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Silas, also known as Silvanus, is a prominent figure in the New Testament, recognized for his role as a leader in the early Christian church and as a companion of the Apostle Paul. His contributions to the spread of the Gospel and the establishment of early Christian communities are significant, and his life is a testament to faithfulness and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Biblical References:
Silas is first mentioned in the Book of Acts, where he is identified as a leader among the brethren in Jerusalem. He is described as a prophet and a man of great influence within the early church. His Hebrew name, Silas, and his Roman name, Silvanus, are used interchangeably in the New Testament.

Role in the Early Church:
Silas played a crucial role in the early church, particularly during the Jerusalem Council, as recorded in Acts 15. The council was convened to address the issue of whether Gentile converts to Christianity were required to follow Jewish law. Silas, along with Judas Barsabbas, was chosen to accompany Paul and Barnabas to Antioch to deliver the council's decision, which affirmed that Gentile believers were not bound by the full extent of Jewish law (Acts 15:22-29).

Missionary Journeys with Paul:
Silas is best known for his missionary work alongside the Apostle Paul. After the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark, Silas was chosen by Paul to accompany him on his second missionary journey (Acts 15:40). Together, they traveled through Asia Minor and into Europe, spreading the Gospel and establishing churches.

In Philippi, Silas and Paul were imprisoned after casting out a spirit from a slave girl, which led to a loss of profit for her owners. Despite being beaten and jailed, they prayed and sang hymns to God, resulting in a miraculous earthquake that opened the prison doors (Acts 16:25-26). This event led to the conversion of the Philippian jailer and his household.

Further Ministry and Contributions:
Silas continued to be an important figure in the early church after his journeys with Paul. He is mentioned in several of Paul's epistles, indicating his ongoing involvement in the ministry. In 1 Thessalonians 1:1 and 2 Thessalonians 1:1 , Silas is listed as a co-author with Paul and Timothy, highlighting his role in the communication and teaching of the early church.

Additionally, Silas is identified as the scribe or secretary for the Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 5:12 , where Peter refers to him as a "faithful brother." This suggests that Silas was instrumental in the dissemination of Peter's teachings and in the encouragement of the early Christian communities.

Character and Legacy:
Silas is remembered as a man of deep faith, resilience, and dedication to the mission of the church. His willingness to endure hardship for the sake of the Gospel and his ability to work alongside key figures like Paul and Peter underscore his importance in the early Christian movement. Silas's life exemplifies the qualities of a true servant of Christ, committed to spreading the message of salvation and strengthening the body of believers.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary

three, or the third

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(contracted form of Silvanus, woody), an eminent member of the early Christian Church, described under that name in the Acts but as Silvanus in St. Paul's epistles. He first appears as one of the leaders of the church at Jerusalem (Acts 15:22) holding the office of an inspired teacher. (Acts 15:32) His name, derived from the Latin silva , "wood," betokens him a Hellenistic Jew, and he appears to have been a Roman citizen. (Acts 16:37) He was appointed as a delegate to accompany Paul and Barnabas on their return to Antioch with the decree of the Council of Jerusalem. (Acts 15:22,32) Having accomplished this mission, he returned to Jerusalem. (Acts 15:33) He must, however, have immediately revisited Antioch, for we find him selected by St. Paul as the companion of his second missionary journey. (Acts 15:40; Acts 17:10) At Berea he was left behind with Timothy while St. Paul proceeded to Athens, (Acts 17:14) and we hear nothing more of his movements until he rejoined the apostle at Corinth. (Acts 18:5) His presence at Corinth is several times noticed. (2 Corinthians 1:19; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:1) Whether he was the Silvanus who conveyed St. Peter's first epistle to Asia Minor, (1 Peter 5:12) is doubtful the probabilities are in favor of the identity. A tradition of very slight authority represents Silas to have become bishop of Corinth.

ATS Bible Dictionary

Acts 23:3, and SILVANUS, 2 1 Corinthians 1:19, the former name being a contraction of the latter; one of the chief men among the first disciples at Jerusalem, Acts 15:22, and supposed by some to have been of the number of the seventy. On occasion of a dispute at Antioch, as to the observance of legal ceremonies, Paul and Barnabas were chosen to go to Jerusalem, to advise with the apostles; and they returned with Judas and Silas.

