum
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Mystic vs. Hitler
- The New Pearl Harbor Who Benefits?
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The Voice of Reason During Millennial Madness
- The Way Out is the Way In
- Transmarginal Inhibition
- Underwater and Undgerground Bases: SOTT Interview with Richard Sauder
- V is for Vendetta, COINTELPRO and the Alternative Media
- War Crimes and Conscience
- Will the REAL “Dr. Grant Gartrel(l)” please stand up?
- Will the World End on Thursday?
- William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment
- Word Control = Thought Control = World Control
- World Trade Center Terrorist Attack: Those who Do Not Learn From History Are Doomed to Repeat It
- Our Haunted Planet
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Crop Circles Catalog
- EgyptAir Flight 990, Sacred Geometry, Y2K, Origins of the Tarot, Schools of Ascension and other Disinformation
- Flying Black Boomerangs and Clapham Wood
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Monsters: Chicken Man, Demons, and Ica Skulls
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings…
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- The Case For The UFO
- The Chilbolton Crop Circle and The Cassiopaeans on Crop Circles
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The High Strangeness of Dimensions, and the Process of Alien Abduction
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Psychopathy Studies
- A basic hypothesis of Psychopathy: Excerpts From The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition
- A Structural Theory of Narcissism and Psychopathy
- Discussion of Psychopathy Traits: Excerpts From The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition
- Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation
- How Psychopaths View Their World
- Official Culture in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Psychopath vs. Antisocial Personality Disorder and Sociopathy
- Psychopaths in Sheep’s Clothing: An Excerpt from the book In Sheep’s Clothing By George K. Simon
- The Cult of the Plausible Lie
- The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath
- The Psychopath – The Mask of Sanity
- The Psychopath as Physician: Excerpt from The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley, M.D.
- The Psychopath In History: Excerpts From “The Mask of Sanity” by Hervey M. Cleckley
- The Trick of the Psychopath’s Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others
- What Is a Psychopath?
- Religion
- 666 – The Mark of the Beast?
- Ancient Israel, Religious Delusions and Growing Up
- Burton Mack and 9-11
- Christianity or Machiavelli and The ETs
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 1
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 2
- Darkness Over Tibet – Part 3
- Gnosticism and the Christian Myth
- Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism
- Karl Rove’s Rewriting of History is Nothing New – Hopefully, there will be another Procopius to Write About the Neocons
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- Order out of Chaos
- Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 1
- Science and Religion
- St Malachy and The Toil of the Sun
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War
- The Beast of Revelation and His Empire
- The Companions Devoted to Liberty
- The Fifth Column
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Hope
- The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins by Burton L. Mack
- The Most Dangerous Cult in The World
- The Politics of History
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code
- The Whirling Dervishes
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- Witches, Comets, and Planetary Cataclysms
- Science
- 94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
- A Structural Theory of Narcissism and Psychopathy
- Albert Einstein, Free Energy and The Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov
- Aliens Don’t Like to Eat People That Smoke!
- Chemical Hallucinations, Mind Control, and Dr. Jose Delgado
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow
- Comet Elenin Update!
- Comet Elenin: Harbinger of What?
- Cometary Showers, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Critical Notes on Val Valerian
- Diet and Health Questions and Can Smoking be Good for You?
- Disclosure and Comets
- Earthquake Axis Shift – Is the West Coast of the U.S. Next?
- Eíriú-Eolas Breathing and Meditation Program
- Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn’t Impact the Pentagon on 9/11- and Neither Did a Boeing 757
- Fire And Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
- Forget About Global Warming: We’re One Step From Extinction!
- Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 1
- From the Fire Comes Light Part 2
- HAARP and The Canary in the Mine
- Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space and Time
- Independence Day
- Laura Knight-Jadczyk Interview on BBC Radio
- Let’s All Light Up!
- Majesterium and the Tipping Point
- Meteor Clue To End of Middle East Civilisations Found
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
- On Radiometric Dating
- Order out of Chaos
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes
- Science and Religion
- St Malachy and The Toil of the Sun
- Supernovae: Vehicle of Ascension?
- Supplement to the St. Pete Times Article: “The Exorcist in Love”
- The Case For The UFO
- The Destruction of the 911 Truth Movement
- The Fifth Column
- The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- The Greenbaum Speech
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- The High Strangeness of Dimensions, and the Process of Alien Abduction
- The Hope
- The Most Dangerous Idea in the World
- The Nature of Punctuational Crises and the Spenglerian Model of Civilization
- The Psychopath – The Mask of Sanity
- The Younger Dryas Impact Event and the Cycles of Cosmic Catastrophes – Climate Scientists Awakening
- To Bee or not to Be
- Transmarginal Inhibition
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms
- The UFO Phenomenon
- Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire
- Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
- Companion Stars and Cometary Showers: Doomsday?
- Cosmic Spam: “We are contacting you for a mutually beneficial transaction…”
- Disclosure and Comets
- Flying Black Boomerangs and Clapham Wood
- Let The Games Begin
- Mysterious Smoke Rings or When is a Cloud not a Cloud?
- Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State” – Something Wicked This Way Comes
- The Case For The UFO
- The Haunted Universe by D. Scott Rogo
- The High Strangeness of Dimensions, and the Process of Alien Abduction
- The Stargate Conspiracy
- Ultra-terrestrials and 9/11
- William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment