Papers by Md. Mizanur Rahman

In order to ensure the heightened performance, mostly in the epoch of highly competitive business... more In order to ensure the heightened performance, mostly in the epoch of highly competitive business environment, Work Family Balance (WFB) and its outcomes among employees have become significant to organizations. The majority of the previous studies conducted are based on organizational factors of work family balance such as flexible work arrangements, work support, job stress and technology but few attention has been given to individual factors such as emotional intelligence, well-being and personality which influence work family balance and their interrelationships. Not only that they are based on their relationships, but also that many researchers try to find out the possible outcomes of different levels of work family balance. Most research efforts have given more concentration to organizational and work related consequences such as job satisfaction, turnover intention, absenteeism, commitment performance. This study is an effort to accumulate the noteworthy research efforts reported on work family balance based on organizational and individual influencing factors and their outcomes which are work related and non-work related. In addition, this paper has been undertaken as a prelude for the pursuit of newer and more profound paths to future research such that more attention is on non-work related outcomes. Keywords: Work family balance (WFB), individual factors of WFB, organizational factors of WFB, work related outcomes and non-work related outcomes

In order to ensure the heightened performance, mostly in the epoch of highly competitive business... more In order to ensure the heightened performance, mostly in the epoch of highly competitive business environment, Work Family Balance (WFB) and its outcomes among employees have become significant to organizations. The majority of the previous studies conducted are based on organizational factors of work family balance such as flexible work arrangements, work support, job stress and technology but few attention has been given to individual factors such as emotional intelligence, well-being and personality which influence work family balance and their interrelationships. Not only that they are based on their relationships, but also that many researchers try to find out the possible outcomes of different levels of work family balance. Most research efforts have given more concentration to organizational and work related consequences such as job satisfaction, turnover intention, absenteeism, commitment performance. This study is an effort to accumulate the noteworthy research efforts reported on work family balance based on organizational and individual influencing factors and their outcomes which are work related and non-work related. In addition, this paper has been undertaken as a prelude for the pursuit of newer and more profound paths to future research such that more attention is on non-work related outcomes. Keywords: Work family balance (WFB), individual factors of WFB, organizational factors of WFB, work related outcomes and non-work related outcomes

The impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices on performance behavior and job satisfact... more The impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices on performance behavior and job satisfaction have drawn much attention around the world over the past 25 years (Khera, 2010; Savaneviciene& Stankeviciute, 2012).Past researchwas conducted on either HRM practices and job satisfaction or HRM practices and employee performance. Researchers in the study try to integrate both the topics in a single edge. Covering the existing research gap, the study aims at to predict high school teachers' operational performance on HRM practices and notice whether the job satisfaction mediates the relationship between HR practices and operational performance. The research is a non-experimental study utilizing structured questionnaires. During the survey, information confidentiality and respondents' anonymous were established. The study has adopted the cross-sectional survey approach and investigated 140 teachers from 14 high schools, located at Sylhet City, Bangladesh. A three-step hierarchical regression model was fitted to regress operational performance on control variable, HRM related independent variables as well as job satisfaction to know the variance explained by each step and to test the effect size. Further, three mediation models were also developed to delineate how HRM practices i.e., discipline and compensation were related to operational performance through job satisfaction. In doing so, mediating role (either complete or partial) of job satisfaction was examined. Results revealed that training and development, discipline and compensation significantly predictedhigh school teachers' perceived operational performance effort; and job satisfaction has shown both partial and complete mediation effects in the relationships between HRM practices and operational performance. Moderating variable,viz., gender did moderate none of relationships among independent, mediator and predicted variables. Thus, school teachers' operational performance and job satisfaction resultant from HRM practices do not differ significantly by gender status. The key implication of the study is assisting the management committee of higher secondary schools in focusing on specific HRM practices to draw out school teachers' performance effort. And all HR practices more or less important for educational institutions but to boost up employee performance effort training & development, discipline and compensation system are more imperative. JEL Classification: M12

