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jQuery Book Coming Soon

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For those of you who have been following the jQuery blog the past couple months, you may have noticed John Resig’s mention of a secret: “There’s a jQuery book in the works!” Well, I am thrilled to be able to leak a little more information about that secret.

For the past few months my friend Jonathan Chaffer and I have been hard at work on the book, and everything is progressing well. Our writing is being supported by a stellar group of technical reviewers, some of whom are members of the jQuery development team. We’ll be able to divulge details about the book’s contents soon. The publisher is readying a web page for it, so as soon as that is completed, we can give you the full scoop.

About the Authors

Jonathan Chaffer is a long-time Drupal contributor and creator of Drupal’s CCK. He also likes to make up bizarre band names and album titles, based on snippets of conversations he overhears, at Tweak the Viking. Karl Swedberg (that’s me) is a jQuery zealot who runs the Learning jQuery blog and still tries to keep a bit of his former career as an English teacher alive at his other blog, English Rules. Jonathan and Karl work together at Structure Interactive in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where they have been given a lot of freedom to use jQuery, as well as standards-based, semantic HTML & CSS, in many of their projects.

SXSWi jQuery Meetup

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Right now the annual SXSWi conference is happening in beautiful, sunny, Austin, Texas. Interestingly enough, there’s a ton of jQuery users here (as am I). I’ve already had the opportunity to talk with a number of you, but we should really do a proper get together.

As proposed by Luke Lutman, on the mailing list, and Cody Lindley (of Thickbox fame) – let’s do a meetup! Let’s say Monday (Mar 12th) at lunch. Meet at the main doors facing the Courtyard Hotel. If you have any troubles, feel free to give me a call at 585-615-5287 and I’ll direct you in.

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone!

See Also: http://upcoming.org/event/162778/

Update: Just to clarify, this is at 12:30pm (after the 11:30am-12:30pm session ends). And the doors are at the corner of Trinity and and Fourth St. I’ll be wearing a bright red Atari T-Shirt, so I should be easy to spot.