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In the biblical context, the concept of "purposes" is deeply intertwined with the divine will and the overarching plan of God for creation, humanity, and individual lives. The Bible presents God's purposes as sovereign, unchangeable, and ultimately for the good of those who love Him.

Divine Purpose

The Bible frequently emphasizes that God's purposes are eternal and unthwartable. In Isaiah 46:10, God declares, "I distinguish the end from the beginning, and ancient times from what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and all My good pleasure I will accomplish.’" This verse underscores the certainty and authority of God's plans, which are not subject to human interference.

Human Purpose

Human beings are called to align their purposes with God's will. Proverbs 19:21 states, "Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the LORD will prevail." This highlights the distinction between human intentions and divine purposes, encouraging believers to seek God's guidance in their decision-making processes.

Purpose in Suffering

The Bible also addresses the role of purpose in suffering and trials. Romans 8:28 offers reassurance: "And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose." This passage provides comfort by affirming that even in adversity, God's purposes are being fulfilled for the ultimate benefit of His people.

Purpose in Redemption

Central to the biblical narrative is the purpose of redemption through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:9-10 reveals, "And He has made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to bring all things in heaven and on earth together in Christ." This passage highlights the redemptive purpose of God, culminating in the unification of all things under Christ's lordship.

Purpose in the Church

The Church, as the body of Christ, is called to fulfill God's purposes on earth. Ephesians 3:10-11 states, "His purpose was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord." The Church is thus seen as a vehicle for manifesting God's wisdom and purposes to the world.

Individual Purpose

Believers are encouraged to discern and pursue their individual purposes in alignment with God's will. Jeremiah 29:11 is often cited for encouragement: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope." This verse reassures individuals of God's intentional and benevolent plans for their lives.

Purpose and Obedience

Obedience to God's commands is integral to fulfilling His purposes. In Ecclesiastes 12:13, the conclusion of the matter is stated: "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." This encapsulates the idea that living in accordance with God's will is central to realizing one's purpose.

Purpose and Wisdom

The pursuit of wisdom is closely linked to understanding and fulfilling God's purposes. Proverbs 16:4 affirms, "The LORD has made everything for His purpose—even the wicked for the day of disaster." This suggests that wisdom involves recognizing God's sovereign purposes in all aspects of life, including the existence of evil and suffering.

In summary, the biblical concept of purposes encompasses God's sovereign plans, the call for human alignment with divine will, the role of the Church, and the individual pursuit of God-given purposes. Through obedience, wisdom, and faith, believers are invited to participate in the unfolding of God's eternal purposes.
5421. phrear -- a well
... Of uncertain derivation; a hole in the ground (dug for obtaining or holding water
or other purposes), ie A cistern or well; figuratively, an abyss (as a prison ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5421.htm - 6k

2585. kapeleuo -- to make a trade of
... Verb Transliteration: kapeleuo Phonetic Spelling: (kap-ale-yoo'-o) Short Definition:
I hawk, trade in Definition: I hawk, trade in, deal in for purposes of gain ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2585.htm - 6k

3048. logeia -- a collection
... Definition: a collection, collecting Definition: a collection, collecting (of money),
particularly of an irregular local contribution for religious purposes. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3048.htm - 6k

Strong's Hebrew
5144. nazar -- to dedicate, consecrate
... abstain (from food and drink, from impurity, and even from divine worship (ie
Apostatize)); specifically, to set apart (to sacred purposes), ie Devote ...
/hebrew/5144.htm - 5k

4707. mitspeh -- watchtower
... watch tower. From tsaphah; an observatory, especially for military purposes -- watch
tower. see HEBREW tsaphah. 4706, 4707. mitspeh. 4708 . Strong's Numbers
/hebrew/4707.htm - 6k

4284. machashabah -- thought, device
... 1), designs (3), devised (1), intentions* (1), invented (1), inventive (1), plan
(2), plans (14), plot (1), plots (1), plotting (1), purposes (3), scheme (2 ...
/hebrew/4284.htm - 6k

3537. kad -- a jar
... barrel, pitcher. From an unused root meaning to deepen; properly, a pail; but generally
of earthenware; a jar for domestic purposes -- barrel, pitcher. ...
/hebrew/3537.htm - 6k

4209. mezimmah -- purpose, discretion, device
... device NASB Word Usage devises evil (1), discretion (5), evil devices (1), intent
(1), plans (1), plot (1), plots (1), purpose (2), purposes (1), schemer* (1 ...
/hebrew/4209.htm - 6k


