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In the context of the New Testament, a tax-gatherer, often referred to as a "publican" in some translations, was an individual responsible for collecting taxes on behalf of the Roman authorities. These individuals were typically Jews who worked under the Roman government, collecting various taxes from their fellow countrymen. The role of a tax-gatherer was fraught with social and religious implications, as they were often viewed with disdain and considered traitors by their fellow Jews.

Historical Context

During the time of Jesus, Judea was under Roman occupation, and the Roman Empire imposed several taxes on its provinces. Tax-gatherers were employed to collect these taxes, which included land taxes, customs duties, and poll taxes. The Roman system allowed tax-gatherers to collect more than the required amount, enabling them to profit personally. This practice led to widespread corruption and abuse, further tarnishing their reputation among the Jewish populace.

Social and Religious Perception

Tax-gatherers were generally despised by the Jewish community. They were often associated with sinners and were considered ritually unclean due to their frequent interactions with Gentiles and their perceived betrayal of Jewish national interests. The Pharisees, in particular, viewed them as morally and religiously corrupt, often lumping them together with "sinners" in their teachings and public discourse.

In the Gospels, tax-gatherers are frequently mentioned in contexts that highlight their low social standing. For example, in Matthew 9:10-11 , we read: "While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with Him and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked His disciples, 'Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?'"

Notable Tax-gatherers in the New Testament

1. Matthew (Levi): One of the most well-known tax-gatherers in the New Testament is Matthew, also known as Levi. He was called by Jesus to be one of His twelve apostles. Matthew's calling is significant as it demonstrates Jesus' willingness to reach out to those marginalized by society. In Matthew 9:9 , it is recorded: "As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax booth. 'Follow Me,' He told him, and Matthew got up and followed Him."

2. Zacchaeus: Another prominent tax-gatherer is Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector in Jericho. His encounter with Jesus is recorded in Luke 19:1-10. Zacchaeus, known for his wealth and short stature, climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Jesus called him down and chose to stay at his house, leading to Zacchaeus' repentance and restitution. This account illustrates the transformative power of Jesus' ministry and His mission to seek and save the lost.

Jesus' Teachings and Parables

Jesus often used tax-gatherers in His teachings and parables to illustrate profound spiritual truths. In the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14), Jesus contrasts the self-righteousness of the Pharisee with the humility of the tax collector, who acknowledges his sinfulness and seeks God's mercy. This parable underscores the theme of humility and repentance, highlighting that God's grace is available to all who genuinely seek it.

In another instance, Jesus uses the example of a tax-gatherer to teach about love and forgiveness. In Matthew 5:46-47 , He states: "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even Gentiles do the same?"


The role of tax-gatherers in the New Testament serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus' inclusive ministry and His call to repentance and transformation. Despite their social stigma, tax-gatherers were recipients of Jesus' love and grace, illustrating the boundless reach of the Gospel message.
754. architelones -- a chief tax collector
... Masculine Transliteration: architelones Phonetic Spelling: (ar-khee-tel-o'-nace)
Short Definition: head of a custom-house, chief tax-gatherer Definition: head ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/754.htm - 6k

5058. telonion -- tax office
... tax office. Neuter of a presumed derivative of telones; a tax-gatherer's place of
business -- receipt of custom. see GREEK telones. (telonion) -- 3 Occurrences. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5058.htm - 6k

5057. telones -- tax collector
... taxes from the public. "Publican/tax-gatherer" (5057 ) is derived from
("a tax at the end") and ("to buy").]. Word Origin from telos ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5057.htm - 7k

2195. Zakchaios -- Zaccheus, a tax collector
... Noun, Masculine Transliteration: Zakchaios Phonetic Spelling: (dzak-chah'-ee-yos)
Short Definition: Zacchaeus Definition: Zacchaeus, a Jewish tax-gatherer. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2195.htm - 6k


The Pharisee and the Tax-Gatherer.
... THE PHARISEE AND THE TAX-GATHERER. The tax-gatherers in those days were called
Publicans. ... Matthew was a tax-gatherer before Jesus called him to follow Him. ...
/.../mother stories from the new testament/the pharisee and the tax-gatherer.htm

