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The concept of "perform" in the Bible often relates to the fulfillment of promises, duties, or actions as commanded by God. It encompasses the idea of carrying out or executing a task or command with faithfulness and diligence. The term is used in various contexts throughout Scripture, highlighting the importance of obedience and the fulfillment of God's will.

Old Testament Usage

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word often translated as "perform" is עָשָׂה (asah), which means to do, make, or accomplish. This term is frequently used in the context of fulfilling vows or commandments. For example, in Deuteronomy 23:21 , it is written, "If you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not be slow to keep it, because He will surely require it of you, and it would be sin against you." Here, the emphasis is on the necessity of performing one's vows to God without delay.

The concept of performing is also evident in the sacrificial system, where the Israelites were required to perform specific rituals and offerings as acts of worship and atonement. In Leviticus 16:34 , the Day of Atonement is described: "This shall be a permanent statute for you, to make atonement for the Israelites once a year because of all their sins." The performance of these rituals was crucial for maintaining the covenant relationship with God.

New Testament Usage

In the New Testament, the Greek word often translated as "perform" is ποιέω (poieo), which similarly means to do or make. The New Testament emphasizes the performance of God's will through obedience to Christ's teachings. In Matthew 5:17 , Jesus states, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them." Here, Jesus speaks of His mission to perform or fulfill the requirements of the Law, underscoring His role as the Messiah.

The Apostle Paul also speaks of performing in the context of spiritual gifts and ministry. In Romans 12:6-7 , he writes, "We have different gifts according to the grace given us. If one's gift is prophecy, let him use it in proportion to his faith; if it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach." The performance of these gifts is seen as an act of service to God and the body of Christ.

Theological Implications

Theologically, the concept of performing in the Bible underscores the importance of faithfulness and obedience to God's commands. It reflects the belief that actions are a manifestation of faith and that true faith is evidenced by the performance of good works. James 2:17 states, "So too, faith by itself, if it does not result in action, is dead." This highlights the necessity of performing good works as a demonstration of living faith.

Moreover, the performance of God's will is seen as a response to His grace and love. Believers are called to perform acts of righteousness not to earn salvation, but as a grateful response to the salvation already received through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:10 affirms, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life."

In summary, the biblical concept of "perform" is deeply rooted in the themes of obedience, faithfulness, and the fulfillment of God's will. It calls believers to live out their faith through actions that align with God's commands and purposes.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (v. t.) To carry through; to bring to completion; to achieve; to accomplish; to execute; to do.

2. (v. t.) To discharge; to fulfill; to act up to; as, to perform a duty; to perform a promise or a vow.

3. (v. t.) To represent; to act; to play; as in drama.

4. (v. i.) To do, execute, or accomplish something; to acquit one's self in any business; esp., to represent sometimes by action; to act a part; to play on a musical instrument; as, the players perform poorly; the musician performs on the organ.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

per-form' (Fr. parfournir, "to furnish completely," "to complete" "finish entirely"): In modern English, through a mistaken connection with "form," "perform" usually suggests an act in its continuity, while the word properly should emphasize only the completion of the act. the King James Version seems to have used the word in order to convey the proper sense (compare Romans 15:28 2 Corinthians 8:11; Philippians 1:6, where the Revised Version (British and American) has respectively "accomplish," "complete," "perfect"), but usually with so little justification in the Hebrew or Greek that "do" would have represented the original even better. the Revised Version (British and American) has rarely changed the word in the Old Testament, and such changes as have been made (Deuteronomy 23:23 Esther 1:15, etc.) seem based on no particular principle. In the New Testament the word has been kept only in Matthew 5:33 and Romans 4:21, but in neither verse does the Greek accent the completion of the act, in the former case apodidomi, literally, "to give back," in the latter poieo, "to make," "to do," being used.

Performance is found in the King James Version Sirach 19:20 (the Revised Version (British and American) "doing"); 2 Maccabees 11:17 (inserted needlessly and omitted by the Revised Version (British and American)); Luke 1:45 (the Revised Version (British and American) "fulfilment"); 2 Corinthians 8:11 (the Revised Version (British and American) "completion").

