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Susanna is a figure found in the deuterocanonical additions to the Book of Daniel, specifically in the narrative known as "Susanna and the Elders." This account is included in the Septuagint and is recognized in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions, though it is not part of the Hebrew Bible and is considered apocryphal by most Protestant denominations.

Biblical Account:

The account of Susanna is set during the Babylonian Exile and is a tale of virtue, false accusation, and divine justice. Susanna is described as a beautiful and devout woman, the wife of Joakim, a wealthy and respected Jew in Babylon. Her account is found in the chapter preceding the main text of Daniel in the Greek versions, often referred to as Daniel 13.

The narrative begins with Susanna bathing in her garden, where she is secretly observed by two elders who were appointed as judges. These men, inflamed by lust, conspire to seduce her. When Susanna rejects their advances, they retaliate by falsely accusing her of adultery with a young man, a crime punishable by death according to the law.

Susanna, maintaining her innocence, is brought to trial. The elders testify against her, and the assembly is inclined to believe them due to their positions of authority. In her distress, Susanna prays to God for deliverance, trusting in His justice and mercy.

God hears her prayer and raises up the young Daniel, who is filled with the Spirit of God. Daniel intervenes, challenging the assembly to re-examine the evidence. He separates the elders and questions them individually about the details of their accusation. Their conflicting testimonies reveal their deceit, and the assembly recognizes Susanna's innocence. The false accusers are then punished according to the law they sought to invoke against Susanna.

Theological Themes:

The account of Susanna highlights several key themes:

1. Virtue and Faithfulness: Susanna is portrayed as a paragon of virtue and faithfulness to God's law, even in the face of severe personal risk. Her steadfastness serves as an example of moral integrity and trust in divine justice.

2. Divine Justice: The narrative underscores the belief that God is the ultimate arbiter of justice. Despite human corruption and falsehood, God's truth prevails, and the innocent are vindicated.

3. Role of the Holy Spirit: Daniel's intervention is attributed to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, demonstrating the belief in divine guidance and wisdom bestowed upon God's chosen servants.

4. Corruption and Accountability: The account also serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of corruption and the abuse of power. The elders, who were supposed to be just leaders, are exposed and held accountable for their actions.

Historical and Cultural Context:

The account of Susanna reflects the cultural and legal practices of the Jewish community during the Babylonian Exile. The narrative emphasizes the importance of community, law, and the role of judges in maintaining justice. It also illustrates the challenges faced by the Jewish diaspora in preserving their identity and faith in a foreign land.

Canonical Status:

While the account of Susanna is not included in the Jewish or Protestant canons, it holds a place in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions as part of the deuterocanonical books. Its inclusion in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, attests to its historical significance and the esteem in which it was held by early Jewish and Christian communities.

Legacy and Influence:

The account of Susanna has inspired numerous works of art, literature, and music throughout history. It has been depicted by artists such as Rembrandt and Rubens, and its themes have been explored in various literary adaptations. The narrative continues to be a powerful testament to the enduring values of faith, integrity, and divine justice.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary

lily; rose; joy

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(a lily).

  1. The heroine of the story of the Judgment of Daniel. (The book which gives an account of her life is also called "The history of Susanna," and is one of the apocryphal books of the Bible.)
  2. One of the women who ministered to the Lord. (Luke 8:3) (A.D. 28-30.)
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Lily, with other pious women, ministered to Jesus (Luke 8:3).
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


1. Name

2. Canonicity and Position

3. Contents

4. Fact or Fiction?

5. Date

6. Original Language

1. Name:

This novelette has, in the Septuagint, the bare title "Susanna" (Sousanna, from Hebrew shoshannah, "lily"). So also in the Syro-Hexapla. In Codex Alexandrinus (Theodotion) it is designated Horasis a (Vision I); see BEL AND THE DRAGON, sec. I. In the Harklensian Syriac (Ball's W2) its title is "The Book of Little (or the child?) Daniel."