And after Such Statements, Showing his Ignorance Even of the ...
... narratives, which Celsus does not appear even to have read, that Jesus selected
twelve apostles, and that of these Matthew alone was a tax-gatherer; that when ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter lxii and after such.htm

Following Jesus.
... The people did not like the tax-gatherer, and his was not a pleasant office.
Levi, also called Matthew, was a rich tax-gatherer ...
/.../lathbury/childs story of the bible/chapter xvi following jesus.htm

The Call of Matthew - the Saviour's Welcome to Sinners - Rabbinic ...
... It is of importance to notice, that the Talmud distinguishes two classes of publicans:'
the tax-gatherer in general (Gabbai), and the Mokhes, or Mokhsa, who ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xvii the call of.htm

The Story of the Stranger at the Well
... One day, when Jesus was going out of Capernaum, to the seaside, followed by a great
crowd of people, he passed a publican, or tax-gatherer, who was seated at ...
/.../marshall/the wonder book of bible stories/the story of the stranger.htm

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas.
... called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother;
Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax-gatherer; James of ...
/.../unknown/acts of the holy apostle thomas/acts of the holy apostle.htm

The Apostles Chosen
... different lists of the apostles. After this we read of Jesus calling Matthew
the publican, who was a tax-gatherer. This is what is ...
/.../newton/the life of jesus christ for the young/the apostles chosen.htm

Conversion of Zacchaeus, a Publican
... fashionable town. To signalize the despised tax-gatherer in such a way
was to teach a permanent lesson of absolute unworldliness. ...
/.../the life of jesus christ for the young/conversion of zacchaeus a publican.htm

... The Publican was the tax-gatherer, and as the tax-gatherers in those days were often
hard men, and exacted more than was due to the State, that they might ...
/.../the village pulpit volume ii trinity to advent/xlviii self-inspection.htm

From Maximian, God, the Avenger of Religion and of his People...
... persons. No threshing-floor without a tax-gatherer, no vintage without a
watch, and nought left for the sustenance of the husbandman! ...
/.../of the manner in which the persecutors died/chap xxxi from maximian god.htm

Tax-gatherer (7 Occurrences)
Tax-gatherer. Tax-farmers, Tax-gatherer. Tax-gatherers . Multi-Version
Concordance Tax-gatherer (7 Occurrences). Matthew ...
/t/tax-gatherer.htm - 8k

Matthew (5 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary Gift of God, a common Jewish name after the Exile. He
was the son of Alphaeus, and was a publican or tax-gatherer at Capernaum. ...
/m/matthew.htm - 38k

Tax-gatherers (16 Occurrences)
Tax-gatherers. Tax-gatherer, Tax-gatherers. Tax-gathers . Multi-Version
Concordance ... (WEY). Tax-gatherer, Tax-gatherers. Tax-gathers . Reference Bible.
/t/tax-gatherers.htm - 11k

Tax-farmers (14 Occurrences)
Tax-farmers. Tax-farmer, Tax-farmers. Tax-gatherer . Multi-Version Concordance ...
(BBE). Tax-farmer, Tax-farmers. Tax-gatherer . Reference Bible.
/t/tax-farmers.htm - 10k

Zacchae'us (3 Occurrences)
... Zacchae'us (3 Occurrences). Luke 19:2 and lo, a man, by name called Zaccheus,
and he was a chief tax-gatherer, and he was rich, (See RSV). ...
/z/zacchae'us.htm - 7k

Noticed (19 Occurrences)
... Luke 5:27 After this He went out and noticed a tax-gatherer, Levi by name, sitting
at the Toll office; and He said to him, "Follow me." (WEY NAS). ...
/n/noticed.htm - 11k

Follows (65 Occurrences)
... by himself: "'O God, I thank Thee that I am not like other people--I am not a thief
nor a cheat nor an adulterer, nor do I even resemble this tax-gatherer. ...
/f/follows.htm - 25k

Tax-office (3 Occurrences)
... Luke 5:27 And after these things he went forth, and beheld a tax-gatherer, by name
Levi, sitting at the tax-office, and said to him, 'Be following me;' (YLT). ...
/t/tax-office.htm - 7k

