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The term "Pretorium" refers to the official residence or headquarters of a Roman governor or high-ranking official. In the context of the New Testament, it is most notably associated with the events surrounding the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Pretorium is mentioned in several passages, providing insight into the Roman judicial process and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Biblical References:

1. Matthew 27:27 : "Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company around Him." This passage describes the events following Jesus' trial before Pontius Pilate. The Pretorium here is the governor's residence in Jerusalem, where Roman soldiers mocked and tortured Jesus before His crucifixion. This event fulfills the prophecy of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53, highlighting the Messiah's role in bearing the sins of humanity.

2. Mark 15:16 : "Then the soldiers led Jesus away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and called the whole company together." Mark's account parallels that of Matthew, emphasizing the Roman soldiers' role in the mockery and humiliation of Jesus. The Pretorium serves as the backdrop for these events, underscoring the Roman authority's involvement in the crucifixion.

3. John 18:28 : "Then they led Jesus away from Caiaphas to the Praetorium. It was early morning, and they did not enter the Praetorium to avoid being defiled and unable to eat the Passover." In John's Gospel, the Pretorium is the location where Jesus is brought before Pilate after His arrest. The Jewish leaders' refusal to enter the Pretorium to avoid ceremonial defilement highlights the tension between Jewish customs and Roman governance.

4. John 19:9 : "He went back into the Praetorium and asked Jesus, 'Where are You from?' But Jesus gave no answer." This interaction between Pilate and Jesus within the Pretorium further illustrates the fulfillment of prophecy, as Jesus remains silent before His accusers, in accordance with Isaiah 53:7.

Historical and Cultural Context:

The Pretorium was a significant structure in Roman provincial administration, often serving as the governor's residence and the center of military and judicial activity. In Jerusalem, the Pretorium was likely located in the Antonia Fortress or Herod's Palace, both of which served as Roman administrative centers during the time of Jesus.

The presence of the Pretorium in the Gospel narratives underscores the Roman authority's role in the events leading to the crucifixion. It highlights the political and social dynamics of the period, where Roman law intersected with Jewish religious practices. The Pretorium, as a symbol of Roman power, serves as a backdrop for the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Theological Significance:

The events at the Pretorium are pivotal in the Passion narrative, illustrating the suffering and humiliation that Jesus endured for the salvation of humanity. The involvement of Roman authorities, represented by the Pretorium, fulfills the prophecies concerning the Messiah's rejection and suffering at the hands of both Jewish and Gentile leaders. This setting emphasizes the universality of Jesus' sacrifice, as He is judged and condemned by the world's political powers, yet triumphs over sin and death through His resurrection.
ATS Bible Dictionary

A name given in the gospels to the house in which dwelt the Roman governor of Jerusalem, Mark 15:16. Here he sat in his judicial capacity, and here Jesus was brought before him. See GABRATHA. This was the palace built by Herod at Jerusalem, near the tower of Antonia, with which it had communication. It was a magnificent building, and inclosed a spacious court, Matthew 27:27 Mark 15:16 John 18:28,33. Here the Roman procurators resided whenever they visited Jerusalem, their headquarters being at Caesarea, Acts 23:23 25:1.

The pretorium or palace of Herod (English translation, "judgment-hall") at Caesarea is also mentioned in Acts 23:35. Paul speaks also of the pretorium (English translation, "palace") at Rome, in which he gave testimony to Christ, Philippians 1:13. Some think that by this he means the palace of the emperor Nero; and others, that he intends the place where the roman Praetor sat to administer justice, that is, his tribunal. Other have maintained, with greater probability, that under the name of the pretorium at Rome, Paul would express the camp of the pretorium soldiers, whither he might have been carried by the soldier that always accompanied him, and who was fastened to him by a chain, as the manner was among the Romans.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) The general's tent in a Roman camp; hence, a council of war, because held in the general's tent.

2. (n.) The official residence of a governor of a province; hence, a place; a splendid country seat.


John Chapter xviii. 28-32.
... the whole of his denial, which was thrice repeated, he says, "Then they bring Jesus
unto Caiaphas [1831] into the hall of judgment (pretorium);" for he had ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate cxiv john chapter xviii.htm

"Jesus or Barabbas. "
... cross!". Then the soldiers led Jesus away to the Pretorium and took off his
robe and tied his hands to a low pillar and scourged him. ...
/.../stead/king of the jews/chapter viii jesus or barabbas.htm

Pretorium (1 Occurrence)
...Pretorium (1 Occurrence). Mark 15:16 And the soldiers led him away into the hall,
called Pretorium; and they call together the whole band; (WBS). ...
/p/pretorium.htm - 6k

Praetorium (8 Occurrences)
... praetor" or commander-in-chief. Noah Webster's Dictionary. (n.) See Pretorium.
Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. PRAETORIUM. pre-to'-ri-um ...
/p/praetorium.htm - 14k

Gabbatha (1 Occurrence)
... lithostroton), and is probably a transcription in Greek of the Aramaic gabhetha',
meaning "height" or "ridge." Tradition which now locates the Pretorium at the ...
/g/gabbatha.htm - 8k

Praetorian (2 Occurrences)
... 1. Pretorium in Philippians-Usual View: It has been usual to connect the words,
"the soldier that guarded him," Acts 28:16, with this statement in Philippians 1 ...
/p/praetorian.htm - 15k

Guard (185 Occurrences)
... 1. Pretorium in Philippians-Usual View: It has been usual to connect the words,
"the soldier that guarded him," Acts 28:16, with this statement in Philippians 1 ...
/g/guard.htm - 55k

Pre-trusted (1 Occurrence)
Pre-trusted. Pretorium, Pre-trusted. Pretty . Multi-Version Concordance
Pre-trusted (1 Occurrence). ... Pretorium, Pre-trusted. Pretty . Reference Bible.
/p/pre-trusted.htm - 6k

Pretexts (3 Occurrences)

/p/pretexts.htm - 7k

Pavement (9 Occurrences)
... verse 19 the word is edaphos; in John 19:13, the name "The Pavement" (lithostrotos,
"paved with stone") is given to the place outside the Pretorium on which ...
/p/pavement.htm - 11k

Defilement (12 Occurrences)
... with them (not expressly forbidden in Mosaic law; Acts 11:3), or entering into their
houses (John 18:28; the Pharisees refusing to enter the Pretorium); by the ...
/d/defilement.htm - 21k

Defile (63 Occurrences)
... with them (not expressly forbidden in Mosaic law; Acts 11:3), or entering into their
houses (John 18:28; the Pharisees refusing to enter the Pretorium); by the ...
/d/defile.htm - 38k

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