2. Canonicity and Position:

Susanna was with the other Additions included in the Bible Canon of the Greek, Syrian and Latin churches. Julius Africanus (circa 230 A.D.) was the first to dispute the right of Susanna to a place in the Canon, owing to its improbable character. Origen replied to him, strongly maintaining its historicity (see Schurer, GJV4, III, 455; HJP, II, 3, p. 186, where the references are given). In the Septuagint, Syro-Hexapla and Vulgate, Susanna is Daniel 14, but in Theodotion (ABQ) it opens Daniel, preceding chapter 1, a position implied in the King James Version and the Revised Version (British and American) which are based on Theodotion, formerly believed to be the true Septuagint. Yet it is probable that even in Theodotion the original place agreed with that in the true Septuagint (Swete's 87); so Roth (Kautzsch, Die Apok., 172) and Driver (Commentary on Daniel, Cambridge Bible, xviii).


3. Contents:

The story of Susanna is thus told in Theodotion's version, and therefore in English Versions of the Bible which follows it. Susanna was the beautiful and devout wife of Joakim who resided in Babylon in the early years of the exile, and owned a fine park which was open to his fellow-exiles (verses 1-4). Two of these last were elders and judges who, though held in high esteem, suffered impure thoughts toward Susanna to enter their minds. One day, meeting in the park, they divulged to each other their lustful passion toward this beautiful woman, and resolved together to seize the first opportunity to waylay her in the park and to overpower her (verses 5-15). A joint attempt was made upon Susanna, who resisted, notwithstanding threats of false accusation (verses 22-26). The elders make a false charge, both in private and in public, and she is accordingly condemned to death (verses 27-41). On the way to execution she is met by Daniel (= judge "of God") who has the case reopened, and by a system of cross-examination of the two elders succeeds in convincing the people that Susanna is innocent of the charge brought against her. She is acquitted, but her accusers are put to death.

The story told in the Septuagint (87) is essentially the same, though varying somewhat in details. Versions 1-4 seem to have been prefixed for clearness by Theodotion, for in Susanna verse 7 of the Septuagint Susanna is introduced for the first time: "These seeing a woman of beautiful appearance called Susanna, the wife of one of the Israelites," etc. The original text began therefore with verse 5, though in a slightly different form. Septuagint omits verses 15-18 which tell of the two elders concealing themselves and watching as Susanna entered the park and took her bath. There is not a word in Septuagint concerning the threats of the elders to defame Susanna in the event of her refusing what they desired (verses 20;); this omission makes the Septuagint form of the story obscure, suggesting that this section has fallen out by error. Nor does the Septuagint mention the crying out of Susanna and the elders (verse 24). The trial took place in the house, according to Theodotion (and English Versions of the Bible) (verse 28), but, according to Septuagint, in the synagogue (verse 28). In Septuagint (verse 30) it is said that the number of Susanna's relatives, servants and servant-maids present at the trial was 500; Theodotion is silent on this. Septuagint (verse 35) makes Susanna pray to God before her condemnation, but Theodotion (English Versions of the Bible, verses 42-44) after. According to Septuagint the young man whom the elders falsely said they found with Susanna escaped unobserved because masked; Theodotion says he got away because the elders had not strength to hold him (verse 39). Septuagint is silent about the two maids who, according to Theodotion (verse 36), accompanied Susanna to the bath. Theodotion does not speak of the angel who according to Septuagint imparted to Daniel the wisdom he displayed (but compare Theodotion, verse 50); but on the other hand he adds the words ascribed to Daniel (verse 51, English Versions), though he leaves out the words imputed to him by Septuagint (= even elders may lie). Septuagint omits the words of the people addressed to Daniel: "What mean these words which thou hast spoken?" (verse 47, Theodotion, English Versions of the Bible). According to Theodotion (verse 50) the people entreated Daniel to act as judge among them; Septuagint omits this statement. Two questions were put to the elders, according to the Septuagint: "Under what kind of tree?" "In what part of the park?" but only one, according to Theodotion (and English Versions of the Bible): "Under what kind of tree?" Septuagint has it that as a punishment the two elders were hurled down the precipice; according to Theodotion they were slain (verse 62). In the last two verses (verses 63) Septuagint points the moral of the story, but Theodotion closes by describing the joy of Susanna's relatives at the happy issue of the trial and the increased respect in which Daniel came to be held. For the dependence of the version see TEXT AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT; TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT; VERSIONS.

