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The concept of "overpower" in the Bible often relates to the themes of spiritual warfare, divine intervention, and the triumph of God's will over evil forces. The term itself may not frequently appear in English translations, but the idea is prevalent throughout the Scriptures, illustrating the struggle between good and evil, and the ultimate victory of God's power.

Old Testament Context

In the Old Testament, the notion of overpowering is often seen in the context of battles and conflicts where God intervenes on behalf of His people. For instance, in the account of David and Goliath, David declares, "This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head" (1 Samuel 17:46). Here, the overpowering of Goliath is attributed to the divine assistance granted to David, emphasizing that victory comes from the Lord.

The Exodus narrative also provides a vivid depiction of God overpowering the might of Egypt. The plagues and the parting of the Red Sea demonstrate God's supreme power over Pharaoh and his army, as stated in Exodus 14:30, "That day the LORD saved Israel from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the shore" .

New Testament Context

In the New Testament, the theme of overpowering is often associated with Jesus Christ's authority over demonic forces and sin. In Mark 1:27, the people are amazed at Jesus' authority: "What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him" . This passage highlights Jesus' power to overpower evil spirits, showcasing His divine authority.

The ultimate act of overpowering in the New Testament is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus overcomes the power of sin and death, as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, "Death has been swallowed up in victory... But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" . This victory is the cornerstone of Christian faith, symbolizing the defeat of all forces opposed to God.

Spiritual Warfare

The concept of overpowering is also central to the theme of spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12 reminds believers, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" . Christians are called to put on the full armor of God to stand firm against these forces, relying on God's strength to overpower them.

Divine Empowerment

Believers are encouraged to trust in God's power to overcome challenges and adversities. Philippians 4:13 states, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" . This verse underscores the belief that through Christ, believers are empowered to overcome any obstacle, reflecting the theme of divine empowerment to overpower difficulties.

Throughout the Bible, the theme of overpowering serves as a reminder of God's ultimate authority and the assurance of His victory over evil. Whether through historical events, the life and ministry of Jesus, or the spiritual battles faced by believers, the Scriptures consistently affirm that God's power is supreme and unassailable.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (v. t.) To exceed in power; to cause to yield; to vanquish; to subdue; as, the light overpowers the eyes.

2. (n.) A dominating power.

2729. katischuo -- to overpower
... to overpower. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: katischuo Phonetic Spelling:
(kat-is-khoo'-o) Short Definition: I prevail against, overpower, am able ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2729.htm - 6k

940. baskaino -- to slander, hence by ext. to bewitch
... Verb Transliteration: baskaino Phonetic Spelling: (bas-kah'-ee-no) Short Definition:
I give the evil eye to, fascinate, bewitch, overpower Definition: I give ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/940.htm - 7k

2616. katadunasteuo -- to exercise power over
... exercise power over. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: katadunasteuo Phonetic
Spelling: (kat-ad-oo-nas-tyoo'-o) Short Definition: I overpower, quell, treat ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2616.htm - 6k

2634. katakurieuo -- to bend down
... of Speech: Verb Transliteration: katakurieuo Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ak-oo-ree-yoo'-
o) Short Definition: I exercise authority over, overpower Definition: I ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2634.htm - 6k

2669. kataponeo -- to wear down
... kataponeo Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ap-on-eh'-o) Short Definition: I ill-treat Definition:
I exhaust by labor or suffering, wear out, overpower, oppress. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2669.htm - 6k

2702. kataphero -- to bring down
... of Speech: Verb Transliteration: kataphero Phonetic Spelling: (kat-af-er'-o) Short
Definition: I bring down, oppress Definition: I bear down, overpower; I give ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2702.htm - 6k

Strong's Hebrew
8630. taqeph -- to prevail over, overpower
... 8629, 8630. taqeph. 8631 . to prevail over, overpower. Transliteration: taqeph
Phonetic Spelling: (taw-kaf') Short Definition: overpower. Word Origin a prim ...
/hebrew/8630.htm - 5k

3201. yakol -- to be able, have power
... 15), can i endure (2), can do (1), cannot* (47), could (41), endure (3), had your
way (1), incapable* (1), may (1), overcome (3), overpower (2), overpowered (1 ...
/hebrew/3201.htm - 6k


Acts xvi. 25, 26
... Not the tyranny of sleep could overpower them, not the smart of pain could bow them,
not the fear of evil east them into helpless dejection: no, these were the ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xxxvi acts xvi 25.htm

The Christian Conception of Life Has Already Arisen in Our Society ...
... from men's eyes the true meaning of certain acts of violence, pass away, and the
Christian public opinion which is springing up would overpower the extinct ...
/.../the kingdom of god is within you/chapter xi the christian conception.htm

Felicitous Phrases
... D. danger, difficulty, and hardship. darkness, doubt, and difficulty. dazzle, amaze,
and overpower. deadly, silent, and inaccessible. deceitful, lazy, and dishonest ...
/.../kleiser/fifteen thousand useful phrases/section iii felicitous phrases.htm

That Injuries and Penalties of Persecutions are not to be Feared ...
... persecutions let no one think what danger the devil is bringing in, but let him
indeed consider what help God affords; nor let human mischief overpower the mind ...
/.../cyprian/the treatises of cyprian/10 that injuries and penalties.htm

The Mustard-Seed, and the Leaven.
... conspirators or unconscious tools, did their utmost, as explained in the first pair
of parables, to strangle the kingdom in its infancy, or to overpower it at ...
/.../arnot/the parables of our lord/the mustard-seed and the leaven.htm

