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The term "interminable" refers to something that is endless or seemingly without end. In the context of the Bible, the concept of interminability can be associated with both the eternal nature of God and the everlasting life promised to believers, as well as the unending nature of certain trials or judgments.

Eternal Nature of God

The Bible frequently emphasizes the eternal nature of God, highlighting His existence beyond time and His unchanging nature. In Psalm 90:2 , it is written, "Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God." This verse underscores the interminable existence of God, who is not bound by the constraints of time.

Everlasting Life

The promise of eternal life is a central theme in the New Testament, where believers are assured of an interminable existence with God. In John 3:16 , it is stated, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." This promise of eternal life is reiterated in John 10:28 , where Jesus declares, "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand."

Endless Trials and Judgments

While the Bible offers the hope of eternal life, it also speaks of interminable trials and judgments for those who reject God. In Revelation 14:11 , the fate of those who worship the beast is described: "And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. Day and night there is no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name." This passage illustrates the concept of interminable judgment as a consequence of rebellion against God.

Perseverance in Trials

Believers are often encouraged to endure trials with patience, understanding that earthly suffering is temporary compared to the interminable joy of eternal life. In 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 , Paul writes, "For our light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that is far beyond comparison. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." This perspective helps Christians to view their present difficulties in light of the interminable glory that awaits them.

God's Unending Love and Faithfulness

The interminable nature of God's love and faithfulness is a source of comfort and assurance for believers. Lamentations 3:22-23 states, "Because of the loving devotion of the LORD we are not consumed, for His mercies never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!" This passage highlights the endless mercy and faithfulness of God, which sustains His people through all circumstances.

In summary, the concept of interminability in the Bible encompasses the eternal nature of God, the promise of everlasting life, the reality of unending judgment for the wicked, and the enduring love and faithfulness of the Lord. These themes encourage believers to remain steadfast in their faith, trusting in the eternal promises of God.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(a.) Boundless; endless; wearisomely protracted; as, interminable sufferings.
562. aperantos -- unfinished, ie endless
... endless. From a (as a negative particle) and a secondary derivative of peran;
unfinished, ie (by implication) interminable -- endless. see GREEK a. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/562.htm - 6k

Whether this is a Good Definition of Eternity, "The Simultaneously ...
... THE ETERNITY OF GOD (SIX ARTICLES) Whether this is a good definition of eternity,
"The simultaneously-whole and perfect possession of interminable life"? ...
//christianbookshelf.org/aquinas/summa theologica/whether this is a good.htm

Summa Theologica
... THE ETERNITY OF GOD (SIX ARTICLES). Whether this is a good definition of eternity,
"The simultaneously-whole and perfect possession of interminable life"? ...
//christianbookshelf.org/aquinas/summa theologica/

Survival of the Fittest
... to the judgment seat: the firmament is all full of them, a very dust of human souls,
that drifts, and floats, and falls in the interminable, inevitable light ...
/.../berkhof/new evangelism and other papers/survival of the fittest.htm

Saint George Releases the Six Champions.
... place her silver wand. Day after day they followed her through all the vast
interminable recesses of her magic cavern. Every day she ...
/.../the seven champions of christendom/chapter two saint george releases.htm

The High Woods
... On our left the interminable low line of bright green mangrove danced and quivered
in the mirage, and loomed up in front, miles away, till single trees seemed ...
//christianbookshelf.org/kingsley/at last/chapter vii the high woods.htm

The Lawful and Unlawful Use of Law.
... They talked mysteriously of angels and powers intermediate between God and the human
soul."v.4. The result was an interminable discussion at Ephesus. ...
/.../robertson/sermons preached at brighton/xix the lawful and unlawful.htm

"The Last Things"
... some"indeed very many"yield to merely human feelings and deplore the notion of the
eternal punishment of the damned and their interminable and perpetual ...
/.../augustine/handbook on faith hope and love/chapter xxix the last things.htm

... It introduced among them a principle of interminable and implacable dissensions,
but it scarcely tempered in any appreciable degree their luxury or their ...
/.../farrar/gathering clouds a tale of the days of st chrysostom/preface.htm

Empedocles Increased the Absurdity of Pythagoras by Developing the ...
... of that original contrariety which we have supposed it to possess, [1718] and which
commits the bodily substance receiving it to an interminable strife; and ...
/.../a treatise on the soul/chapter xxxii empedocles increased the absurdity.htm

1 Cor. vi. 12
... are connected together and destroyed together; "the belly" with "the meats," and
"the meats" with "the belly;" winding out a sort of interminable course; just ...
/.../homilies on the epistles of paul to the corinthians/homily xvii 1 cor vi.htm

Interminable (1 Occurrence)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary (a.) Boundless; endless; wearisomely protracted; as,
interminable sufferings. Multi-Version Concordance Interminable (1 Occurrence). ...
/i/interminable.htm - 6k


/i/intermediate.htm - 6k

Intermingled (1 Occurrence)

/i/intermingled.htm - 6k

... In some of the Gnostic systems that we know, these chains are described with a
prolixity so interminable (the Pistis Sophia is the best example) as to justify ...
/f/fable.htm - 12k

Endless (10 Occurrences)
... 1. (a.) Without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual; interminable; -- applied
to length, and to duration; as, an endless line; endless time; endless ...
/e/endless.htm - 10k

... 3. Rome: Rome meanwhile was strengthening herself, by interminable wars,
for the great task of world-conquest that lay before her. ...
/t/testaments.htm - 35k

Between (2624 Occurrences)
... 3. Rome: Rome meanwhile was strengthening herself, by interminable wars,
for the great task of world-conquest that lay before her. ...
/b/between.htm - 36k

Eternity (23 Occurrences)
... is nowise different, essentially, from the temporal; time is not to be treated as
a segment of eternity, nor eternity regarded as interminable duration; the ...
/e/eternity.htm - 24k

Further (121 Occurrences)
... 1 Timothy 1:4 nor to turn their minds to fables and interminable genealogies, which
bring questionings rather than further God's dispensation, which is in faith ...
/f/further.htm - 38k

Minds (137 Occurrences)
... 1 Timothy 1:4 nor to turn their minds to fables and interminable genealogies, which
bring questionings rather than further God's dispensation, which is in faith ...
/m/minds.htm - 36k

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