Silas joined himself to Paul; and after Paul and Barnabas had separated, Acts 15:37-41, A. D. 51, he accompanied Paul to visit the churches of Syria and Cilicia, and the towns and provinces of Lycaonia, Phrygia, Galatia, and Macedonia. He was imprisoned with him at Philippi, joined him at Corinth after a brief separation, bringing, it is supposed, the donation referred to in 2 1 Corinthians 11:9 Philippians 4:10,15, and probably went with him to Jerusalem, Acts 16:19,25 17:4,10,14 18:5 1 Thessalonians 1:1 2 Thessalonians 1:1. He appears always as a "faithful brother," well known and praised by all the churches, 2 1 Corinthians 1:19 1 Peter 5:12.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
Wood, a prominent member of the church at Jerusalem; also called Silvanus. He and Judas, surnamed Barsabas, were chosen by the church there to accompany Paul and Barnabas on their return to Antioch from the council of the apostles and elders (Acts 15:22), as bearers of the decree adopted by the council. He assisted Paul there in his evangelistic labours, and was also chosen by him to be his companion on his second missionary tour (Acts 16:19-24). He is referred to in the epistles under the name of Silvanus (2 Corinthians 1:19; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:1; 1 Peter 5:12). There is no record of the time or place of his death.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

si'-las (Silas, probably contraction for Silouanos; the Hebrew equivalents suggested are shalish, "Tertius," or shelach (Genesis 10:24) (Knowling), or sha'ul = "asked" (Zahn)): The Silas of Acts is generally identified with the Silvaus of the Epistles. His identification with Titus has also been suggested, based on 2 Corinthians 1:19; 2 Corinthians 8:23, but this is very improbable (compare Knowling, Expositor's Greek Test., II, 326). Silas, who was probably a Roman citizen (compare Acts 16:37), accompanied Paul during the greater part of his 2nd missionary journey (Acts 15-18). At the meeting of the Christian community under James at Jerusalem, which decided that circumcision should not be obligatory in the case of Gentile believers, Silas and Judas Barsabas were appointed along with Paul and Barnabas to convey to the churches in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia the epistle informing them of this decision. As "leading men among the brethren" at Jerusalem, and therefore more officially representative of the Jerusalem church than Paul and Barnabas, Silas and Judas were further commissioned to confirm the contents of the letter by "word of mouth." On arrival at Antioch, the epistle was delivered, and Judas and Silas, "being themselves also prophets, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them." Their mission being thus completed, the four were "dismissed in peace from the brethren unto those that had sent them forth" (Revised Version), or "unto the apostles" (the King James Version) (Acts 15:22-33).

Different readings now render the immediate movements of Silas somewhat obscure; Acts 15:33 would imply that he returned to Jerusalem. But some texts proceed in 15:34, "Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still," and others add "and Judas alone proceeded." Of this, the first half is accepted by the King James Version. The principal texts however reject the whole verse and are followed in this by the Revised Version (British and American). It is held by some that he remained in Antioch till chosen by Paul (Acts 15:40). Others maintain that he returned to Jerusalem where John Mark then was (compare Acts 13:13); and that either during the interval of "some days" (Acts 15:36), when the events described in Galatians 2:11; took place (Wendt), he returned to Antioch along with Peter, or that he and John Mark were summoned thither by Paul and Barnabas, subsequent to their dispute regarding Mark. (For fuller discussion, see Knowling, Expositor's Greek Test., II, 330, 332-35.)

Upon Barnabas' separation from Paul, Silas was chosen by Paul in his place, and the two missionaries, "after being commended by the brethren (at Antioch) to the grace of the Lord," proceeded on their journey (Acts 15:33-40 margin). Passing through Syria, Cilicia, Galatia, Phrygia and Mysia, where they delivered the decree of the Jerusalem council and strengthened the churches, and were joined by Timothy, they eventually reached Troas (Acts 15:41-16:8). Indications are given that at this city Luke also became one of their party (compare also the apocryphal "Acts of Paul," where this is definitely stated; Budge, Contendings of the Apostles, II, 544).