Purposes of God.
... LECTURE XLVI. PURPOSES OF GOD. ... I. What I understand by the purposes of God. Purposes,
in this discussion, I shall use as synonymous with design, intention. ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xlvi purposes of god.htm

As He Purposes to Establish the Godhead of the Holy Spirit by the ...
... Book III. Chapter XVIII. As he purposes to establish the Godhead of the Holy
Spirit by the points already? As he purposes to establish ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xviii as he purposes.htm

Covenanting According to the Purposes of God.
revealed purpose of God, implying that obedience to his ...
/.../the ordinance of covenanting/chapter viii covenanting according to.htm

God's Purposes in Election and Rejection of the Same Men, Such as ...
... Chapter XXIII."God's Purposes in Election and Rejection of the Same Men, Such
as King Saul, Explained, in Answer to the Marcionite Cavil. ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xxiii gods purposes in election.htm

Purposes of God Developed by his Providence.
... OF GOD. 128. " Purposes of God developed by his Providence. 128. CM Cowper.
Purposes of God developed by his Providence. 1 God ...
/.../adams/hymns for christian devotion/128 purposes of god.htm

God's Purposes are Effects of Grace.
... Book IV. Chapter 13."God's Purposes are Effects of Grace. What does it
profit them, that in the praise of that same free will ...
/.../augustine/anti-pelagian writings/chapter 13 gods purposes are effects.htm

The Established Christian Urged to Exert Himself for Purposes of ...
/.../chapter xxviii the established christian.htm

If any Man Lusting after a Woman Purposes to Lie with Her...
... Canon IV. If any man lusting after a woman purposes to lie with her? If
any man lusting after a woman purposes to lie with her ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/canon iv if any man.htm

The Same Rule Holds with Regard to Colours God's Creatures ...
... Book I. Chapter VIII."The Same Rule Holds with Regard to Colours God's Creatures
Generally Not to Be Used, Except for the Purposes to Which He Has Appointed ...
/.../tertullian/on the apparel of women/chapter viii the same rule holds.htm

God, Foreknowing the Sin of the First Man, Ordered his Own ...
... Chapter 104."God, Foreknowing the Sin of the First Man, Ordered His Own Purposes
Accordingly. Wherefore, God would have been willing ...
/.../augustine/the enchiridion/chapter 104 god foreknowing the sin.htm

Purposes (67 Occurrences)
...Purposes (67 Occurrences). Mark 7:21 For from within, out of men's hearts, their
evil purposes proceed--fornication, theft, murder, adultery, (WEY). ...
/p/purposes.htm - 25k

Anointing (39 Occurrences)
... Ordinary Use: (1) As regards its secular or ordinary use, the native olive oil,
alone or mixed with perfumes, was commonly used for toilet purposes, the very ...
/a/anointing.htm - 28k

Plans (55 Occurrences)
... this? Or the purposes which I form--do I form them on worldly principles,
now crying "Yes, yes," and now "No, no"? (See RSV NIV). ...
/p/plans.htm - 20k

... 1. (n.) An orderly arrangement of the division of time, adapted to the purposes
of civil life, as years, months, weeks, and days; also, a register of the year ...
/c/calendar.htm - 13k

Sex (51 Occurrences)
... Do not take into the house of the Lord your God, as an offering for an oath, the
price of a loose woman or the money given to one used for sex purposes in the ...
/s/sex.htm - 22k

Chariot (102 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary A vehicle generally used for warlike purposes. Sometimes,
though but rarely, it is spoken of as used for peaceful purposes. ...
/c/chariot.htm - 55k

Craft (14 Occurrences)
... 4. (n.) Cunning, art, or skill, in a bad sense, or applied to bad purposes; artifice;
guile; skill or dexterity employed to effect purposes by deceit or shrewd ...
/c/craft.htm - 12k

Fire (602 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary. (1.) For sacred purposes. ... (2.) For domestic purposes,
such as baking, cooking, warmth, etc. (Jeremiah 36:22; Mark 14:54; John 18:18). ...
/f/fire.htm - 78k

Designs (118 Occurrences)
... Then Esther again came before the king, falling down at his feet, and made request
to him with weeping, that he would put a stop to the evil purposes of Haman ...
/d/designs.htm - 35k

Wake (34 Occurrences)
... 3. (vi) To sit up late festive purposes; to hold a night revel. ... 11. (n.) The state
of forbearing sleep, especially for solemn or festive purposes; a vigil. 12. ...
/w/wake.htm - 17k

Why did God give us four Gospels? | GotQuestions.org

What does the Bible mean when it refers to something as a perversion? | GotQuestions.org

What does the Bible say about steroids? | GotQuestions.org

Purposes: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com

Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus
Purposes (67 Occurrences)

Mark 7:21
For from within, out of men's hearts, their evil purposes proceed--fornication, theft, murder, adultery,

Romans 9:21
Or hasn't the potter a right over the clay, from the same lump to make one part a vessel for honor, and another for dishonor?
(See NIV)

Romans 11:34
Who has knowledge of the mind of the Lord? or who has taken part in his purposes?