Toll (8 Occurrences)
... (WEY ASV). Luke 5:27 After this He went out and noticed a tax-gatherer, Levi by
name, sitting at the Toll office; and He said to him, "Follow me." (WEY ASV). ...
/t/toll.htm - 11k

Thief (41 Occurrences)
... by himself: "'O God, I thank Thee that I am not like other people--I am not a thief
nor a cheat nor an adulterer, nor do I even resemble this tax-gatherer. ...
/t/thief.htm - 22k

Why does the Bible speak so negatively about tax collectors? | GotQuestions.org

What is the temple tax? | GotQuestions.org

Why do governments allow churches to be tax-exempt? | GotQuestions.org

Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus
Tax-gatherer (7 Occurrences)

Matthew 10:3
Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax-gatherer, James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;

Matthew 18:17
If he refuses to hear them, appeal to the Church; and if he refuses to hear even the Church, regard him just as you regard a Gentile or a tax-gatherer.

Luke 5:27
After this He went out and noticed a tax-gatherer, Levi by name, sitting at the Toll office; and He said to him, "Follow me."

Luke 18:10
"Two men went up to the Temple to pray," He said; "one being a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer.

Luke 18:11
The Pharisee, standing erect, prayed as follows by himself: "'O God, I thank Thee that I am not like other people--I am not a thief nor a cheat nor an adulterer, nor do I even resemble this tax-gatherer.

Luke 18:13
"But the tax-gatherer, standing far back, would not so much as lift his eyes to Heaven, but kept beating his breast and saying, "'O God, be reconciled to me, sinner that I am.'

Luke 19:2
And behold, there was a man by name called Zacchaeus, and he was chief tax-gatherer, and he was rich.



Related Terms

Notorious (16 Occurrences)

Eating (151 Occurrences)

Drinking (114 Occurrences)

Party (47 Occurrences)

Seeing (442 Occurrences)

Wine-drinker (2 Occurrences)

Baptised (46 Occurrences)

Sinners (132 Occurrences)

Sect (10 Occurrences)

Wherefore (448 Occurrences)

Large (235 Occurrences)

Tax-gatherer (7 Occurrences)

Lay (524 Occurrences)

Yet (1244 Occurrences)

Vindicated (10 Occurrences)

Zacchaeus (3 Occurrences)

Noticed (19 Occurrences)

Upheld (15 Occurrences)

Overfond (1 Occurrence)

Organ (6 Occurrences)

Observing (28 Occurrences)

Listened (120 Occurrences)

Levi's (2 Occurrences)

Loving (292 Occurrences)

Gathering (71 Occurrences)

Gluttony (2 Occurrences)

Witness (295 Occurrences)

Wine-drinking (4 Occurrences)

Including (90 Occurrences)

Inquired (74 Occurrences)

Front (327 Occurrences)

Tax-gathers (1 Occurrence)

Though (623 Occurrences)

Tippling (1 Occurrence)

Reception (5 Occurrences)

Really (100 Occurrences)

Ritual (3 Occurrences)

Expostulate (1 Occurrence)

Eater (5 Occurrences)

Earned (6 Occurrences)

Entertainment (2 Occurrences)

Everywhere (53 Occurrences)

Exclaim (2 Occurrences)

Example (54 Occurrences)

Energies (2 Occurrences)

Devoting (7 Occurrences)

Drinker (6 Occurrences)

Desired (144 Occurrences)

Murmuring (14 Occurrences)


Custom (51 Occurrences)

Actions (62 Occurrences)

Abundant (124 Occurrences)

Afterwards (143 Occurrences)

Alphaeus (5 Occurrences)


Sorry (27 Occurrences)

Sorts (65 Occurrences)

Led (260 Occurrences)

Solemnly (62 Occurrences)

Rabbi (51 Occurrences)

Listen (441 Occurrences)

Honour (475 Occurrences)

Habit (9 Occurrences)

Righteous (407 Occurrences)

Nigh (243 Occurrences)

Habitually (43 Occurrences)

Sitting (201 Occurrences)

God's (602 Occurrences)

Lying (203 Occurrences)

Says (1491 Occurrences)

Replied (532 Occurrences)

Reign (468 Occurrences)

Faith (769 Occurrences)

Righteousness (442 Occurrences)

Table (125 Occurrences)

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