Upon the call of the Macedonian, the missionary band set sail for Greece, and after touching at Samothrace, they landed at Neapolis (Acts 16:9-11). At Philippi, Lydia, a seller of purple, was converted, and with her they made their abode; but the exorcism of an evil spirit from a sorceress brought upon Silas and Paul the enmity of her masters, whose source of gain was thus destroyed. On being charged before the magistrates with causing a breach of the peace and preaching false doctrine, their garments were rent off them and they were scourged and imprisoned. In no way dismayed, they prayed and sang hymns to God, and an earthquake in the middle of the night secured them a miraculous release. The magistrates, on learning that the two prisoners whom they had so maltreated were Roman citizens, came in person and besought them to depart out of the city (Acts 16:12-39). After a short visit to the house of Lydia, where they held an interview with the brethren, they departed for Thessalonica, leaving Luke behind (compare Knowling, op. cit., 354-55). There they made many converts, especially among the Greeks, but upon the house of Jason, their host, being attacked by hostile Jews, they were compelled to escape by night to Berea (Acts 16:40-17:10). There they received a better hearing from the Jews, but the enmity of the Thessalonian Jews still pursued them, and Paul was conducted for safety to Athens, Silas and Timothy being left behind. On his arrival, he dispatched an urgent message back to Bercea for Silas and Timothy to rejoin him at that city (Acts 17:11-15). The narrative of Acts implies, however, that Paul had left Athens and had reached Corinth before he was overtaken by his two followers (18:5). Knowling (op. cit., 363-64) suggests that they may have actually met at Athens, and that Timothy was then sent to Thessalonica (compare 1 Thessalonians 3:1, 2), and Silas to Philippi (compare Philippians 4:15), and that the three came together again at Corinth. The arrival of Silas and Timothy at that city is probably referred to in 2 Corinthians 11:9. It is implied in Acts 18:18 that Silas did not leave Corinth at the same time as Paul, but no further definite reference is made to him in the narrative of the 2nd missionary journey.

Assuming his identity with Silvanus, he is mentioned along with Paul and Timothy in 2 Corinthians 1:19 as having preached Christ among the Corinthians (compare Acts 18:5). In 1 Thessalonians 1:1, and 2 Thessalonians 1:1, the same three send greetings to the church at Thessalonica (compare Acts 17:1-9). In 1 Peter 5:12 he is mentioned as a "faithful brother" and the bearer of that letter to the churches of the Dispersion (compare on this last Knowling, op. cit., 331-32). The theory which assigns He to the authorship of Silas is untenable.

C. M. Kerr

4609. Silas -- Silas, a fellow missionary of Paul
... 4608, 4609. Silas. 4610 . Silas, a fellow missionary of Paul. Part of Speech:
Noun, Masculine Transliteration: Silas Phonetic Spelling ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4609.htm - 6k

4610. Silouanos -- "sylvan," Silvanus, alt. form of the name Silas
... form of the name Silas. Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration: Silouanos
Phonetic Spelling: (sil-oo-an-os') Short Definition: Silvanus Definition ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4610.htm - 6k


Concerning Silas and on what Account it was that King Agrippa was ...
... From The Departure Out Of Babylon To Fadus, The Roman Procurator. CHAPTER 7. Concerning
Silas And On What Account It Was That King Agrippa Was Angry At Him. ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 7 concerning silas and.htm

Paul and Silas in Thessalonica and Berea.
xvii.1-12. ... But Paul and Silas were men of bold and intrepid spirit. ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xix paul and silas.htm

The Mission of Paul and Silas to Macedonia.
... THE MISSION OF PAUL AND SILAS TO MACEDONIA. Chap. ... In the verses which are next in
order, there is a concise account of the progress of Paul and Silas. ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xvii the mission of.htm

Paul and Silas in Macedonia
to the place of prayer, a slave girl met us who was under ...
/.../sherman/the childrens bible/paul and silas in macedonia.htm

Directions to Sinners.
... THESE are the words of the jailor at Philippi, the question which he put to
Paul and Silas, who were then under his care as prisoners. ...
/.../finney/lectures on revivals of religion/lecture xviii directions to sinners.htm

The Philippian Jailer.
... THE PHILIPPIAN JAILER. Paul and Silas were in prison. ... This was a most painful
position for Paul and Silas. But they were not unhappy. ...
/.../anonymous/mother stories from the new testament/the philippian jailer.htm

... This Sylvanus is, beyond all reasonable doubt, the same man who is known
to us in the Acts of the Apostles by the name of Silas. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture ephesians peter/sylvanus.htm