Burton Scott Easton

3008. leitourgeo -- to serve the state, ie by anal. to perform ...
... to perform religious service. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: leitourgeo Phonetic
Spelling: (li-toorg-eh'-o) Short Definition: I minister, serve publicly ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3008.htm - 7k

2418. hierourgeo -- to perform sacred rites
... to perform sacred rites. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: hierourgeo Phonetic
Spelling: (hee-er-oorg-eh'-o) Short Definition: I minister in holy things ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2418.htm - 7k

4238. prasso -- to do, practice
... Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: prasso Phonetic Spelling: (pras'-so) Short
Definition: I do, fare, require Definition: I do, perform, accomplish; be in ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4238.htm - 9k

2407. hierateuo -- to be a priest
... perform priestly service. Prolongation from hiereus; to be a priest, ie Perform
his functions -- execute the priest's office. see GREEK hiereus. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2407.htm - 6k

4160. poieo -- to make, do
... 1), indulging (1), keep (3), keeps (1), kept (1), made (38), make (47), makes (7),
making (9), observe (2), offer (1), offering (1), perform (4), performed (8 ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4160.htm - 14k

1615. ekteleo -- to complete fully
... to complete fully. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: ekteleo Phonetic Spelling:
(ek-tel-eh'-o) Short Definition: I complete, perform Definition: I complete ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1615.htm - 7k

14. agathoergeo -- to do good
... to do good. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: agathoergeo Phonetic Spelling:
(ag-ath-er-gheh'-o) Short Definition: I perform good deeds Definition: I work ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/14.htm - 7k

2038b. ergazomai -- to work, labor
... 1), achieve (1), committing (1), do (1), do...work (1), does (3), doing (1),
doing...work (1), done (2), make...living (1), perform (4), performed (1 ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2038b.htm - 6k

2716. katergazomai -- to work out
... produce, perform, work out. From kata and ergazomai; to work fully, ie Accomplish;
by implication, to finish, fashion -- cause, to (deed), perform, work (out). ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2716.htm - 8k

2038. ergazomai -- to search, examine.
... Verb Transliteration: ergazomai Phonetic Spelling: (er-gad'-zom-ahee) Short Definition:
I word, trade, do Definition: I work, trade, perform, do, practice ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2038.htm - 8k

Strong's Hebrew
2992. yabam -- to perform the duty of a husband's brother
... 2991, 2992. yabam. 2993 . to perform the duty of a husband's brother.
Transliteration: yabam Phonetic Spelling: (yaw-bam') Short Definition: brother. ...
/hebrew/2992.htm - 6k

6633. tsaba -- to wage war, serve
... root Definition to wage war, serve NASB Word Usage gone to war (2), made war (1),
mustered (2), perform (2), served (1), serving women served (1), wage war (4 ...
/hebrew/6633.htm - 6k

6213a. asah -- do, make
... 3), causing (1), celebrate (19), celebrated (12), celebrates (1), certainly carry
(1), certainly make (1), certainly makes (1), certainly perform (2), commit (8 ...
/hebrew/6213a.htm - 8k

1584. gamar -- to end, come to an end, complete
... cease, come to an end, fail, perfect, perform. A primitive root; to end
(in the sense of completion or failure) -- cease, come to ...
/hebrew/1584.htm - 6k

5647. abad -- to work, serve
... in bondage (1), imposed (1), keep (2), labor (3), laborers* (2), make servant (1),
make slaves (2), manufacturers (1), observe (1), perform (9), performed (2 ...
/hebrew/5647.htm - 6k

6213. asah -- do, make
... be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied,
offer, + officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare ...
/hebrew/6213.htm - 6k

6965. qum -- to arise, stand up, stand
... continue, decree, X be dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up, make good, help, hold,
(help to) lift up (again), make, X but newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise ...
/hebrew/6965.htm - 7k

6381. pala -- to be surpassing or extraordinary
... accomplish, (arise...too, be too) hard, hidden, things too high, (be, do, do a,
shew) marvelous(-ly, -els, things, work), miracles, perform, separate, make ...
/hebrew/6381.htm - 6k

7999. shalam -- to be complete or sound
... make amends, (make an) end, finish, full, give again, make good, (re-)pay (again),
(make) (to) (be at) peace(-able), that is perfect, perform, (make) prosper ...
/hebrew/7999.htm - 6k

