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In the biblical context, "pleasures" often refer to experiences or activities that bring enjoyment or satisfaction. The Bible addresses the concept of pleasure in various ways, acknowledging both its potential benefits and its dangers when pursued outside the boundaries of God's will.

Old Testament References

The Old Testament frequently discusses pleasures in the context of human desires and the pursuit of satisfaction. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon reflects on the futility of seeking pleasure as an end in itself: "I said to myself, 'Come now, I will test you with pleasure; enjoy what is good!' But it proved to be futile" (Ecclesiastes 2:1). This passage highlights the transient nature of earthly pleasures and the ultimate emptiness they can bring when disconnected from a relationship with God.

The Psalms also touch on the theme of pleasure, often contrasting the fleeting pleasures of the wicked with the enduring joy found in God. Psalm 16:11 states, "You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand" . Here, the psalmist emphasizes that true and lasting pleasure is found in the presence of God.

New Testament Insights

In the New Testament, the pursuit of pleasure is often linked to the desires of the flesh and the dangers of living according to worldly values. The Apostle Paul warns against such pursuits in his letters. In 2 Timothy 3:4, he describes people in the last days as "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God" . This warning serves as a reminder of the potential for pleasure to become an idol, drawing individuals away from their devotion to God.

James also addresses the issue of pleasure in the context of conflict and sin: "What causes conflicts and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from the passions at war within you? You crave what you do not have; you kill and covet, but are unable to obtain it. You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:1-2). This passage highlights how the pursuit of selfish pleasures can lead to strife and discord.

The Role of Pleasure in the Christian Life

While the Bible warns against the dangers of hedonism and the pursuit of pleasure for its own sake, it does not condemn pleasure itself. Instead, it calls believers to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction in God. The enjoyment of God's creation, relationships, and the blessings of life are seen as gifts from God to be received with gratitude and used for His glory.

The Apostle Paul encourages believers to focus on what is good and praiseworthy: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things" (Philippians 4:8). This exhortation suggests that pleasure, when aligned with God's will and purpose, can be a positive and enriching part of the Christian life.


The Bible presents a balanced view of pleasure, recognizing its potential for both good and harm. While earthly pleasures can be fleeting and deceptive, true and lasting joy is found in a relationship with God and in living according to His purposes. Believers are called to discernment, ensuring that their pursuit of pleasure aligns with their commitment to God and His kingdom.
2237. hedone -- pleasure
... [2237 is the root of the English terms, "," ". Word Origin from hedomai (to enjoy
oneself) Definition pleasure NASB Word Usage pleasure (1), pleasures (4). ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2237.htm - 7k

619. apolausis -- enjoyment
... Word Origin from apolauo (to take of, enjoy) Definition enjoyment NASB
Word Usage enjoy (1), enjoy the pleasures (1). enjoyment. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/619.htm - 6k

Strong's Hebrew
5719. adin -- voluptuous
... 1). given to pleasures. From adan; voluptuous -- given to pleasures. see
HEBREW adan. 5718, 5719. adin. 5720 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/5719.htm - 6k

5273a. naim -- pleasant, delightful
... Word Origin from naem Definition pleasant, delightful NASB Word Usage compliments*
(1), lovely (1), pleasant (7), pleasures (2). 5273, 5273a. naim. 5273b . ...
/hebrew/5273a.htm - 5k

8588. taanug -- daintiness, luxury, exquisite delight
... Word Origin from anog Definition daintiness, luxury, exquisite delight NASB Word
Usage charms (1), delight (1), luxury (1), pleasant (1), pleasures (1). ...
/hebrew/8588.htm - 6k


Concerning Pleasures.
... Book II. Chapter XIII."Concerning Pleasures. There are pleasures of the
soul and pleasures of the body. The pleasures of the soul ...
/.../john/exposition of the orthodox faith/chapter xiii concerning pleasures.htm

Whether Desires for Pleasures of Touch are the Matter of ...
... OF CONTINENCE (FOUR ARTICLES) Whether desires for pleasures of touch are
the matter of continence? Objection 1: It would seem that ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether desires for pleasures of.htm

Whether Temperance is Only About Desires and Pleasures of Touch?
... OF TEMPERANCE (EIGHT ARTICLES) Whether temperance is only about desires
and pleasures of touch? Objection 1: It would seem that ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether temperance is only about 2.htm

Whether Temperance is About the Pleasures Proper to the Taste?
... OF TEMPERANCE (EIGHT ARTICLES) Whether temperance is about the pleasures proper
to the taste? Objection 1: It would seem that temperance ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether temperance is about the.htm

Whether the Pleasures of Touch are Greater than the Pleasures ...
... OF DELIGHT CONSIDERED IN ITSELF [*Or, Pleasure] (EIGHT ARTICLES) Whether the pleasures
of touch are greater than the pleasures afforded by the other senses? ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the pleasures of touch.htm

True Pleasures.
... IV. COMFORT. Hymn 49 True pleasures. William Cowper 7,6,7,6,7,7,7,6. True pleasures.
Lord my soul with pleasure springs,. When Jesus' name I hear; ...
//christianbookshelf.org/newton/olney hymns/hymn 49 true pleasures.htm

Whether Bodily and Sensible Pleasures are Greater than Spiritual ...
and sensible pleasures are greater than spiritual and intellectual pleasures? ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether bodily and sensible pleasures.htm