The Riot at Philippi
... 'And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul
and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers, 20. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture the acts/the riot at philippi.htm

... of the apostolic company since they left Troas, and resumes the third person, which
shows that he remained in Philippi after the departure of Paul and Silas. ...
/.../mcgarvey/a commentary on acts of the apostles/acts xvii.htm

Paul's Missionary Labors.
... He took Silas for his companion. Having first visited his old churches,
he proceeded, with the help of Silas and the young convert ...
/.../history of the christian church volume i/section 33 pauls missionary labors.htm

Silas (22 Occurrences)
...SILAS. ...Silas, who was probably a Roman citizen (compare Acts 16:37), accompanied
Paul during the greater part of his 2nd missionary journey (Acts 15-18). ...
/s/silas.htm - 21k

Barsabbas (2 Occurrences)
... bar-sab-'as (Ioudas Barsabbas): Judas was, with Silas, a delegate from the church
in Jerusalem to the GentileChristians of Antioch, Syria and Cilicia. ...
/b/barsabbas.htm - 11k

Jason (5 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary He that will cure, the host of Paul and Silas
in Thessalonica. The Jews assaulted his house in order to ...
/j/jason.htm - 12k

Timotheus (24 Occurrences)
... Acts 17:14 And then immediately the brethren sent away Paul to go as it were to
the sea: but Silas and Timotheus abode there still. (KJV DBY). ...
/t/timotheus.htm - 15k

Encouraging (12 Occurrences)
... (See NIV). Acts 15:32 And Judas and Silas, being themselves also Prophets, gave
them a long and encouraging talk, and strengthened them in the faith. (WEY). ...
/e/encouraging.htm - 10k

Beroea (4 Occurrences)
... Paul and Silas came to Berea from Thessalonica which they had been forced by an
uproar to leave, and preached in the synagogue to the Jews, many of whom ...
/b/beroea.htm - 11k

Berea (4 Occurrences)
... A city of Macedonia to which Paul with Silas and Timotheus went when persecuted
at Thessalonica (Acts 17:10, 13), and from which also he was compelled to ...
/b/berea.htm - 8k

Thessalonica (8 Occurrences)
... The "rulers of the city" before whom the Jews "drew Jason," with whom Paul and Silas
lodged, are in the original called politarchai, an unusual word, which was ...
/t/thessalonica.htm - 25k

Timothy (28 Occurrences)
... Thence he followed Paul to Athens, and was sent by him with Silas on a mission to
Thessalonica (17:15; 1 Thessalonians 3:2). We next find him at Corinth (1 ...
/t/timothy.htm - 38k

Philippi (8 Occurrences)
... Having been providentially guided thither, here Paul and his companion Silas
preached the gospel and formed the first church in Europe. ...
/p/philippi.htm - 36k

What should we learn from the account of Paul and Silas? | GotQuestions.org

Who was Silas in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org

What happened on Paul's second missionary journey? | GotQuestions.org

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Silas (22 Occurrences)

Acts 15:22
Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders, with the whole assembly, to choose men out of their company, and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas: Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, chief men among the brothers.

Acts 15:27
We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who themselves will also tell you the same things by word of mouth.

Acts 15:32
Judas and Silas, also being prophets themselves, encouraged the brothers with many words, and strengthened them.

Acts 15:34
Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still.

Acts 15:40
but Paul chose Silas, and went out, being commended by the brothers to the grace of God.

Acts 16:19
But when her masters saw that the hope of their gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas, and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers.

Acts 16:22
The multitude rose up together against them, and the magistrates tore their clothes off of them, and commanded them to be beaten with rods.
(See NIV)

Acts 16:25
But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Acts 16:29
He called for lights and sprang in, and, fell down trembling before Paul and Silas,

Acts 16:36
The jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, "The magistrates have sent to let you go; now therefore come out, and go in peace."
(See NIV)

Acts 16:38
This answer the lictors took back to the praetors, who were alarmed when they were told that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens.

Acts 16:40
Then Paul and Silas, having come out of the prison, went to Lydia's house; and, after seeing the brethren and encouraging them, they left Philippi.

Acts 17:4
Some of them were persuaded, and joined Paul and Silas, of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and not a few of the chief women.