7999a. shalem -- to be complete or sound
... 2), make full restitution (1), make restitution (9), over (1), paid (1), pay (19),
pay back (1), paying (1), pays (1), pays back (1), perform (2), performed (1 ...
/hebrew/7999a.htm - 6k


Christ, to Perform the Office of Mediator, Behoved to Become Man.
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 12 christ to perform.htm

A Similitude How we Should Perform the First Degree of Our Inward ...
DEGREE OF OUR INWARD EXERCISE. Now consider in a similitude ...
/.../john/the adornment of the spritual marriage/chapter xv a similitude how.htm

Whether all those who Perform Works of Mercy Will be Punished ...
those who perform works of mercy will be punished eternally? ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether all those who perform.htm

Of the Duties which we are to Perform after Receiving the Holy ...
... THE PRACTICE OF PIETY. III. Of the Duties which we are to perform after
receiving the holy Communion, called Action or Practice. ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/bayly/the practice of piety/iii of the duties which.htm

The Creation and Fall of Man, and his Incapacity to Perform what ...
... Article XIV The Creation and Fall of Man, and His Incapacity to Perform
What Is Truly Good? The Creation and Fall of Man, and ...
/.../various/the belgic confession /article xiv the creation and.htm

Does not God Then do Injustice to Man, by Requiring from Him in ...
... Lord's Day 4 Question 9 Does not God then do injustice to man, by requiring
from him in his law, that which he cannot perform? Does ...
/.../various/the heidelberg catechism /question 9 does not god.htm

To Defend the Weak, or to Help Strangers, or to Perform Similar ...
... Book II. Chapter XXI. To defend the weak, or to help strangers, or to perform
similar duties? To defend the weak, or to help strangers ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xxi to defend the.htm

Petilianus Said: "For when You in Your Guilt Perform what is False ...
... Book II. Chapter 25. " 58. Petilianus said: "For when you in your guilt
perform what is false? "58. Petilianus said: "For ...
/.../chapter 25 58 petilianus.htm

"But," Continues Celsus, "What Great Deeds did Jesus Perform as ...
... "But," continues Celsus, "what great deeds did Jesus perform as being a God? ... "But,"
continues Celsus, "what great deeds did Jesus perform as being a God? ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter xxxiii but continues celsus.htm

But what Promise did Jesus Make which He did not Perform? Let ...
... Chapter X. But what promise did Jesus make which He did not perform? Let Celsus
produce any? But what promise did Jesus make which He did not perform? ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter x but what promise.htm

Perform (155 Occurrences)
... 2. (vt) To discharge; to fulfill; to act up to; as, to perform a duty; to perform
a promise or a vow. ... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. PERFORM. per-form' (Fr. ...
/p/perform.htm - 41k

Execute (83 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (vt) To follow out or through to the end; to carry
out into complete effect; to complete; to finish; to effect; to perform. ...
/e/execute.htm - 34k

Play (61 Occurrences)
... 4. (n.) To perform on an instrument of music; as, to play on a flute. ... 10. (vt)
To perform music upon; as, to play the flute or the organ. 11. ...
/p/play.htm - 28k

Act (204 Occurrences)
... 8. (vt) To move to action; to actuate; to animate. 9. (vt) To perform; to execute;
to do. ... (vt) To perform, as an actor; to represent dramatically on the stage. ...
/a/act.htm - 36k

Worship (332 Occurrences)
... 8. (vt) To pay divine honors to; to reverence with supreme respect and veneration;
to perform religious exercises in honor of; to adore; to venerate. ...
/w/worship.htm - 66k

Midwife (4 Occurrences)
... obstetric art. 2. (vt) To assist in childbirth. 3. (vi) To perform the office
of midwife. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. MIDWIFE. mid ...
/m/midwife.htm - 10k

Vows (38 Occurrences)
... Matthew 5:33 "Again you have heard that it was said to them of old time,'You shall
not make false vows, but shall perform to the Lord your vows,' (WEB WEY NAS). ...
/v/vows.htm - 19k

Undertake (16 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (vt) To take upon one's self; to engage in; to enter
upon; to take in hand; to begin to perform; to set about; to attempt. ...
/u/undertake.htm - 13k