Ein' Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott. Strong Tower and Refuge is Our God ...
... 3. Though earth all full of devils were, Wide roaring to devour us; Yet
fear we no such grievous fear, They shall not overpower us. ...
/.../bacon/the hymns of martin luther/xxvi ein feste burg ist.htm

The Demons Shall be Punished More Severely than Men.
... For, as the inhuman robber is wont to overpower those like himself by daring; so
the demons, going to great lengths in wickedness, have utterly deceived the ...
/.../tatian/tatians address to the greeks/chapter xiv the demons shall be.htm

William Ellery Channing.
... himself to men by the tenderest ties, embracing them with a spirit of humanity,
which no insult, injury, or pain could for a moment repel or overpower,"I am ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/schaff/the person of christ/william ellery channing.htm

... As the issue of it all, they led Him away to Pilate, meaning, by the weight of such
an accusing array, to overpower any possible scruples of the governor, but ...
/.../chadwick/the gospel of st mark/chapter 15 1-20 pilate.htm

Acts xx. 32
... he ends with prayer: for since he had much alarmed them by saying, "Grievous wolves
shall enter in among you" (v.29), therefore, not to overpower them, and ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xlv acts xx 32.htm

Overpower (11 Occurrences)
...Overpower (11 Occurrences). ... (See NAS). Ecclesiastes 4:12 And if a man overpower the
one, the two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. ...
/o/overpower.htm - 10k

Overpowered (12 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary (imp. & pp) of Overpower. Multi-Version Concordance
Overpowered (12 Occurrences). John 1:5 The Light shines ...
/o/overpowered.htm - 10k

Subdue (26 Occurrences)
... 2. (vt) To overpower so as to disable from further resistance; to crush. 3. (vt)
To destroy the force of; to overcome; as, medicines subdue a fever. ...
/s/subdue.htm - 15k

Overwhelm (18 Occurrences)
... vt) To cover over completely, as by a great wave; to overflow and bury beneath;
to engulf; hence, figuratively, to immerse and bear down; to overpower; to crush ...
/o/overwhelm.htm - 11k

Overturn (5 Occurrences)
... a carriage or a building. 2. (vt) To subvert; to destroy; to overthrow. 3.
(vt) To overpower; to conquer. 4. (n.) The act off overturning ...
/o/overturn.htm - 8k

Overplus (1 Occurrence)

/o/overplus.htm - 7k

Force (250 Occurrences)
... 11. (n.) To do violence to; to overpower, or to compel by violence to one's will;
especially, to ravish; to violate; to commit rape upon. 12. ...
/f/force.htm - 40k

Deluge (17 Occurrences)
... 4. (vt) To overwhelm, as with a deluge; to cover; to overspread; to overpower; to
submerge; to destroy; as, the northern nations deluged the Roman empire with ...
/d/deluge.htm - 47k

Drown (5 Occurrences)
... 3. (vt) To deprive of life by immersion in water or other liquid. 4. (vt) To overpower;
to overcome; to extinguish; -- said especially of sound. ...
/d/drown.htm - 8k

Convince (7 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (vt) To overpower; to overcome; to subdue or
master. 2. (vt) To overcome by argument; to force to yield ...
/c/convince.htm - 9k

How can I control sinful impulses? | GotQuestions.org

What does the Bible say about spousal/marital rape? | GotQuestions.org

What does it mean that God is a God of miracles? | GotQuestions.org

Overpower: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com

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Overpower (11 Occurrences)

Matthew 16:18
And I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock will my church be based, and the doors of hell will not overcome it.
(See NAS)

Revelation 11:7
And when they may finish their testimony, the beast that is coming up out of the abyss shall make war with them, and overcome them, and kill them,
(See NIV)

Genesis 43:18
The men were afraid, because they were brought to Joseph's house; and they said, "Because of the money that was returned in our sacks at the first time, we're brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, attack us, and seize us as slaves, along with our donkeys."
(See NIV)

Judges 16:5
And the lords of the Philistines came to her and said to her, "Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him, that we may bind him to subdue him; and we will each give you eleven hundred pieces of silver."

2 Kings 16:5
Then Rezin king of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to war; and they besieged Ahaz, but could not overcome him.
(See NIV)

Esther 9:1
Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have rule over them; whereas it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;
(See NIV)

Job 14:20
Thou prevailest 'over' him for ever, and he goeth, He is changing his countenance, And Thou sendest him away.

Job 15:24
Distress and anguish overwhelm him; they prevail against him, as a king ready to the battle.
(See NAS)

Ecclesiastes 4:12
And if a man overpower the one, the two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Isaiah 7:1
Now it came about in the days of Ahaz, the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin, the king of Aram, and Pekah, the son of Remaliah, the king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem to make war against it, but were not able to overcome it.
(See NIV)

Obadiah 1:7
Unto the border sent thee have all thine allies, Forgotten thee, prevailed over thee, have thy friends, Thy bread they make a snare under thee, There is no understanding in him!



Related Terms

Bottom (33 Occurrences)

Subdued (41 Occurrences)

Overpower (11 Occurrences)

Overpowering (4 Occurrences)

Jabin (8 Occurrences)

Leaped (10 Occurrences)

Wounded (114 Occurrences)

Fled (181 Occurrences)


Prevailed (46 Occurrences)

Bleeding (9 Occurrences)

Beating (31 Occurrences)

Chios (1 Occurrence)

Stumbled (47 Occurrences)

Naked (56 Occurrences)

Covenant (309 Occurrences)

Spirit (706 Occurrences)

Ark (212 Occurrences)

Holy (1097 Occurrences)

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