Acts 17:5
But the jealousy of the Jews was aroused, and, calling to their aid some ill-conditioned and idle fellows, they got together a riotous mob and filled the city with uproar. They then attacked the house of Jason and searched for Paul and Silas, to bring them out before the assembly of people.

Acts 17:10
The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroea. When they arrived, they went into the Jewish synagogue.

Acts 17:14
Then the brothers immediately sent out Paul to go as far as to the sea, and Silas and Timothy still stayed there.

Acts 17:15
But those who escorted Paul brought him as far as Athens. Receiving a commandment to Silas and Timothy that they should come to him very quickly, they departed.

Acts 18:5
But when Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was compelled by the Spirit, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:19
For Jesus Christ the Son of God--He who was proclaimed among you by us, that is by Silas and Timothy and myself--did not show Himself a waverer between "Yes" and "No." But it was and always is "Yes" with Him.

1 Thessalonians 1:1
Paul, Silas, and Timothy: To the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May grace and peace be granted to you.

2 Thessalonians 1:1
Paul, Silas, and Timothy: To the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 5:12
I send this short letter by Silas, our faithful brother--for such I regard him--in order to encourage you, and to bear witness that what I have told you is the true grace of God. In it stand fast.



Silas: (The Short Form of the Name): Sent to Paul, in Antioch (Of Syria), from Jerusalem

Silas: Becomes Paul's Companion

Silas: Carries Peter's Letter to Asia Minor

Silas: Driven, With Paul, from Thessalonica

Silas: Imprisoned With Paul in Philippi

Silas: Left by Paul at Berea

Silas: Rejoins Paul at Corinth

Related Terms

Barsabbas (2 Occurrences)

Jason (5 Occurrences)

Timotheus (24 Occurrences)

Encouraging (12 Occurrences)

Beroea (4 Occurrences)

Berea (4 Occurrences)

Thessalonica (8 Occurrences)

Timothy (28 Occurrences)

Philippi (8 Occurrences)

Brothers (574 Occurrences)

Rulers (310 Occurrences)

Marketplace (8 Occurrences)

Chose (59 Occurrences)

Confirm (39 Occurrences)

Apollonia (1 Occurrence)

Amphipolis (1 Occurrence)

Seemed (89 Occurrences)

Earthquake (17 Occurrences)

Encourage (34 Occurrences)

Leading (101 Occurrences)

Pleased (172 Occurrences)

Arrived (129 Occurrences)

Assembly (371 Occurrences)

Market (24 Occurrences)

Judas (42 Occurrences)

Message (222 Occurrences)

Telling (89 Occurrences)

Choose (116 Occurrences)

Macedonia (23 Occurrences)

Chosen (197 Occurrences)

Philippians (2 Occurrences)

Brethren (528 Occurrences)

Prison (131 Occurrences)

Barnabas (33 Occurrences)

Ministry (44 Occurrences)

Calling (145 Occurrences)

Departed (270 Occurrences)

Making (644 Occurrences)

Praise (487 Occurrences)

Teaching (372 Occurrences)

Teacher (103 Occurrences)

Teach (172 Occurrences)

Namely (81 Occurrences)

Notwithstanding (37 Occurrences)

Occupied (32 Occurrences)

Owners (19 Occurrences)

Jealous (43 Occurrences)

Join (70 Occurrences)

Joined (146 Occurrences)

Jealousy (54 Occurrences)

Leaders (167 Occurrences)

Lictors (2 Occurrences)

Lengthy (4 Occurrences)

Listened (120 Occurrences)

Lights (71 Occurrences)

Listening (47 Occurrences)

Gentlewomen (3 Occurrences)

Gains (19 Occurrences)

Girl (71 Occurrences)

Galatia (6 Occurrences)

God-fearing (24 Occurrences)

Worshipping (49 Occurrences)

Waverer (1 Occurrence)

Worshipped (81 Occurrences)

Won (24 Occurrences)

Including (90 Occurrences)

Instructions (47 Occurrences)

Iconium (6 Occurrences)

Ill-conditioned (1 Occurrence)

Idle (33 Occurrences)

Fervently (7 Occurrences)

Travelling (17 Occurrences)

Testified (65 Occurrences)

Thereupon (22 Occurrences)

Testifying (35 Occurrences)

Thither (119 Occurrences)

Tertius (1 Occurrence)

Trembling (72 Occurrences)

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