Quality of Work Life (QWL) is a philosophy on employees' organizational life satisfaction. Retent... more Quality of Work Life (QWL) is a philosophy on employees' organizational life satisfaction. Retention of experienced and trained employees is a challenging task for all organizations, especially for banking organizations. This research paper aims at identifying underlying dimensions of QWL program that shape employees' retention strategy in Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) in Bangladesh. The study is mainly based on primary data obtained through a structured questionnaire on 200 employees working at PCBs. Independent and dependent variables on a five-point " Likert-Type Scale " specifies how strongly the respondents agree or disagree with statements. Several statistical tools and techniques such as descriptive analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Zero Order Karl Pearson's correlation analysis and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) multiple regression analysis have been used to determine empirical findings and draw a conclusion. The findings of the study shows the effects which can impinge on employees' retention strategy with the dimensions (maintenance and supervisory) being particularly significant. The authority of PCBs in Bangladesh should address these dimensions to retain their experienced and trained employees.

The development of globalized knowledge economy profoundly impacted on the role
and value of high... more The development of globalized knowledge economy profoundly impacted on the role
and value of higher education. Thus, this study seeks to assess the perception of
differences of customer services between public universities (UAs) and private higher
education institutions (IPTSs) in Malaysia in three main areas: employee’s attitude,
facilities and evaluation. A quantitative method was adopted for the study with 400
respondents including students and lecturers from the UAs and IPTSs, using
questionnaire consisting of 5 points Likert Scale. ANOVA and T-test were used in data
analysis for the study. The findings of the study showed that there are significant
differences between both the students and lecturers on physical facilities whereby the
UAs provide good facilities and technology compared to the IPTSs. Whilst there are
significant differences between the students’ and lecturers’ perceptions of customer
services provided by their institutions in all elements of customer service under study
for both the UAs and IPTSs. In meeting the competitive demand from their customers,
the higher institutions need to assess their customer service and consider some
complaints put forward by their customers in upgrading its service performance.

Job satisfaction is the most extensively discussed issue in Organizational Behavior, Human Resour... more Job satisfaction is the most extensively discussed issue in Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Organizational Management. This study aims at indentifying some important factors that affect job satisfaction of female employees of private commercial banks in Bangladesh. A highly structured questionnaire was prepared to collect primary data from 110 female employees working at private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Several statistical tools and techniques, i.e. Descriptive Analysis, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression have been used to determine authentic findings and draw a significant conclusion. The findings of the study reveal significant factors, i.e. job security, participation in decision making, available leave facilities, attitude of top management, salary increment, specific time for family, promotion opportunity, flexible working hour etc. affect job satisfaction of female employees of private commercial banks. Hence, the authority should address those key factors properly for the development of private commercial banking sector in Bangladesh.
The main objective of this research is to identify the internal enrollment criteria of students f... more The main objective of this research is to identify the internal enrollment criteria of students for higher education at private universities in Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was used to survey the opinions of 1,000 students who are enrolled at various private universities in Bangladesh. The researchers conducted various statistical analyses such as descriptive statistics, chi-square test and multiple regression to analyze the survey responses and identified a number of key findings pertinent to the internal enrollment criteria of students at private universities. The study reveals that the common factors of students' enrollment are teaching quality, instruction medium, campus size, campus location, resident facilities, transport facilities, canteen facilities, and separate common room facilities and so on for students.

E-banking provides users, working with a home computer attached to the network to their bank, wit... more E-banking provides users, working with a home computer attached to the network to their bank, with the ability to authorize payments, reconcile accounts, and access a variety of other banking services with the help of ATM, Visa Card, Master Card, Q-cash, E-cash, Ready cash, Mobile, Internet etc. E-banking has a lot of benefits which add value to customers' satisfaction. For collecting the data a highly structured questionnaire was made. The questionnaire was designed into four parts. The statistical techniques used for the analysis were the descriptive analysis, ANOVA analysis and Chi-Square test. There are some associated challenges identified in the study that seems to hinder the success of e-banking services and thus constitute a major concern to both financial institutions and customers. The paper recommends various measures should be put in place to make e-banking system smooth, effective and more secure.
Often the perceptions of Muslim consumers are taken for granted by the Muslim producers and they ... more Often the perceptions of Muslim consumers are taken for granted by the Muslim producers and they assume the product will be acceptable among Muslims. Hence, this paper looks into the perception of Muslim consumers in Malaysia on how important has the presence of halal logo on the packaging of food and beverages (F&B). Further, this study investigates how these consumers " perceptions affect their purchasing decision. A total of 1000 sets of self-administered questionnaires were randomly distributed among consumers throughout Malaysia. To achieve the stipulated objectives, the simple mean analysis and factor analysis were performed. The findings revealed that indeed the respondents were very concerned about the halal status of their food, exemplified through the presence of halal logo on the packaging and they were willing to spend more as long as the food are assured halal.

