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The term "formal" is not explicitly found in the Bible; however, the concept of formality can be observed in various contexts throughout the Scriptures. Formality often relates to the structured and prescribed ways in which religious practices, ceremonies, and social interactions are conducted. In the biblical narrative, formality is evident in the worship practices, priestly duties, and societal customs of the Israelites, as well as in the teachings of the New Testament.

Old Testament Context

In the Old Testament, formality is prominently seen in the detailed instructions given by God for worship and sacrifices. The Book of Leviticus outlines specific rituals and offerings that the Israelites were to follow. For instance, Leviticus 1:3-4 states, "If his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he is to offer an unblemished male. He must present it at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, so that he may be accepted by the LORD. He is to lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, so that it may be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him." This passage highlights the formal procedures required for sacrificial offerings, emphasizing the importance of following divine instructions precisely.

The construction and service of the Tabernacle also reflect a high degree of formality. Exodus 25-31 provides detailed descriptions of the materials, dimensions, and furnishings of the Tabernacle, as well as the garments and consecration of the priests. The formal nature of these instructions underscores the holiness and reverence required in approaching God.

New Testament Context

In the New Testament, Jesus addresses the issue of formality in religious practices, particularly when it becomes mere ritual without genuine faith. In Matthew 23:27-28 , Jesus criticizes the Pharisees, saying, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of impurity. In the same way, on the outside you appear to be righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." Here, Jesus condemns the Pharisees for their outward formality that lacks inward sincerity and true righteousness.

The Apostle Paul also addresses the balance between formality and genuine faith. In 1 Corinthians 14:40 , he advises, "But everything must be done in a proper and orderly manner." This instruction to the Corinthian church emphasizes the importance of order and formality in worship, while ensuring that such practices are edifying and meaningful.

Cultural and Social Formality

Beyond religious practices, formality in social interactions is evident in biblical customs and traditions. For example, the Book of Ruth illustrates formal customs in the context of redemption and marriage. In Ruth 4:7-8 , the formal act of exchanging sandals is described as a legal transaction: "Now in former times in Israel, concerning the redemption or exchange of property, to confirm any matter, a man would remove his sandal and give it to the other party. This was the method of legalizing transactions in Israel. So the kinsman-redeemer removed his sandal and said to Boaz, 'Buy it for yourself.'"


While the Bible does not explicitly use the term "formal," the concept is woven throughout its teachings and narratives. Formality in the Bible serves to maintain order, reverence, and holiness in worship and social interactions, while also cautioning against empty rituals devoid of true faith and sincerity.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) See Methylal.

2. (a.) Belonging to the form, shape, frame, external appearance, or organization of a thing.

3. (a.) Belonging to the constitution of a thing, as distinguished from the matter composing it; having the power of making a thing what it is; constituent; essential; pertaining to or depending on the forms, so called, of the human intellect.

4. (a.) Done in due form, or with solemnity; according to regular method; not incidental, sudden or irregular; express; as, he gave his formal consent.

5. (a.) Devoted to, or done in accordance with, forms or rules; punctilious; regular; orderly; methodical; of a prescribed form; exact; prim; stiff; ceremonious; as, a man formal in his dress, his gait, his conversation.

6. (a.) Having the form or appearance without the substance or essence; external; as, formal duty; formal worship; formal courtesy, etc.

7. (a.) Dependent in form; conventional.

8. (a.) Sound; normal.

3741. hosios -- righteous, pious, holy
... or divine character; thus distinguished from dikaios, which refers rather to human
statutes and relations; from hieros, which denotes formal consecration; and ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3741.htm - 7k

4252. Priskilla -- Priscilla, the same person as Prisca.
... Phonetic Spelling: (pris'-cil-lah) Short Definition: Prisca, Priscilla Definition:
Prisca, Priscilla, the former being the more correct and formal name, the ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4252.htm - 6k

476. antidikos -- an opponent, adversary
... 476 () is a technical legal term used in antiquity of an adversary in a courtroom,
ie someone seeking official (formal, binding) damages. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/476.htm - 8k

