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In biblical literature, the term "brows" refers to the forehead or the area above the eyes. This term is often used metaphorically to convey expressions of emotion, character, or divine interaction. The concept of the brow is significant in various scriptural contexts, symbolizing strength, determination, and divine marking.

Symbol of Strength and Determination

The brow is frequently associated with strength and determination. In Ezekiel 3:8-9 , God tells the prophet, "Behold, I have made your face as hard as their faces, and your forehead as hard as their foreheads. I have made your forehead like a diamond, harder than flint. Do not be afraid of them or dismayed by their faces, though they are a rebellious house." Here, the hardening of Ezekiel's brow symbolizes the fortitude and resilience required to confront a rebellious people. The imagery of a hardened brow underscores the prophet's divine empowerment to withstand opposition.

Divine Marking and Protection

The brow also serves as a location for divine marking, signifying protection and belonging to God. In Ezekiel 9:4 , the Lord instructs a man clothed in linen to "pass throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the men sighing and groaning over all the abominations committed there." This mark on the brow distinguishes the righteous from the wicked, offering them protection from impending judgment. The marked brow becomes a symbol of divine favor and separation unto God.

Expressions of Emotion and Character

The brow can also reflect human emotions and character traits. In Genesis 4:5-6 , after God rejects Cain's offering, it is noted, "So Cain became very angry, and his countenance fell. Then the LORD said to Cain, 'Why are you angry, and why has your countenance fallen?'" The fallen countenance, which includes the brow, indicates Cain's inner turmoil and displeasure. This passage highlights how the brow can mirror one's emotional state and moral disposition.

Cultural and Historical Context

In ancient Near Eastern culture, the brow was often adorned or marked to convey status, identity, or religious affiliation. While the Bible does not explicitly detail such practices, the significance of the brow in biblical texts may reflect broader cultural understandings of the forehead as a prominent and expressive part of the human face.


The concept of the brow in the Bible is rich with symbolic meaning, representing strength, divine protection, and the reflection of inner emotions. Through various scriptural references, the brow emerges as a significant element in understanding human interaction with the divine and the expression of character and emotion.
Strong's Hebrew
1354. gab -- a back
... back, body, boss, eminent (higher) place, (eye)brows, nave, ring. see HEBREW gev.
see HEBREW guwph. 1353, 1354. gab. 1355 . Strong's Numbers.
/hebrew/1354.htm - 6k

Low Beetling Brows, -- a Sensual, Cruel Mouth with a Loosely ...
... IX. Low beetling brows, " a sensual, cruel mouth with a loosely projecting
under-lip? Low beetling brows,"a sensual, cruel ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/corelli/the master-christian/ix low beetling brows .htm

The Image of Jealousy
... I do not care to see"Philadelphus.". She lifted her brows. He answered the implied
question. ... The Maccabee's brows dropped while he gazed down at the Greek. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/miller/the city of delight/chapter xv the image of.htm

'Concerning the Crown'
... olive branches for the victors in the games; while the laurel was 'the meed of mighty
conquerors'; and plaited oak leaves were laid upon the brows of citizens ...
/.../maclaren/romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/concerning the crown.htm

Are, Then, the Divine Bodies Free from These Deformities? and ...
... We should therefore say that some have big heads, prominent brows, broad brows,
thick lips; that others of them have long chins, moles, and high noses; that ...
/.../the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/14 are then the divine.htm

... to come some dauber dashing off his pictures on the spur of the moment, who should
find fault with the artistic picture, lengthen the lines of brows and lids ...
/.../theodoret/the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/prolegomena.htm

A Life Lost and Found [Footnote: Preached after the Funeral of Mr. ...
... It is not only the martyr on whose bleeding brows the crown of life is gently placed;
it is not only the temples that have been torn by the crown of thorns ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture b/a life lost and found.htm

On the First Floor of an Ancient Mansion, in a Street which Slopes ...
... Since Agostino preached,"" here he paused, and a dark contraction knitted his
brows,""Let me see!"this morning, yes!"this morning I receive the English ...
//christianbookshelf.org/corelli/the master-christian/xx on the first floor.htm