4. Fact or Fiction?:

It is quite evident that the story is a fabrication and that it came to be attached to Daniel on account of the part played in it by Daniel the judge.

(1) The form of the story differs in Septuagint, Theodotion and the various Syriac recensions, showing that it was a floating legend, told in manifold ways.

(2) No confirmation of what is here narrated has been discovered in written or epigraphic sources.

(3) The grounds on which Susanna was condemned are trivial and wholly inadequate.

(4) The conduct of the judge, Daniel, is unnatural and arbitrary.

Though, however, the story is fictitious, it rests in part or wholly on older sources.

(1) Ewald (Geschichte(3), IV, 386) believed that it was suggested by the Babylonian legend in which two old men are seduced by the goddess of love (compare Koran 2 96).

(2) Brull (Das apokryphische Sus-Buch, 1877), followed by Ball (Speaker's Apocrypha, II, 323-31), Marshall and R. H. Charles, came to the following conclusions:

(a) That the first half of the story rests on a tradition regarding two elders (Ahab and Zedekiah) who seduced certain women by persuading them that they would thus become the mother of the Messiah. This tradition has its origin probably in Jeremiah 29:21-23, where it is said that Yahweh would sorely punish Ahab and Zedekiah because they had "committed villany in Israel," having "committed adultery with their neighbours' wives" (the King James Version). We can trace the above story amid many variations in the writings of Origen and Jerome and in sundry rabbinical works.

(b) The trial scene is believed to have a wholly different origin. It is said to have arisen about 100-96 B.C., when Simon ben Shetach was president of the Sanhedrin. His son was falsely accused of a capital offense and was condemned to death. On the way to execution the accusers admitted that he was innocent of the crime; yet at his own request the son is executed in order that the father's hands might be strengthened in the inauguration of new reforms in the administration of justice. The Pharisees and Sadducees differed as to the punishment to be meted out to false witnesses where the death sentence was involved. The first party advocated a stricter examination of witnesses, and a severer penalty if their testimony could be proved false. The Sadducee party took up a more moderate position on both points. Susanna has been held to be a kind of tract setting forth by example the views of the Pharisee party. If this opinion of the origin of Susanna be accepted, this tract was written by a Palestinian Jew, a position rendered probable by other considerations.

5. Date:

If, as the Greek, Latin and Syriac churches held and hold, Susanna forms an integral part of Daniel, the date of this last book (see DANIEL) is the date of Sus. But there is conclusive evidence that the three "Additions" circulated independently, though we have no means of fixing the date with any certainty. Perhaps this piece arose during the struggles between the Pharisees and Sadducees about 94-89 B.C.; see preceding section. In that case 90 B.C. would be a suitable date. On the date of Theodotion's translation see DANIEL; BEL AND THE DRAGON; VERSIONS; TEXT AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT; TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.

6. Original Language:

Our materials for judging of the language in which the author wrote are slender, and no great probability can at present be reached. The following scholars argue for a Greek original: Fritzsche, De Wette, Keil, Herzfeld, Graf, Holtzmann. The following are some of the grounds:

(1) There are several paronomasias or word-plays, as in Susanna verses 54, schinon ("under a mastick tree").... schisei ("will cut"); verses 58, prinon ("under a holm tree").... prisai ("to cut"). But this last word (prisai) is absent from the true Septuagint, though it occurs in Theodotion (Swete's text, verse 59, has kataprise from the same root). If the word-play in verses 58 is due to a translation based on Septuagint, the first example (verses 54), found in Septuagint and Theodotion, is as likely to be the work of the translator of those verses from the Hebrew.

(2) It is said that no trace of a Hebrew original has been discovered; but up to a few years ago the same statement could have been made of Sir.