This paper attempted to review theoretically the HRD and its matrix and revealed to show the posi... more This paper attempted to review theoretically the HRD and its matrix and revealed to show the positive relationship between HRD and organizational effectiveness. In HRD shows the different variables (outcomes) such as HRD instruments, HRD processes & climate variables and organizational dimensions. HRD affects the organizational goals which may result from higher productivity, cost reduction, more profits, better image and more satisfied customers and stake holders considered as organization dimensions HRD activities, as such, do not reduce costs, improve quality or quantity, or benefit the enterprise in any way. It is the on-the-job applications of learning that ultimately can reduce costs, improve quality, and so forth. In the organizational context, therefore, HRD means a process which helps employees of an organization to improve their functional capabilities for their present and future roles, to develop their general capabilities, to harness their inner potentialities both for their self and organizational development and, to develop organizational culture to sustain harmonious superior-subordinate relationships, teamwork, motivation, quality and a sense of belongingness. The study also analyses the Kliman Model of HRM to show the path of mechanisms which could lead to competitive advantage. Today's fast changing environment modern organizations are more careful to sustain in the competitive advantage relating to HRD our study has been developed to help the management students, academicians, and professionals to understand the subject properly and enhance their knowledge about HRD network within the organization for its effectiveness.

Bill Gates (2008) announced " banking is essential, banks are not ". This quotation means, the tr... more Bill Gates (2008) announced " banking is essential, banks are not ". This quotation means, the traditional branch banking is going to vanish in order to be surrogated by Electronic Banking (E-banking) which continues to attract new users. It provides users, working with a home computer attached by network to their bank, with the ability to authorize payments, reconcile accounts, and access a variety of other banking services with the help of ATM, Visa Card, Master Card, Q-cash, E-cash, Ready cash, Mobile, Internet etc. E-banking has a lot of benefits which add value to customers' satisfaction. For collecting the data a highly structured questionnaire was made. The questionnaire was designed into four parts. The statistical techniques used for the analysis were the descriptive analysis, ANOVA analysis and Chi-Square test. There are some associated challenges identified in the study that seem to hinder the success of e-banking services and thus constitute major concern to both financial institutions and customers. The paper recommends various measures should be put in place to make e-banking system smooth, effective and more secure. This paper concludes that e-banking has become important phenomenon in the banking industry and it will continue as more progress and innovations are made in information technology.
The main objective of this research is to identify Bangladesh Railway employee's commitment based... more The main objective of this research is to identify Bangladesh Railway employee's commitment based on compensation and benefits. A structured questionnaire was used to survey the opinions of 40 employees who are from Bangladesh Railway, Rajshahi City. The researchers conducted various statistical analyses such as descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regression analysis to analyze the survey responses and identified a number of key findings. The study reveals that there are various common factors related to the compensations and benefits that affect employee's commitment.

Journal of Faculty of Business Administration, Islamic University of Kushtia, Department of management.
The concept of job satisfaction and commitment in any workplace is still one of the most challeng... more The concept of job satisfaction and commitment in any workplace is still one of the most challenging and researched concepts in the field of Human Resource Management. This study aims at exploring the impact of HRM practices on job satisfaction and organizational commitment at banking sector in Bangladesh.
Literature review revealed that the influencing factors relating to HRM practices on job satisfaction and organizational commitment are job security, reward, training and development, equity, attitude of the top management and work autonomy, etc. A survey has been conducted among 1000 employees of different
private and public banks within the five divisions (Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna and Sylhet) by using a structured questionnaire and analyzed them objectively. To quantify those factors a five point rating “likert scale” has been used in this paper. After tabulating the primary data the researchers conducted various tests such as Chi- square test, ANOVA test and identified a number of key findings as to the affect of HRM practices on Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment at banking sector in Bangladesh. The result of the study showed that
there are positive relationships among specific human resource practices, job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Bangladesh.

Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, Volume 2, No 1 (2013) ISSN 2305-9168
This is a pragmatic study conducted to explore the quality higher
education and students‟ percep... more This is a pragmatic study conducted to explore the quality higher
education and students‟ perception towards the private universities in Bangladesh. This study examines the relationship between the quality higher education and students‟ perception using a structured questionnaire. A total number of 500 senior undergraduate and graduate level students from ten selected private universities in Bangladesh were taken as sample for conducting the study. The finding of this study discloses that the quality higher education is a dynamic factor that ensures
the students‟ perception. It also shows that quality higher education can create positive students‟ perception towards the private universities in Bangladesh. Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Tangibility, Courtesy, Goodwill & Image, Empathy, Security and Costs are the dimensions of quality higher education. To quantify the variables a five point “Likert- type” scale has been used in this paper. The researcher conducted various analyses such as Multiple Regression Analysis, Descriptive Analysis, and ANOVA and identified a numerous key findings as to the students‟ perception towards the quality higher education.

Mobile banking is a newly added service in the banking sector that facilitates banking via mobile... more Mobile banking is a newly added service in the banking sector that facilitates banking via mobile devices. With the tremendous growth in mobile phone usage, banks in the developed world have moved to utilize mobile banking, which makes banking easier, faster, and very cost-effective. Mobile phones have quickly emerged as a successful and popular means of communication in recent years and the researchers believe that growth of mobile banking in Bangladesh is inevitable, especially when banks do not have sufficient number of branches in the rural areas of Bangladesh. The purpose of this research is to assess the Opportunities and Challenges of mobile banking in this country. To accomplish this empirical study, multiple banks have been surveyed which either currently have an operational mobile banking in place or planning to introduce one in the near future. The research shows tremendous potential for mobile banking in Bangladesh and reveals some of the key barriers of progress as well.
The main objectives of this paper are to find out the important factors which determine job satis... more The main objectives of this paper are to find out the important factors which determine job satisfaction of private university teachers' in Bangladesh and to show the relationship between job satisfaction and teachers' turnover. A total number of 150 teachers were selected from 15 private universities in Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the relevant information from the respondents. Empirical results reveal that job satisfaction and turnover happen due job security, professional development, promotional opportunity, working autonomy, working environment, compensation package, and financial benefits. The study also reveals that there is a strong relationship between job satisfaction and teachers' turnover at private universities in Bangladesh, and turnover has impact on quality education.

