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Psalm 25:10
All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
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(10) Mercy and truth.—Or, grace and truth; recalling John 1:4-17, and showing how the conception of God and His ways was gradually passing over from the domain of the Law to that of the Gospel.

Psalm 25:10. All the paths of the Lord — All the dealings of God with them, yea, even those that are afflictive and grievous to the flesh; are mercy and truth — Are in kindness and faithfulness, as being very necessary for them, and tending to their great advantage; unto such as keep his covenant — The conditions required of them by his covenant; or, as it follows, his testimonies, or precepts, which are the testimonies or witnesses of God’s will, and of man’s duty.

25:8-14 We are all sinners; and Christ came into the world to save sinners, to teach sinners, to call sinners to repentance. We value a promise by the character of him that makes it; we therefore depend upon God's promises. All the paths of the Lord, that is, all his promises and all his providences, are mercy and truth. In all God's dealings his people may see his mercy displayed, and his word fulfilled, whatever afflictions they are now exercised with. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth; and so it will appear when they come to their journey's end. Those that are humble, that distrust themselves, and desire to be taught and to follow Divine guidance, these he will guide in judgment, that is, by the rule of the written word, to find rest for their souls in the Saviour. Even when the body is sick, and in pain, the soul may be at ease in God.All the paths of the Lord - All the ways that the Lord takes; all that He commands; all that He does. The "paths of the Lord" denote the course in which He himself walks, or His dealings with His creatures. In the previous verse, the psalmist had said that the Lord would teach "His way" to the "meek;" he now says that all His ways are ways of mercy and of truth; or that all will be found to be in the direction of mercy and of truth.

Are mercy and truth - In all His dealings with those who "keep his covenant" He shows Himself to be at the same time merciful and true: compassionate toward their errors; faithful to His own promises.

To such as keep his covenant - To those who are His friends; to those who are faithful to Him. This expression is often used to denote those who are the true people of God, Genesis 17:9-10; Exodus 19:5; Deuteronomy 29:9; Psalm 132:12. The word "covenant" here is equivalent to "command or law;" and the idea is, that if they keep His laws they will find Him to be merciful and true. On the meaning of the word "covenant," see Acts 7:8, note; Hebrews 8:8, note; Hebrews 9:16-17, note.

And his testimonies - The word "testimony" in the Scripture, in this connection, refers to that to which God bears witness as "true;" or that which He has declared to be truth. In this sense, the phrase here means those who maintain His truth; or who abide by what He has pronounced to be true. The word is very often used in the Scriptures to denote the truth of God and the commandments of God. In all such cases, there is the underlying idea that the command or the statement referred to is that to which God bears witness as true or right.

10. paths—similar sense—His modes of dealing (compare Ps 25:4).

mercy and truth—(Job 14:1-22), God's grace in promising and faithfulness in performing.

All the dealings of God with them, yea, even those that are afflictive and grievous to the flesh, are done in kindness and faithfulness to them, as being very necessary for them, and tending to their great advantage.

His covenant, i.e. the laws or conditions required of them by his covenant; or, as it follows, his testimonies, i.e. his precepts, which are the testimonies or witnesses of God’s will, and of man’s duty.

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,.... By which are meant, not the paths in which the Lord would have his people walk; though these are good and gracious, right and true; his commandments are not grievous, his yoke is easy, and burden light; his ways are ways of pleasantness, and his paths, paths of peace: but rather the paths in which the Lord himself walks; not his paths of providence, though these are mercy and truth to his own people; every step he takes is in a way of goodness and kindness to them, and in truth and faithfulness to his promises; but the ways and methods he has taken towards the spiritual and eternal salvation of his people; as in his counsels and purposes, in which there is a large display of his grace and mercy; in the choice of them in Christ, as vessels of mercy, and which is of grace, and not of works; in determining to send his Son to die for them, which springs from the tender mercy of our God; in resolving to call them by his grace, and to adopt them into his family, and at last to glorify them; all which proceed from his merciful lovingkindness; and all these, his counsels of old, are faithfulness and truth, since they can never be frustrated, but are always accomplished; as also in his covenant, which springs from grace, is built upon mercy, and contains the sure mercies of David, and is ever fulfilled; the faithfulness of God is engaged to keep it, and its promises are yea and amen in Christ: and likewise the steps he has taken in Christ, the Mediator of the covenant, who is full of grace and truth; "mercy" appears in the mission of him, and redemption by him; and "truth", in fulfilling the promise of him; and both mercy and truth meet together in him: and so they do in the various blessings of grace which come by him; as particularly justification and pardon of sin, in both which there is a display of grace and mercy; and also of the truth of holiness and justice: and the mercy and truth of God appear in these paths of his,

unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies; by which are designed, not the covenant of works, and the precepts of the law, which are sometimes called the testimonies of God, because they testify what is his will that should be done: but these are broke, and not kept perfectly by any; nor is it any favour or high privilege to be shown this covenant and the duties of it, as is suggested of the covenant here meant, as appears from Psalm 25:14; wherefore the covenant of grace must be intended, which is made with Christ, and his people in him; and the "testimonies" are the promises of it, which testify of the grace, mercy, truth, and faithfulness of Gods; and the keeping of these is done by faith: faith lays hold on the covenant, its blessings and promises, and claims an interest in them, as David did, 2 Samuel 23:5; see Isaiah 56:4; and it keeps or retains its hold; it will not let go its hold of the covenant and its testimonies, but asserts its interest, even when things are at the worst with it; and it holds fast the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end; and to such all the steps the Lord takes appear to be in mercy and truth.

All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
10. In all His dealings Jehovah proves His loving purpose and His faithfulness to His promises to those who on their part are faithful to Him, keeping the covenant inaugurated by circumcision (Genesis 17:2 ff.), and ratified at Sinai (Exodus 19:5; Exodus 24:7-8); of which the Ark of the Covenant (Numbers 10:33) was the outward sign, and the Ten Words written on the Tables of the Covenant were the fundamental charter (Deuteronomy 9:9). Jehovah’s testimonies are His commandments, as witnessing to His will. See note on Psalm 19:7.

mercy and truth] R.V. lovingkindness and truth. So He proclaimed Himself to Moses, as a God ‘plenteous in lovingkindness and truth’ (Exodus 34:6).

Verse 10. - All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. Mercy and truth will meet together (Psalm 85:10) in the case of those who, however they may have sinned, meekly submit themselves to God's guidance, and thenceforth keep his covenant and his testimonies. Psalm 25:10The paths intended, are those which He takes with men in accordance with His revealed will and counsel. These paths are חסד loving-kindness, mercy, or grace, for the salvation of men is their goal, and אמת truth, for they give proof at every step of the certainty of His promises. But only they who keep His covenant and His testimonies faithfully and obediently shall share in this mercy and truth. To the psalmist the name of Jahve, which unfolds itself in mercy and truth, is precious. Upon it he bases the prayer that follows.
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