1 Corinthians 4:5
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each man will get his praise from God.
(See RSV)

1 Corinthians 10:28
But if any one say to you, This is offered to holy purposes, do not eat, for his sake that pointed it out, and conscience sake;

1 Corinthians 15:32
If I fought with animals at Ephesus for human purposes, what does it profit me? If the dead are not raised, then "let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die."

2 Corinthians 1:17
Did I display any vacillation or caprice in this? Or the purposes which I form--do I form them on worldly principles, now crying "Yes, yes," and now "No, no"?

2 Timothy 2:20
Now in a large house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of clay. Some are for honor, and some for dishonor.
(See NIV)

2 Timothy 2:21
If anyone therefore purges himself from these, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, and suitable for the master's use, prepared for every good work.
(See NIV)

Titus 3:14
And let our people go on with good works for necessary purposes, so that they may not be without fruit.

Hebrews 4:12
For God's Message is full of life and power, and is keener than the sharpest two-edged sword. It pierces even to the severance of soul from spirit, and penetrates between the joints and the marrow, and it can discern the secret thoughts and purposes of the heart.

Revelation 10:7
"There shall be no further delay; but in the days when the seventh angel blows his trumpet--when he begins to do so--then the secret purposes of God are realized, in accordance with the good news which He gave to His servants the Prophets."

Exodus 32:22
And Aaron said, Let not my lord be angry; you have seen how the purposes of this people are evil.

Leviticus 7:24
And the fat of that which comes to a natural death, and the fat of that which is attacked by beasts, may be used for other purposes, but not in any way for food.

Deuteronomy 23:18
Do not take into the house of the Lord your God, as an offering for an oath, the price of a loose woman or the money given to one used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods: for these two things are disgusting to the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 31:21
It shall happen, when many evils and troubles are come on them, that this song shall testify before them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they frame this day, before I have brought them into the land which I swore."
(See RSV)

1 Kings 14:24
And more than this, there were those in the land who were used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods, doing the same disgusting crimes as the nations which the Lord had sent out before the children of Israel.

1 Kings 15:12
Those used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods he sent out of the country, and he took away all the images which his fathers had made.

1 Kings 22:46
He put an end to the rest of those who were used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods, all those who were still in the land in the time of his father Asa.

2 Kings 23:7
And he had the houses pulled down of those who were used for sex purposes in the house of the Lord, where women were making robes for the Asherah.

1 Chronicles 29:18
Yahweh, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers, keep this forever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of your people, and prepare their heart to you;
(See RSV)

Esther 8:3
Then Esther again came before the king, falling down at his feet, and made request to him with weeping, that he would put a stop to the evil purposes of Haman the Agagite and the designs which he had made against the Jews.

Job 5:12
Who makes the designs of the wise go wrong, so that they are unable to give effect to their purposes.

Job 5:13
He takes the wise in their secret designs, and the purposes of the twisted are cut off suddenly.

Job 17:11
My days are past, my purposes are broken off, even the thoughts of my heart.

Job 21:27
See, I am conscious of your thoughts, and of your violent purposes against me;

Job 22:28
Your purposes will come about, and light will be shining on your ways.

Job 36:14
They come to their end while they are still young, their life is short like that of those who are used for sex purposes in the worship of their gods.

Psalms 10:7
His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and false words: under his tongue are evil purposes and dark thoughts.

Psalms 20:4
May he give you your heart's desire, and put all your purposes into effect.

Psalms 33:10
Yahweh brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. He makes the thoughts of the peoples to be of no effect.
(See NIV)

Psalms 33:11
The Lord's purpose is eternal, the designs of his heart go on through all the generations of man.
(See NIV)

Psalms 58:2
The purposes of your hearts are evil; your hands are full of cruel doings on the earth.

Psalms 81:12
So I gave them up to the desires of their hearts; that they might go after their evil purposes.