Duties (46 Occurrences)
... 1 Timothy 5:17 Let the Elders who perform their duties wisely and well be held worthy
of double honour, especially those who labour in preaching and teaching. ...
/d/duties.htm - 20k

Duty (90 Occurrences)
... Genesis 38:8 Judah said to Onan, "Go in to your brother's wife, and perform the
duty of a husband's brother to her, and raise up seed to your brother." (WEB ...
/d/duty.htm - 37k

How were Pharaoh's magicians able to perform miracles? | GotQuestions.org

Does God still perform miracles? | GotQuestions.org

How are Catholics able to perform exorcisms if many of their beliefs are unbiblical? | GotQuestions.org

Perform: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com

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Perform (155 Occurrences)

Matthew 5:33
"Again you have heard that it was said to them of old time,'You shall not make false vows, but shall perform to the Lord your vows,'

Matthew 7:22
Many will say to me on that day, "'Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name expelled demons, and in Thy name performed many mighty works?'
(Root in WEY NAS NIV)

Matthew 21:21
"I solemnly tell you," said Jesus, "that if you have an unwavering faith, you shall not only perform such a miracle as this of the fig-tree, but that even if you say to this mountain, 'Be thou lifted up and hurled into the sea,' it shall be done;

Matthew 24:24
For there will arise false christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.
(See NIV)

Mark 6:2
On the Sabbath He proceeded to teach in the synagogue; and many, as they heard Him, were astonished. "Where did he acquire all this?" they asked. "What is this wisdom that has been given to him? And what are these marvellous miracles which his hands perform?

Mark 9:39
"You should not have tried to hinder him," replied Jesus, "for there is no one who will use my name to perform a miracle and be able the next minute to speak evil of me.

Mark 13:22
For there will arise false christs and false prophets, and will show signs and wonders, that they may lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.
(See NIV)

Luke 1:72
To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant;

Luke 9:2
He sent them forth to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.
(See NAS)

Luke 13:32
He said to them, "Go and tell that fox,'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I complete my mission.

Luke 23:8
To Herod the sight of Jesus was a great gratification, for, for a long time, he had been wanting to see Him, because he had heard so much about Him. He hoped also to see some miracle performed by Him.
(Root in WEY NAS NIV)

John 3:2
The same came to him by night, and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him."
(See NIV)

John 6:30
"What miracle then," they asked, "do you perform for us to see and become believers in you? What do you *do*?

John 7:3
So His brothers said to Him, "Leave these parts and go into Judaea, that not only we but your disciples also may witness the miracles which you perform.

John 7:31
But from among the crowd a large number believed in Him. "When the Christ comes," they said, "will He perform more miracles than this teacher has performed?"

John 9:16
Some of the Pharisees therefore said, This man is not of God, for he does not keep the sabbath. Others said, How can a sinful man perform such signs? And there was a division among them.

Acts 4:30
while you stretch out your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of your holy Servant Jesus."

Acts 26:20
but declared first to them of Damascus, at Jerusalem, and throughout all the country of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance. a perverse and crooked generation.

Romans 4:21
and being fully assured that what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Romans 7:18
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

1 Corinthians 9:13
Do you not know that those who perform the sacred rites have their food from the sacred place, and that those who serve at the altar all alike share with the altar?

2 Corinthians 8:11
Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.

2 Corinthians 9:12
For this service of giving that you perform not only makes up for lack among the saints, but abounds also through many givings of thanks to God;

Galatians 3:10
For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse. For it is written, "Cursed is everyone who doesn't continue in all things that are written in the book of the law, to do them."
(See NAS)

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

1 Thessalonians 5:24
He is faithful who calls you, who will also perform it.

1 Timothy 5:17
Let the Elders who perform their duties wisely and well be held worthy of double honour, especially those who labour in preaching and teaching.

Revelation 13:14
And his power of leading astray the inhabitants of the earth is due to the marvels which he has been permitted to work in the presence of the Wild Beast. And he told the inhabitants of the earth to erect a statue to the Wild Beast who had received the sword-stroke and yet had recovered.
(See NAS)

Genesis 26:3
Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father;

Genesis 38:8
Judah said to Onan, "Go in to your brother's wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her, and raise up seed to your brother."