There is a growing opinion that the author wrote in Hebrew (or Aramaic?); so Ball, J. T. Marshall, R. H. Charles.

(1) The writer was almost certainly a Palestinian Jew, and he would be far more likely to write in his own language, especially as he seems to have belonged to the Pharisaic party, who were ardent nationalists (see preceding section, at end).

(2) There is a goodly number of Hebraisms, rather more than one would expect had the writer composed in Hellenistic Greek

For versions and literature see BEL AND THE DRAGON; DANIEL; the Oxford Apocrypha, edition by R. H. Charles, 638;.

T. Witton Davies

4677. Sousanna -- "lily," Susanna, one of the women accompanying ...
... 4676, 4677. Sousanna. 4678 . "lily," Susanna, one ... Susanna. Of Hebrew origin
(shuwshan feminine); lily; Susannah (ie Shoshannah), an Israelitess -- Susanna. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4677.htm - 6k

The History of Susanna Teaches Circumspection with the Eyes and in ...
... Chapter XIII."The History of Susanna Teaches Circumspection with the Eyes and in
Society. ... Footnotes: [486] Susanna having a husband, Joachim. [487] Lit. ...
/.../two epistles concerning virginity/chapter xiii the history of susanna.htm

Susanna Wesley and Her Son
... Chapter 3. Field-Preaching; "All the World my Parish"; Whitefield; Wales;
Experience with Demons Susanna Wesley and her Son. Wednesday ...
/.../wesley/the journal of john wesley/susanna wesley and her son.htm

Susanna Wesley's "By-Laws"
... Chapter 4. Preaching Incidents; Wesley's Labor Colony; Dispute with Whitefield;
Curious Interruptions; The Mother of the Wesleys Susanna Wesley's "By-laws". ...
/.../wesley/the journal of john wesley/susanna wesleys by-laws.htm

A Letter to Origen from Africanus About the History of Susanna.
... A Letter to Origen from Africanus About the History of Susanna. Greeting,
my lord and son, most worthy Origen, from Africanus. [3026 ...
//christianbookshelf.org/origen/origens letters/a letter to origen from.htm

... Part III. THE HISTORY OF SUSANNA CANONICITY. ... Origen deems Susanna part of the genuine
Daniel, cut out by the Jews, as he suggests in his Epistle to Africanus. ...
/.../daubney/the three additions to daniel a study/canonicity 2.htm

"Example of Life and Instruction of Manners. "
Susanna's trouble may be taken as a conspicuous illustration of Psalm 34:19. ...
/.../the three additions to daniel a study/example of life and instruction 2.htm

... Part III. THE HISTORY OF SUSANNA CHRONOLOGY. The period in which this trial
befel Susanna is plainly that of the Babylonian Captivity ...
/.../daubney/the three additions to daniel a study/chronology 2.htm

Title and Position.
general simply Sousanna, as in the true LXX. In Cod. A (Th ...
/.../daubney/the three additions to daniel a study/title and position 2.htm

... Part III. THE HISTORY OF SUSANNA AUTHORSHIP. Like some ... II. Sam. xxiv.14.
"Wer die Susanna (in Walton's Polygl.4) nach Theodot. frei ...
/.../daubney/the three additions to daniel a study/authorship.htm

... Part III. THE HISTORY OF SUSANNA THEOLOGY. This History' does not appear
to have been written with a view of supporting any erroneous ...
/.../daubney/the three additions to daniel a study/theology 2.htm

Susanna (1 Occurrence)
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. SUSANNA, THE HISTORY OF. su-zan'-a: 1. Name
2. Canonicity and Position 3. Contents 4. Fact or Fiction? ...
/s/susanna.htm - 17k

... times of stress and difficulty. (6) The husband of Susanna (Susanna verses
1;), perhaps here also a symbolical name. J. Hutchison. ...
/j/joakim.htm - 7k