Psalms 106:43
Again and again he made them free; but their hearts were turned against his purpose, and they were overcome by their sins.
(See RSV)

Psalms 146:4
Man's breath goes out, he is turned back again to dust; in that day all his purposes come to an end.

Proverbs 2:11
Wise purposes will be watching over you, and knowledge will keep you;

Proverbs 6:18
A heart that deviseth wicked purposes, Feet that are swift in running to mischief,

Proverbs 8:12
I, wisdom, have made wise behaviour my near relation; I am seen to be the special friend of wise purposes.

Proverbs 12:5
The purposes of upright men are right, but the designs of evil-doers are deceit.

Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.

Proverbs 16:1
The purposes of the heart are of man, but the answer of the tongue is from Jehovah.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit thy works unto Jehovah, And thy purposes shall be established.

Proverbs 16:28
A man of twisted purposes is a cause of fighting everywhere: and he who says evil secretly makes trouble between friends.

Proverbs 16:30
He whose eyes are shut is a man of twisted purposes, and he who keeps his lips shut tight makes evil come about.

Proverbs 17:20
Nothing good comes to him whose heart is fixed on evil purposes: and he who has an evil tongue will come to trouble.

Proverbs 19:21
Many 'are' the purposes in a man's heart, And the counsel of Jehovah it standeth.

Proverbs 20:18
Purposes by counsel thou dost establish, And with plans make thou war.

Proverbs 21:5
The purposes of the man of industry have their outcome only in wealth; but one who is over-quick in acting will only come to be in need.

Proverbs 24:2
For the purposes of their hearts are destruction, and their lips are talking of trouble.

Proverbs 24:8
He whose purposes are bad will be named a man of evil designs.

Isaiah 19:10
And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof, all that make sluices and ponds for fish.

Isaiah 25:1
O Lord, you are my God; I will give praise to you, I will give honour to your name; for you have done great acts of power; your purposes in the past have been made true and certain in effect.

Isaiah 32:8
But the noble-hearted man has noble purposes, and by these he will be guided.

Isaiah 44:26
Who makes the word of his servants certain, and gives effect to the purposes of his representatives; who says of Jerusalem, Her people will come back to her; and of the towns of Judah, I will give orders for their building, and will make her waste places fertile again:

Isaiah 65:2
All day my hands have been stretched out to an uncontrolled people, who go in an evil way, after the purposes of their hearts;

Jeremiah 3:17
At that time Jerusalem will be named the seat of the Lord's kingdom; and all the nations will come together to it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem: and no longer will their steps be guided by the purposes of their evil hearts.

Jeremiah 4:14
O Jerusalem, make your heart clean from evil, so that you may have salvation. How long are evil purposes to have a resting-place in you?

Jeremiah 15:11
Yahweh said, Most certainly I will strengthen you for good; most certainly I will cause the enemy to make supplication to you in the time of evil and in the time of affliction.
(See NAS)

Jeremiah 23:20
The anger of Jehovah shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall understand it perfectly.

Jeremiah 30:24
The fierce anger of Jehovah shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall understand it.

Jeremiah 49:20
Therefore hear the counsel of Yahweh, that he has taken against Edom; and his purposes, that he has purposed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely they shall drag them away, even the little ones of the flock; surely he shall make their habitation desolate over them.

Jeremiah 50:45
Therefore hear the counsel of Yahweh, that he has taken against Babylon; and his purposes, that he has purposed against the land of the Chaldeans: Surely they shall drag them away, even the little ones of the flock; surely he shall make their habitation desolate over them.

Jeremiah 51:29
The land trembles and is in pain; for the purposes of Yahweh against Babylon do stand, to make the land of Babylon a desolation, without inhabitant.

Hosea 4:14
I will not give punishment to your daughters or your brides for their evil behaviour; for they make themselves separate with loose women, and make offerings with those who are used for sex purposes in the worship of the gods: the people who have no wisdom will be sent away.

Nahum 1:11
One has gone out from you who is designing evil against the Lord, whose purposes are of no value.

Zechariah 13:4
And it will come about in that day that the prophets will be shamed, every man on account of his vision, when he is talking as a prophet; and they will not put on a robe of hair for purposes of deceit:



Related Terms

Purposing (21 Occurrences)

Necessity (22 Occurrences)

Loveth (88 Occurrences)

Whensoever (13 Occurrences)

Constraint (6 Occurrences)

Purposes (67 Occurrences)

Mentioned (30 Occurrences)

Terrified (88 Occurrences)

Seeketh (60 Occurrences)

Purpose (448 Occurrences)

Egyptians (108 Occurrences)

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