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বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিঅভিধান, মুক্ত অভিধান থেকে
আরও দেখুন: heiði





From Swiss জার্মান Heidi, a pet form of Adelheid, equivalent of ইংরেজি Adelaide and Alice. The name became internationally popular due to the children's book Heidi (1880).


  • আধ্বব(চাবি): /ˈhaɪdi/
  • অডিও (দক্ষিণern England):(file)
  • অন্ত্যমিল: -aɪdi

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. A নারী মূলনাম from the জার্মানic languages.
    • 1983, John le Carré, The Little Drummer Girl, Pan Books, →ISBN, page 142:
      "Heidi?" Kurtz echoed. "Heidi? That's a damned odd name for an ইংরেজি elder sister, isn't it?" "Not for Heidi, it isn't," she replied buoyantly, and scored an immediate laugh from the kids beyond the lighting. Heidi because her parents went to Switzerland for their honeymoon, she explained; and Switzerland was where Heidi was conceived. "Among the edelweiss," she added, with a sigh.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)
    • ২০১২ এপ্রিল ১৯, Josh Halliday, “Free speech haven or lawless cesspool – can the internet be civilised?”, in the Guardian[১]:
      But the purported rise in violent videos online has led some MPs to campaign for courts to have more power to remove or block material on YouTube. The Labour MP Heidi Alexander said she was appalled after a constituent was robbed at knifepoint, and the attackers could be found brandishing weapons and rapping about gang violence online.
      (please add an English translation of this উক্তি)





From ইংরেজি Heidi, from Swiss জার্মান Heidi, a pet form of Adelheid, equivalent of ইংরেজি Adelaide and Alice.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম from the জার্মানic languages





From জার্মান Heidi.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম


  • [২] Danskernes Navne, based on CPR data: 17 830 নারীs with the given name Heidi have been registered in Denmark between about 1890 (=the population alive in 1967) and January 2005, with the frequency peak in the 1970s. Accessed on 19 May 2011.





From জার্মান Heidi, also seen as a variant of Hedi, from Hedvig.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম





Ultimately, from Alemannic German Heidi.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Heidi f

  1. a নারী মূলনাম


  • son of Heidi: Heidiarson
  • daughter of Heidi: Heidiardóttir
Nominative Heidi
Accusative Heidi
Dative Heidi
Genitive Heidiar





From জার্মান Heidi.



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম
    • 2010, Ritva Kokkola, Palasin kynnykseltä. Novelleja, Myllylahti Oy, →ISBN, pages 86–87:
      Maija-täti sanoi, että heillä päin koirille ei annettu vierasmaalaisia nimiä. Eikä tietysti lapsillekaan. Sitten kun olin käynyt rippikoulun, minua pyydettiin kummiksi. Ehdotin vauvan nimeksi Annea tai Heidiä tai Marikaa. Koulun takia en päässyt ristiäisiin. Pari viikkoa myöhemmin sain valokuvan, johon oli kirjoitettu Kummitädille Eilalta.
      Aunt Maija had said that they didn't give their dogs foreign names, neither their children. After I completed confirmation school, I was asked to be a godmother. I suggested Anna or Heidi or Marika as the name. I couldn't attend the christening due to confirmation school. A few weeks later I got a photo that read From Eila to grandmother.
  • The most common name of women born in Finland in 1979-83.
Inflection of Heidi (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation)
nominative Heidi Heidit
genitive Heidin Heidien
partitive Heidiä Heidejä
illative Heidiin Heideihin
singular plural
nominative Heidi Heidit
accusative nom. Heidi Heidit
gen. Heidin
genitive Heidin Heidien
partitive Heidiä Heidejä
inessive Heidissä Heideissä
elative Heidistä Heideistä
illative Heidiin Heideihin
adessive Heidillä Heideillä
ablative Heidiltä Heideiltä
allative Heidille Heideille
essive Heidinä Heideinä
translative Heidiksi Heideiksi
instructive Heidein
abessive Heidittä Heideittä
comitative Heideineen
Possessive forms of Heidi (type risti)
possessor singular plural
1st person Heidini Heidimme
2nd person Heidisi Heidinne
3rd person Heidinsä
  • Heidi is the 18th most common female given name in Finland, belonging to ২১,২৪৩ female individuals (and as a middle name to ২,৪৯৭ more), according to February 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.





Originally a Swiss জার্মান diminutive of Adelheid +‎ -i



নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম
    • 1880 Johanna Spyri, Heidi's Lehr- und Wanderjahre. Eine Geschichte für Kinder und auch für Solche, welche die Kinder lieb haben (Friedrich Andreas Perthes, Gotha), Chapter 6 (Capitel VI. Ein neues Capitel und lauter neue Dinge), p. 95, translated as Heidi:
      „Willst du lieber Heidi heißen, oder Adelheid?“ fragte Klara.
      „Ich heiße nur Heidi und sonst Nichts“, war Heidi's Antwort.
      „So will ich dich immer so nennen“, sagte Klara; „der Name gefällt mir für dich, ich habe ihn aber nie gehört, ich habe aber auch nie ein Kind gesehen, das so aussieht wie du.
      "Would you rather be called Heidi or Adelaide?" asked Clara.
      "I am never called anything but Heidi," was the child's prompt answer.
      "Then I shall always call you by that name," said Clara, "it suits you. I have never heard it before, but neither have I ever seen a child like you before.

সম্পর্কিত পদ






From জার্মান Heidi at the end of the 19th century.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য



  1. a নারী মূলনাম


  • Kristoffer Kruken - Ola Stemshaug: Norsk personnamnleksikon, Det Norske Samlaget, Oslo 1995, →আইএসবিএন
  • [৩] Statistisk sentralbyrå, Namnestatistikk: 15 794 নারীs with the given name Heidi living in Norway on January 1st 2011, with the frequency peak in the 1960s. Accessed on April 18th, 2011.





From জার্মান Heidi.

নামবাচক বিশেষ্য


Heidi c (genitive Heidis)

  1. a নারী মূলনাম