Exodus 1:16
and he said, "When you perform the duty of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them on the birth stool; if it is a son, then you shall kill him; but if it is a daughter, then she shall live."

Exodus 3:20
I will put forth my hand and strike Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in its midst, and after that he will let you go.
(See NIV)

Exodus 4:17
And thou shalt take this rod in thy hand, with which thou shalt perform signs.

Exodus 4:21
And the LORD said to Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou perform all those wonders before Pharaoh which I have put in thy hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.

Exodus 4:28
Moses told Aaron all the words of Yahweh with which he had sent him, and all the signs with which he had instructed him.
(See NIV)

Exodus 7:9
"When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying,'Perform a miracle!' then you shall tell Aaron,'Take your rod, and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it become a serpent.'"

Exodus 10:1
Yahweh said to Moses, "Go in to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I may show these my signs in the midst of them,

Exodus 18:18
You will surely wear away, both you, and this people that is with you; for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to perform it yourself alone.

Exodus 18:20
You shall teach them the statutes and the laws, and shall show them the way in which they must walk, and the work that they must do.
(See NIV)

Exodus 21:11
And if he shall not perform these three to her, then shall she depart free without money.

Exodus 24:3
And Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD, and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All the words which the LORD hath said will we perform.

Exodus 34:10
He said, "Behold, I make a covenant: before all your people I will do marvels, such as have not been worked in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among which you are shall see the work of Yahweh; for it is an awesome thing that I do with you.
(See NAS)

Exodus 35:33
in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all kinds of skillful workmanship.
(See NAS)

Exodus 35:35
To them he has given knowledge of all the arts of the handworker, of the designer, and the expert workman; of the maker of needlework in blue and purple and red and the best linen, and of the maker of cloth; in all the arts of the designer and the trained workman they are expert.
(See NAS)

Exodus 36:1
"Bezalel and Oholiab shall work with every wise-hearted man, in whom Yahweh has put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all the work for the service of the sanctuary, according to all that Yahweh has commanded."
(See NAS)

Exodus 36:2
Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab, and every wise-hearted man, in whose heart Yahweh had put wisdom, even everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to the work to do it:
(See NAS)

Exodus 36:3
and they received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, with which to make it. They brought yet to him freewill offerings every morning.
(See NAS)

Exodus 36:5
They spoke to Moses, saying, "The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work which Yahweh commanded to make."
(See NAS)

Exodus 36:6
Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, "Let neither man nor woman make anything else for the offering for the sanctuary." So the people were restrained from bringing.
(See NAS)

Exodus 36:7
For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.
(See NAS)

Leviticus 18:4
Ye shall perform my judgments, and keep my ordinances, to walk in them; I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 25:18
"'Therefore you shall do my statutes, and keep my ordinances and do them; and you shall dwell in the land in safety.
(See RSV)

Numbers 3:7
They shall keep his requirements, and the requirements of the whole congregation before the Tent of Meeting, to do the service of the tabernacle.

Numbers 3:32
And 'to' the prince of the princes of the Levites, Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, 'is' the oversight of the keepers of the charge of the sanctuary.
(See NAS)

Numbers 4:9
And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of the light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuff-trays, and all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they perform its service;

Numbers 4:14
and they shall put upon it all the utensils thereof, wherewith they perform service about it: the firepans, the forks, and the shovels, and the bowls, all the utensils of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skin, and put its staves to it.

Numbers 4:23
From thirty years old and upward until fifty years old shalt thou number them; all that enter in to perform the service, to do the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.

Numbers 4:30
from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old shalt thou number them, every one that entereth into the labour, to perform the service of the tent of meeting.

Numbers 4:31
This is the duty of their burden, according to all their service in the Tent of Meeting: the tabernacle's boards, its bars, its pillars, its sockets,
(See NIV)

Numbers 7:5
Take it of them, and they shall be for the performance of the service of the tent of meeting, and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to each according to his service.
(Root in DBY WBS)

Numbers 8:11
And Aaron shall offer the Levites as a wave-offering before Jehovah from the children of Israel, and they shall perform the service of Jehovah.

Numbers 8:15
And after that shall the Levites go in to perform the service of the tabernacle of the congregation: and thou shalt cleanse them, and offer them for an offering.