The Son of the Murket
... Hotep lifted his brows, as though he exclaimed to himself, and made no answer. ... Menes'
black brows knitted at Siptah, but Kenkenes came to the rescue. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/miller/the yoke/chapter xvii the son of.htm

That Evening Vergilius Went to Feast with the Young Herodian ...
... He jumped to his feet, black eyes flashing under heavy brows, and, seizing a lance,
broke the slave's arm with a blow and drove him out of the chamber. ...
/.../christianbookshelf.org/bacheller/vergilius/chapter 4 that evening vergilius.htm

Society Soon Learned the News of the Countess Hermenstein's ...
... Moretti knitted his dark brows. ... "Child, you talk as a very wise man might!" said
Prince Sovrani, his rugged brows smoothing into a kindly smile. ...
/.../corelli/the master-christian/xxvii society soon learned the.htm

Brows (10 Occurrences)
... Multi-Version Concordance Brows (10 Occurrences). Revelation 7:4 And there
came to my ears the number of those who had the mark on ...
/b/brows.htm - 9k

Eye-brows (1 Occurrence)
Eye-brows. Eyebrows, Eye-brows. Eyed . Multi-Version Concordance
Eye-brows (1 Occurrence). Leviticus 14:9 But it shall ...
/e/eye-brows.htm - 6k

Brown (5 Occurrences)

/b/brown.htm - 8k

Marked (163 Occurrences)
... Revelation 7:4 And there came to my ears the number of those who had the mark on
their brows, a hundred and forty-four thousand, who were marked out of every ...
/m/marked.htm - 38k

Glances (2 Occurrences)
... Glances (2 Occurrences). Proverbs 30:13 There is a generation, O how full of pride
are their eyes! O how their brows are lifted up! (See NIV). ...
/g/glances.htm - 6k

Eyed (3 Occurrences)

/e/eyed.htm - 7k

Eyebrows (1 Occurrence)

/e/eyebrows.htm - 6k

Disdainful (1 Occurrence)
... Disdainful (1 Occurrence). Proverbs 30:13 There is a generation, O how full of pride
are their eyes! O how their brows are lifted up! (See NIV). ...
/d/disdainful.htm - 6k

Browse (2 Occurrences)

/b/browse.htm - 7k

Cuts (20 Occurrences)
... Deuteronomy 14:1 You are the children of the Lord your God: you are not to make
cuts on your bodies or take off the hair on your brows in honour of the dead ...
/c/cuts.htm - 11k

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Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus
Brows (10 Occurrences)

Revelation 7:4
And there came to my ears the number of those who had the mark on their brows, a hundred and forty-four thousand, who were marked out of every tribe of the people of Israel.

Revelation 9:4
And they were ordered to do no damage to the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only to such men as have not the mark of God on their brows.

Revelation 13:16
And he gives to all, small and great, the poor and those who have wealth, the free and those who are not free, a mark on their right hand or on their brows;

Revelation 14:1
And I saw the Lamb on the mountain of Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, marked on their brows with his name and the name of his Father.

Revelation 20:4
And I saw high seats, and they were seated on them, and the right of judging was given to them: and I saw the souls of those who were put to death for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and those who did not give worship to the beast, or to his image, and had not his mark on their brows or on their hands; and they were living and ruling with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 22:4
And they will see his face; and his name will be on their brows.

Deuteronomy 14:1
You are the children of the Lord your God: you are not to make cuts on your bodies or take off the hair on your brows in honour of the dead;

Proverbs 30:13
There is a generation, O how full of pride are their eyes! O how their brows are lifted up!

Ezekiel 3:8
See, I have made your face hard against their faces, and your brow hard against their brows.

Ezekiel 9:4
The Lord said to him, Go through the town, through the middle of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the brows of the men who are sorrowing and crying for all the disgusting things which are done in it.



Related Terms

Brows (10 Occurrences)

Graze (11 Occurrences)

Philippians (2 Occurrences)

Browses (2 Occurrences)

Crop (33 Occurrences)

Myrrh (22 Occurrences)

Thorn (30 Occurrences)

Flesh (468 Occurrences)

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