Frozen food export is the second largest export item of Bangladesh, earning about 400 millions of... more Frozen food export is the second largest export item of Bangladesh, earning about 400 millions of foreign currency yearly which is about 3% of total export and contributing 3.78% in GDP. Shrimp contains more than 80% of frozen food item. Bangladesh captured 2.5 % of world shrimp market. At the present time the world market demand for shrimp is increasing day by day. A significant area of southern part is under cultivation of shrimp culture. There are 148 (88 are registered by GOB) sea food processing plant in our country. Which total processing capacity are 3,00,000 M. Tons per year, but those processing plants are utilizing only 14%-16% of their total capacity due to significant inefficiencies in various steps of the value chain. The sector suffers from a lack of vision and strategic direction. An integrated strategy at each stage of value chain for sustainable growth and to respond emerging trends in the competitive global market place can increase the shrimp export earnings of Bangladesh.
Papers by Md. Mizanur Rahman
and value of higher education. Thus, this study seeks to assess the perception of
differences of customer services between public universities (UAs) and private higher
education institutions (IPTSs) in Malaysia in three main areas: employee’s attitude,
facilities and evaluation. A quantitative method was adopted for the study with 400
respondents including students and lecturers from the UAs and IPTSs, using
questionnaire consisting of 5 points Likert Scale. ANOVA and T-test were used in data
analysis for the study. The findings of the study showed that there are significant
differences between both the students and lecturers on physical facilities whereby the
UAs provide good facilities and technology compared to the IPTSs. Whilst there are
significant differences between the students’ and lecturers’ perceptions of customer
services provided by their institutions in all elements of customer service under study
for both the UAs and IPTSs. In meeting the competitive demand from their customers,
the higher institutions need to assess their customer service and consider some
complaints put forward by their customers in upgrading its service performance.
Literature review revealed that the influencing factors relating to HRM practices on job satisfaction and organizational commitment are job security, reward, training and development, equity, attitude of the top management and work autonomy, etc. A survey has been conducted among 1000 employees of different
private and public banks within the five divisions (Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna and Sylhet) by using a structured questionnaire and analyzed them objectively. To quantify those factors a five point rating “likert scale” has been used in this paper. After tabulating the primary data the researchers conducted various tests such as Chi- square test, ANOVA test and identified a number of key findings as to the affect of HRM practices on Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment at banking sector in Bangladesh. The result of the study showed that
there are positive relationships among specific human resource practices, job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Bangladesh.
education and students‟ perception towards the private universities in Bangladesh. This study examines the relationship between the quality higher education and students‟ perception using a structured questionnaire. A total number of 500 senior undergraduate and graduate level students from ten selected private universities in Bangladesh were taken as sample for conducting the study. The finding of this study discloses that the quality higher education is a dynamic factor that ensures
the students‟ perception. It also shows that quality higher education can create positive students‟ perception towards the private universities in Bangladesh. Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Tangibility, Courtesy, Goodwill & Image, Empathy, Security and Costs are the dimensions of quality higher education. To quantify the variables a five point “Likert- type” scale has been used in this paper. The researcher conducted various analyses such as Multiple Regression Analysis, Descriptive Analysis, and ANOVA and identified a numerous key findings as to the students‟ perception towards the quality higher education.
and value of higher education. Thus, this study seeks to assess the perception of
differences of customer services between public universities (UAs) and private higher
education institutions (IPTSs) in Malaysia in three main areas: employee’s attitude,
facilities and evaluation. A quantitative method was adopted for the study with 400
respondents including students and lecturers from the UAs and IPTSs, using
questionnaire consisting of 5 points Likert Scale. ANOVA and T-test were used in data
analysis for the study. The findings of the study showed that there are significant
differences between both the students and lecturers on physical facilities whereby the
UAs provide good facilities and technology compared to the IPTSs. Whilst there are
significant differences between the students’ and lecturers’ perceptions of customer
services provided by their institutions in all elements of customer service under study
for both the UAs and IPTSs. In meeting the competitive demand from their customers,
the higher institutions need to assess their customer service and consider some
complaints put forward by their customers in upgrading its service performance.
Literature review revealed that the influencing factors relating to HRM practices on job satisfaction and organizational commitment are job security, reward, training and development, equity, attitude of the top management and work autonomy, etc. A survey has been conducted among 1000 employees of different
private and public banks within the five divisions (Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna and Sylhet) by using a structured questionnaire and analyzed them objectively. To quantify those factors a five point rating “likert scale” has been used in this paper. After tabulating the primary data the researchers conducted various tests such as Chi- square test, ANOVA test and identified a number of key findings as to the affect of HRM practices on Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment at banking sector in Bangladesh. The result of the study showed that
there are positive relationships among specific human resource practices, job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Bangladesh.
education and students‟ perception towards the private universities in Bangladesh. This study examines the relationship between the quality higher education and students‟ perception using a structured questionnaire. A total number of 500 senior undergraduate and graduate level students from ten selected private universities in Bangladesh were taken as sample for conducting the study. The finding of this study discloses that the quality higher education is a dynamic factor that ensures
the students‟ perception. It also shows that quality higher education can create positive students‟ perception towards the private universities in Bangladesh. Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Tangibility, Courtesy, Goodwill & Image, Empathy, Security and Costs are the dimensions of quality higher education. To quantify the variables a five point “Likert- type” scale has been used in this paper. The researcher conducted various analyses such as Multiple Regression Analysis, Descriptive Analysis, and ANOVA and identified a numerous key findings as to the students‟ perception towards the quality higher education.