4251. Priska -- Prisca, a Christian and the wife of Aquila
... Priska Phonetic Spelling: (pris'-kah) Short Definition: Prisca, Priscilla Definition:
Prisca, Priscilla, the former being the more correct and formal name, the ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4251.htm - 6k

4825. sumboulos -- a counselor
... 4825 (from 4862 , "identified closely " and 1012 , "determined plan") -- properly,
a consultant; a formal (official) advisor or counselor (used only in Ro 11:34 ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4825.htm - 7k

Strong's Hebrew
4941. mishpat -- judgment
... From shaphat; properly, a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially,
especially a sentence or formal decree (human or (participant's) divine law ...
/hebrew/4941.htm - 7k

Of the Formal Admission of the Catechumen, and of the Signs ...
... Chapter 26."Of the Formal Admission of the Catechumen, and of the Signs
Therein Made Use of. 50. At the conclusion of this address ...
/.../on the catechising of the uninstructed/chapter 26 of the formal admission.htm

On Obedience, the Formal Object of all the Divine Precepts
The obedience which is the formal object of all the ...
/.../the works of james arminius vol 2/disputation lxix on obedience the.htm

Formal Catalogues of Authentic Scriptures were Published, in all ...
... PART I. SECTION X. Formal catalogues of authentic Scriptures were published,
in all which our present sacred histories were? Formal ...
/.../paley/evidences of christianity/section x formal catalogues of.htm

Distinction Between Positive (Material) and Negative (Formal) ...
... A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Section 74. Distinction between Positive (Material) and Negative
(Formal) Accommodation; the latter necessary, the former inadmissible. ...
/.../section 74 distinction between positive.htm

Whether Matters of Faith Ought to be Divided into Certain Articles
... Now it was said in the first article that the formal meaning of the object of faith
is one and indivisible, since it is the first truth, from which it follows ...
/.../aquinas/nature and grace/article six whether matters of.htm

Whether by Charity God is to be Loved on Account of Himself
... But there are four kinds of cause"final cause, formal cause, efficient cause, and
material cause. ... The formal cause is the formula for the essence of a thing. ...
/.../aquinas/nature and grace/article three whether by charity.htm

Fifth Proposition of Arminius
... But I cannot, for a two-fold reason, assent to your denial that the formal cause
of the object properly pertains to the subject of that decree, because all ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 3/fifth proposition of arminius.htm

Christ Crucified.
... Caiaphas aided by a section of the Sanhedrim, of which accounts are given in
Matt.26:57-68 and Mark 14:55-65.3. Luke gives an account of the formal meeting of ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/christ crucified.htm

Ebedmelech the Ethiopian
... II. The contrast of a formal and real union with God. The king, prophets, priests,
the whole nation, had an outward connection with Him, but it meant nothing. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/ebedmelech the ethiopian.htm

On the Precepts of Divine Worship in General
... VI. In the first place, the object of every precept is two- fold, the one formal,
the other material; or the first formally required, the second materially,. ...
/.../the works of james arminius vol 2/disputation lxviii on the precepts.htm

Formal (1 Occurrence)
... 4. (a.) Done in due form, or with solemnity; according to regular method; not
incidental, sudden or irregular; express; as, he gave his formal consent. ...
/f/formal.htm - 7k

Petition (33 Occurrences)
... 1. (n.) A prayer; a supplication; an imploration; an entreaty; especially, a request
of a solemn or formal kind; a prayer to the Supreme Being, or to a person ...
/p/petition.htm - 19k

Protest (37 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (vi) To affirm in a public or formal manner;
to bear witness; to declare solemnly; to avow. 2. (vi) To ...
/p/protest.htm - 18k

Address (8 Occurrences)
... 12. (vt) Act of preparing one's self. 13. (vt) Act of addressing one's self to a
person; verbal application. 14. (n.) A formal communication, either written or ...
/a/address.htm - 10k

Abstinence (2 Occurrences)
... years. But Isaiah illustrates how soon even the most outraged feelings of
piety or patriotism may grow cold and formal. `Wherefore ...
/a/abstinence.htm - 25k

