With fewer regulations and environmental protections, Canadians can expect more pollution, invasive species and aquatic degradation in the Great Lakes and other water bodies, Gail Krantzberg says.
Canada & the World
After decades of integrated North American automotive supply chain operation, Canadian auto production —and employment — faces a bleak future, Mordue warns.
Canada & the World
Canada needs to ensure it remains useful to the U.S. and market itself effectively, Will Huggins says, because steep tariffs are likely to set off a cycle of unemployment and hardship.
Canada & the World
Political scientist Andrea Lawlor explains the effects of Donald Trump’s tariff talk on the next federal election, Trudeau’s legacy and how Canadians’ perception of the U.S. is changing.
Environment & Sustainability
High levels of microplastic particles require coordinated regional monitoring and further research, the International Joint Commission’s Science Advisory Board reports.
Canada & the World
With half of Canada’s $15 billion steel production being exported to the U.S., newly announced tariffs will make a significant dent in the industry, warns the director of the McMaster Steel Research Centre.
Health & Medicine
The Hamilton Regional Biospecimen Services program will create a single system for collecting, storing, analyzing and sharing biological samples for research between McMaster University, Hamilton Health Sciences and St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton.
Health & Medicine
The Hamilton Regional Biospecimen Services program will create a single system for collecting, storing, analyzing and sharing biological samples for research between McMaster University, Hamilton Health Sciences and St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton.
Health & Medicine
The groundbreaking discovery provides an explanation for spontaneous and unusual blood clotting that continues to occur despite treatment with full-dose blood thinners.
Health & Medicine
CBD or oral cannabis use in pregnancy is associated with impaired fetal growth and changes in the placenta, and affects aggression, activity levels and learning ability in the offspring, McMaster researchers find.
Science & Technology
Using smart packaging that monitors food quality in real time can address food insecurity and spoilage, as well as the resulting economic and environmental damage, writes Tohid Didar.
Canada & the World
More than ever, we need citizens who have learned to think for themselves and developed the capacity to critically assess the complex challenges in the world, writes Johannes Steizinger.
Science & Technology
There are an estimated 200 billion trillion stars in our observable universe — chances are, there’s life out there somewhere, writes Maikel Rheinstadter.
Canada & the World
Political scientist Andrea Lawlor explains the effects of Donald Trump’s tariff talk on the next federal election, Trudeau’s legacy and how Canadians’ perception of the U.S. is changing.
Canada & the World
With half of Canada’s $15 billion steel production being exported to the U.S., newly announced tariffs will make a significant dent in the industry, warns the director of the McMaster Steel Research Centre.
Canada & the World
Canada needs to ensure it remains useful to the U.S. and market itself effectively, Will Huggins says, because steep tariffs are likely to set off a cycle of unemployment and hardship.
Environment & Sustainability
With fewer regulations and environmental protections, Canadians can expect more pollution, invasive species and aquatic degradation in the Great Lakes and other water bodies, Gail Krantzberg says.
Environment & Sustainability
High levels of microplastic particles require coordinated regional monitoring and further research, the International Joint Commission’s Science Advisory Board reports.
Environment & Sustainability
The group, led by Paulin Coulibaly, will develop guidelines for integrating climate data in electricity system planning and design to mitigate climate change risks.
Culture & Society
As the cultural and economic environment shapes opportunities and measures women's success by their looks, young women are increasingly turning to intensive and costly beauty procedures, writes Jordan Foster.
Culture & Society
Screenings of a narrative film co-created with community members and embedded with education on parenting led to a significant reduction in violence against children among displaced families in Thailand.
Culture & Society
Racial trauma caused by generations of dehumanization, subjugation and present-day discrimination has profound and lasting effects on Black people’s spiritual, emotional, mental, psychological and physical well-being, writes Ingrid Waldron.
Business & the Economy
Economist Pau Pujolas explains tariffs, trade wars and how improving trade between provinces would strengthen and protect Canada’s economy.
Business & the Economy
The livestream commerce market is gaining momentum, and quickly. Its rapid growth could spell changes for the retail industry as a whole, says one McMaster expert.
Business & the Economy
Canada will have to adapt, as always, to the ‘American 800-pound gorilla’ if the U.S. president-elect introduces steep tariffs, says DeGroote School of Business professor William Huggins.