Of the Pleasures of Taste and Smell.
... the divine institutes Book VI. Of True Worship. Chap. XXII."Of the Pleasures
of Taste and Smell. But with regard to the pleasures ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xxii of the pleasures of.htm

Pleasures of the Glorified Senses.
... CHAPTER X. PLEASURES OF THE GLORIFIED SENSES. ... These pleasures, as well as those
of the Beatific Vision, are certainly beyond our comprehension. ...
/.../boudreaux/the happiness of heaven/chapter x pleasures of the.htm

The Pleasures of a Good Conscience.
... Book 2. Composed on Divine Subjects. Hymn 2:57. The pleasures of a good conscience.
1 Lord, how secure and bless'd are they Who feel the joys of pardon'd sin! ...
/.../watts/hymns and spiritual songs/hymn 2 57 the pleasures of.htm

Pleasures (18 Occurrences)
... Multi-Version Concordance Pleasures (18 Occurrences). Mark 7:21 Because from inside,
from the heart of men, come evil thoughts and unclean pleasures, (BBE). ...
/p/pleasures.htm - 11k

Lust (42 Occurrences)
... (2) Hedone, delight in sensuality, hence, wicked pleasures; translated in James
4:1, 3 "pleasures": "Your pleasures that war in your members"; "Ye ask amiss ...
/l/lust.htm - 24k

Epicureans (1 Occurrence)
... course. And in this larger outlook, the pleasures of the mind came to
occupy a larger place than the pleasures of the body. For ...
/e/epicureans.htm - 20k

Waters (386 Occurrences)
... as streams of water in a dry place" (Isaiah 32:2); of peace, "He leadeth me beside
still waters" (Psalm 23:2); of legitimate pleasures, "waters out of thine ...
/w/waters.htm - 42k

Makest (68 Occurrences)
... Psalms 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of life: In thy presence is fulness of joy;
In thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (See JPS). ...
/m/makest.htm - 25k

Various (52 Occurrences)
... Titus 3:3 For we were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various
lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another ...
/v/various.htm - 22k

Passions (26 Occurrences)
... Titus 3:3 For in the past we were foolish, hard in heart, turned from the true way,
servants of evil desires and pleasures, living in bad feeling and envy ...
/p/passions.htm - 17k

Spend (54 Occurrences)
... (See NAS RSV). James 4:3 You ask, and don't receive, because you ask with wrong
motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures. (WEB ASV YLT NAS RSV NIV). ...
/s/spend.htm - 23k

Pleasure (331 Occurrences)
... and American) "as seemed good to them"); hedone, "sweetness," "pleasure," occurs
in Luke 8:14 Titus 3:3 2 Peter 2:13 (referring to the lower pleasures of life ...
/p/pleasure.htm - 40k

Quarrels (10 Occurrences)
... (See RSV NIV). James 4:1 Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don't
they come from your pleasures that war in your members? (See NAS NIV). ...
/q/quarrels.htm - 9k

Is God a cosmic killjoy? | GotQuestions.org

Is God opposed to pleasure? | GotQuestions.org

What is the meaning of “you have not because you ask not” in James 4:2? | GotQuestions.org

Pleasures: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com

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Pleasures (18 Occurrences)

Mark 7:21
Because from inside, from the heart of men, come evil thoughts and unclean pleasures,

Luke 8:14
That which fell among the thorns, these are those who have heard, and as they go on their way they are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity.

Luke 21:34
But give attention to yourselves, for fear that your hearts become over-full of the pleasures of food and wine, and the cares of this life, and that day may come on you suddenly, and take you as in a net:

Ephesians 2:3
Among whom we all at one time were living in the pleasures of our flesh, giving way to the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and the punishment of God was waiting for us even as for the rest.

2 Timothy 3:4
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Titus 2:12
training us to renounce ungodliness and all the pleasures of this world, and to live sober, upright, and pious lives at the present time,

Titus 3:3
For we were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.

Hebrews 11:25
choosing rather to share ill treatment with God's people, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a time;

James 4:1
Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don't they come from your pleasures that war in your members?

James 4:3
You ask, and don't receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures.

2 Peter 2:13
about to receive a reward of unrighteousness, pleasures counting the luxury in the day, spots and blemishes, luxuriating in their deceits, feasting with you,

Jude 1:16
These are the men who make trouble, ever desiring change, going after evil pleasures, using high-sounding words, respecting men's position in the hope of reward.

Job 36:11
If they listen and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.

Psalms 16:11
You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. In your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.

Psalms 36:8
They shall be abundantly satisfied with the abundance of your house. You will make them drink of the river of your pleasures.

Proverbs 3:15
Precious she 'is' above rubies, And all thy pleasures are not comparable to her.

Ecclesiastes 2:8
I got together silver and gold and the wealth of kings and of countries. I got makers of song, male and female; and the delights of the sons of men--girls of all sorts to be my brides.
(See NAS)

Isaiah 47:8
"Now therefore hear this, you who are given to pleasures, who sit securely, who say in your heart, I am, and there is none else besides me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:



Related Terms

Rome (12 Occurrences)

Empire (8 Occurrences)

Pleasures (18 Occurrences)

Openness (2 Occurrences)

Wondering (22 Occurrences)

Ignoble (4 Occurrences)

Pled (1 Occurrence)

Common (118 Occurrences)


Senate (1 Occurrence)

Beholding (45 Occurrences)


Taking (445 Occurrences)

Roman (26 Occurrences)

Army (401 Occurrences)

Law (670 Occurrences)

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