Ordination (12 Occurrences)
... The nearest approach is (4) above, but the idea of formal or ceremonial
setting-apart to office (prominent in its modern usage) is never implied in the ...
/o/ordination.htm - 19k

Ordain (13 Occurrences)
... The nearest approach is (4) above, but the idea of formal or ceremonial
setting-apart to office (prominent in its modern usage) is never implied in the ...
/o/ordain.htm - 19k

Characteristics (1) Vocabulary (2) Grammar (3) Rhythm (4) Parallelism (5) Other ...
/p/poetry.htm - 48k

Sanctification (13 Occurrences)
... SANCTIFICATION. sank-ti-fi-ka'-shun: Etymology I. THE FORMAL SENSE 1. In the
Old Testament 2. In the New Testament II. ... I. The Formal Sense. ...
/s/sanctification.htm - 45k

Education (4 Occurrences)
... The more formal educative processes are designed (1) to give the immature members
of society a mastery over the symbols and technique of civilization ...
/e/education.htm - 40k

Should it be required that a man have formal Bible education before he can serve as a pastor? | GotQuestions.org

What is dynamic equivalence in Bible translation? | GotQuestions.org

What constitutes marriage according to the Bible? | GotQuestions.org

Formal: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com

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Formal (1 Occurrence)

Romans 7:6
But seeing that we have died to that which once held us in bondage, the Law has now no hold over us, so that we render a service which, instead of being old and formal, is new and spiritual.



Formalism: General Scriptures Concerning

Related Terms

Petition (33 Occurrences)

Protest (37 Occurrences)

Address (8 Occurrences)

Abstinence (2 Occurrences)

Ordination (12 Occurrences)

Ordain (13 Occurrences)


Sanctification (13 Occurrences)

Education (4 Occurrences)


Lecture (2 Occurrences)

Indictment (4 Occurrences)

Formally (2 Occurrences)

Resolve (3 Occurrences)

Contract (3 Occurrences)

Convention (1 Occurrence)

Solemnity (3 Occurrences)

Fellowship (114 Occurrences)

Province (66 Occurrences)

Keys (2 Occurrences)

Place (9195 Occurrences)

Marriage (74 Occurrences)

Bishop (4 Occurrences)

Sin (782 Occurrences)

Table (125 Occurrences)

Power (862 Occurrences)

Proverb (24 Occurrences)





Sermon (1 Occurrence)

Ezekiel (4 Occurrences)

Hebrew (37 Occurrences)

Church (110 Occurrences)

Communion (8 Occurrences)

Worship (332 Occurrences)

Vote (3 Occurrences)

Visitor (2 Occurrences)

Visit (97 Occurrences)

Nazirite (10 Occurrences)

Unto (34270 Occurrences)

Opinion (91 Occurrences)

Obligate (2 Occurrences)

Obey (219 Occurrences)

Oration (1 Occurrence)

Omnipotence (2 Occurrences)

Judging (141 Occurrences)

Judges (117 Occurrences)

Jael (6 Occurrences)

License (3 Occurrences)

Leaf (20 Occurrences)

Leave (341 Occurrences)

Leaves (55 Occurrences)

Liberty (32 Occurrences)

Greeting (19 Occurrences)


Introduce (3 Occurrences)

Instrument (45 Occurrences)

Fortification (5 Occurrences)

Fortress (75 Occurrences)

Familiar (35 Occurrences)

Fortified (79 Occurrences)

Formula (2 Occurrences)

Fort (8 Occurrences)

Times (1875 Occurrences)

Terah (12 Occurrences)

Traverse (5 Occurrences)

Trial (45 Occurrences)

Register (14 Occurrences)

Recognition (8 Occurrences)

Resolution (1 Occurrence)

Recognize (52 Occurrences)

Rite (6 Occurrences)

Rudiments (5 Occurrences)

Resign (1 Occurrence)

Response (10 Occurrences)

Return (499 Occurrences)

Reprimand (1 Occurrence)

Form: Irregularities In
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