Washing (56 Occurrences)
... Of the other terms, louo (Susanna verses 15, 17; John 13:10, etc.), with apolouo
(Acts 22:16 1 Corinthians 6:11) and the noun loutron (Sirach 34:25b; Ephesians ...
/w/washing.htm - 38k

Chuzas (1 Occurrence)
... In Luke 8:3 we read that his wife Joanna, "and Susanna, and many others,"
ministered to Christ and His disciples. See JOANNA (Luke 24:10). ...
/c/chuzas.htm - 7k

... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia HELKIAS. hel-ki'-as (chilqiyah; Chelkias; the King
James Version Chelcias): (1) Father of Susanna (Susanna verses 2, 29, 63). ...
/h/helkias.htm - 6k

... (2) prinos, Susanna verse 58. ... There is a play on the words prinos and prisai
(literally, "saw") in verses 58 and 59 (see SUSANNA). ...
/h/holm-tree.htm - 7k

... (2) prinos, Susanna verse 58. ... There is a play on the words prinos and prisai
(literally, "saw") in verses 58 and 59 (see SUSANNA). ...
/h/holmtree.htm - 7k

Wash (105 Occurrences)
... Of the other terms, louo (Susanna verses 15, 17; John 13:10, etc.), with apolouo
(Acts 22:16 1 Corinthians 6:11) and the noun loutron (Sirach 34:25b; Ephesians ...
/w/wash.htm - 45k

History (57 Occurrences)
su-zan'-a: 1. Name 2. Canonicity and Position 3. Contents 4. Fact or Fiction? ...
/h/history.htm - 67k

Woman (4043 Occurrences)
...Susanna typifies the ideal of womanly virtue. ... As a result, his fame and her
innocence became widely known. See SUSANNA, THE HISTORY OF. ...
/w/woman.htm - 45k

What is the book of Susanna? | GotQuestions.org

What is Bel and the Dragon? | GotQuestions.org

Who was Joanna in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org

Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus
Susanna (1 Occurrence)

Luke 8:3
and Joanna, the wife of Chuzas, Herod's steward; Susanna; and many others; who served them from their possessions.



Susanna: A Woman Who Ministered to Jesus

Related Terms


Washing (56 Occurrences)

Chuzas (1 Occurrence)




Wash (105 Occurrences)

History (57 Occurrences)

Woman (4043 Occurrences)

Needs (85 Occurrences)

Joanna (3 Occurrences)

Joan'na (1 Occurrence)

Gangrene (1 Occurrence)

Inflame (3 Occurrences)

Three (5005 Occurrences)

Reputation (12 Occurrences)


Dragon (20 Occurrences)

Malice (24 Occurrences)

Maid (57 Occurrences)


Ministered (53 Occurrences)

Malignity (1 Occurrence)

Manager (10 Occurrences)

Maiden (40 Occurrences)

Ministering (63 Occurrences)


Provided (68 Occurrences)

Possessions (84 Occurrences)

Private (32 Occurrences)

Bel (3 Occurrences)

Bathing (9 Occurrences)

Chuza (1 Occurrence)

Contributing (4 Occurrences)

Cuza (1 Occurrence)

Contributed (13 Occurrences)

Company (287 Occurrences)

Anointing (39 Occurrences)


Straiten (4 Occurrences)

Strait (14 Occurrences)

Served (182 Occurrences)

Straitly (12 Occurrences)

Substance (99 Occurrences)

Soap (4 Occurrences)

Susi (1 Occurrence)

Support (135 Occurrences)

Swine (15 Occurrences)

Herod's (10 Occurrences)

Helping (35 Occurrences)

Women (328 Occurrences)

Bath (13 Occurrences)

Steward (23 Occurrences)

Wealth (340 Occurrences)

Wife (437 Occurrences)


Introduction (3 Occurrences)

House-servant (2 Occurrences)

Chief (696 Occurrences)


Song (207 Occurrences)

Apostles (79 Occurrences)

Household (222 Occurrences)



Herod (45 Occurrences)


Old (3966 Occurrences)

Testament (13 Occurrences)

Susanchites: The Inhabitants of Samaria
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