Numbers 8:19
And I have given the Levites as a gift to Aaron and to his sons, from among the children of Israel, to perform the service of the children of Israel in the tent of meeting, and to make atonement for the children of Israel; that there be no plague among the children of Israel, when the children of Israel draw near to the sanctuary.

Numbers 8:22
And afterwards the Levites came in to perform their service in the tent of meeting before Aaron, and before his sons; as Jehovah had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they to them.

Numbers 8:24
This is that which belongeth unto the Levites: from twenty and five years old and upward they shall go in to wait upon the service in the work of the tent of meeting:

Numbers 8:26
but shall minister with their brothers in the Tent of Meeting, to perform the duty, and shall do no service. You shall do thus to the Levites concerning their duties."

Numbers 18:3
They shall keep your commands, and the duty of all the Tent: only they shall not come near to the vessels of the sanctuary and to the altar, that they not die, neither they, nor you.
(See NIV)

Numbers 18:5
"You shall perform the duty of the sanctuary, and the duty of the altar; that there be wrath no more on the children of Israel.

Numbers 18:6
And I, behold, I have taken your brethren, the Levites, from among the children of Israel; to you are they given as a gift for Jehovah to perform the service of the tent of meeting.

Numbers 18:7
But thou and thy sons with thee shall attend to your priesthood for all that concerneth the altar, and for that which is inside the veil; and ye shall perform the service: I give you your priesthood as a service of gift, and the stranger that cometh near shall be put to death.

Numbers 18:21
And to the children of Levi, behold, I have given all the tithes in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they perform, the service of the tent of meeting.

Numbers 18:23
But the Levite, he shall perform the service of the tent of meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity: it is an everlasting statute throughout your generations. And among the children of Israel shall they possess no inheritance;

Numbers 22:20
And God came to Balaam at night, and said to him, If the men come to call thee, rise and go with them; but yet the word which I shall say to thee, that shalt thou perform.

Numbers 31:30
Of the children of Israel's half, you shall take one drawn out of every fifty, of the persons, of the cattle, of the donkeys, and of the flocks, even of all the livestock, and give them to the Levites, who perform the duty of the tabernacle of Yahweh."

Deuteronomy 4:1
Now, Israel, listen to the statutes and to the ordinances, which I teach you, to do them; that you may live, and go in and possess the land which Yahweh, the God of your fathers, gives you.
(See NAS)

Deuteronomy 4:13
He declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even the ten commandments; and he wrote them on two tables of stone.

Deuteronomy 4:14
Yahweh commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and ordinances, that you might do them in the land where you go over to possess it.
(See NAS)

Deuteronomy 9:5
Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Deuteronomy 23:21
When thou vowest a vow to Jehovah thy God, thou shalt not delay to perform it; for Jehovah thy God will certainly require it of thee, and it shall be sin in thee.

Deuteronomy 23:23
That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and perform; even a freewill offering, according as thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy God, which thou hast promised with thy mouth.

Deuteronomy 25:5
If brothers dwell together, and one of them die, and have no son, the wife of the dead shall not be married outside to a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in to her, and take her to him as wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her.

Deuteronomy 25:7
If the man doesn't want to take his brother's wife, then his brother's wife shall go up to the gate to the elders, and say, "My husband's brother refuses to raise up to his brother a name in Israel; he will not perform the duty of a husband's brother to me."

Deuteronomy 26:16
This day the LORD thy God hath commanded thee to perform these statutes and judgments: thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all thy heart, and with all thy soul.

Deuteronomy 28:20
The LORD shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou undertakest to perform, until thou shalt be destroyed, and until thou shalt perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings by which thou hast forsaken me.

Deuteronomy 34:11
in all the signs and the wonders, which Yahweh sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land,
(See NAS)

Joshua 22:5
But take diligent heed to perform the commandment and the law, which Moses the servant of the LORD charged you, to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cleave to him, and to serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul.

Joshua 22:27
but it will be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we may perform the service of Yahweh before him with our burnt offerings, with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings;' that your children may not tell our children in time to come,'You have no portion in Yahweh.'

Judges 16:27
Now the house was full of men and women; and all the lords of the Philistines were there; and there were on the roof about three thousand men and women, who saw while Samson performed.
(Root in WEB NIV)

Ruth 3:13
Stay this night, and it shall be in the morning, that if he will perform for you the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the kinsman's part. But if he will not do the part of a kinsman for you, then will I do the part of a kinsman for you, as Yahweh lives. Lie down until the morning."

1 Samuel 3:12
In that day I will perform against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house, from the beginning even to the end.

2 Samuel 7:23
What one nation in the earth is like your people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem to himself for a people, and to make him a name, and to do great things for you, and awesome things for your land, before your people, whom you redeem to you out of Egypt, from the nations and their gods?
(See NIV)

2 Samuel 14:15
Now therefore seeing that I have come to speak this word to my lord the king, it is because the people have made me afraid: and your handmaid said,'I will now speak to the king; it may be that the king will perform the request of his servant.'

1 Kings 5:8
And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I have considered the things which thou sentest to me for: and I will perform all thy desire concerning timber of cedar, and concerning timber of fir.

1 Kings 6:12
Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father:

1 Kings 8:11
so that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud; for the glory of Yahweh filled the house of Yahweh.
(See NIV)

1 Kings 9:1
And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished the building of the house of the LORD, and the king's house, and all Solomon's desire which he was pleased to perform,

1 Kings 12:15
Wherefore the king hearkened not unto the people; for the cause was from the LORD, that he might perform his saying, which the LORD spake by Ahijah the Shilonite unto Jeroboam the son of Nebat.

1 Kings 12:27
If this people go up to perform sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of this people turn again to their lord, even to Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me, and return to Rehoboam king of Judah.

2 Kings 19:31
For out of Jerusalem a remnant will go out, and out of Mount Zion those who shall escape. The zeal of Yahweh will perform this.'

2 Kings 23:3
And the king stood by a pillar, and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people stood to the covenant.



Related Terms

Guarantee (5 Occurrences)

Work (4564 Occurrences)

Pledge (55 Occurrences)

Hand (14438 Occurrences)

On (40792 Occurrences)

Relief (32 Occurrences)

Righteousness (442 Occurrences)

Envelop (1 Occurrence)



Promise (112 Occurrences)

Practice (71 Occurrences)

Commission (11 Occurrences)

Act (204 Occurrences)

Skill (26 Occurrences)

Surety (21 Occurrences)

Service (317 Occurrences)

Security (41 Occurrences)

Perform (155 Occurrences)


Victim (3 Occurrences)

Virtue (21 Occurrences)

Education (4 Occurrences)

Uncircumcision (19 Occurrences)

Uncircumcised (48 Occurrences)

Organization (1 Occurrence)

Observation (4 Occurrences)

Outdo (1 Occurrence)

Offerest (2 Occurrences)

Justice (212 Occurrences)

Life (6001 Occurrences)

Log (12 Occurrences)


Writ (3 Occurrences)

Will-worship (1 Occurrence)

Wage (39 Occurrences)


Instinct (3 Occurrences)

Infinite (8 Occurrences)

Function (4 Occurrences)

Follow (267 Occurrences)

Fulfill (80 Occurrences)

Flagrant (3 Occurrences)

Feet (2931 Occurrences)

Fulfillment (19 Occurrences)

Tiberias (3 Occurrences)

Time (7245 Occurrences)

Transaction (2 Occurrences)

Tie (18 Occurrences)

Register (14 Occurrences)

Representation (6 Occurrences)

Respectable (1 Occurrence)

Repeat (10 Occurrences)

Revival (1 Occurrence)

Remit (3 Occurrences)

Expert (59 Occurrences)

Expression (17 Occurrences)

Essay (1 Occurrence)


Execution (4 Occurrences)

Exorcist (1 Occurrence)

Exercise (35 Occurrences)

Earn (6 Occurrences)

Duty (90 Occurrences)

Deed (71 Occurrences)

Distress (169 Occurrences)

Discharge (30 Occurrences)

Dispatch (5 Occurrences)

Disease (213 Occurrences)

Deposit (19 Occurrences)

Magical (1 Occurrence)

Merit (5 Occurrences)

Masquerade (1 Occurrence)

Mask (3 Occurrences)

Masonry (1 Occurrence)

Pelican (5 Occurrences)

Power (862 Occurrences)

Piece (93 Occurrences)

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