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autopope: Me, myself, and I (mad, mad!)

autopope's Journal

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Created on 2009-04-17 11:06:30 (#86374), last updated 2024-11-21 (5 days ago)

71,593 comments received, 2,209 comments posted

6,963 Journal Entries, 25 Tags, 0 Memories, 20 Icons Uploaded

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Birthdate:Oct 18
Location:Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Website:Charlie's Diary
The thinly-disguised alternative internet presence of Charlie Stross, SF novelist.
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Open Gives Access To (981):

a_cubed, a_d_medievalist, agent13, akawil, akicif, al_zorra, alan_crowe, alessandriana, alexxkay, alicebentley, andrewducker, ang_rosin, ann_leckie, anne, antiqueight, arabellaxo, armillary, armiphlage, ashnistrike, audieb, averybadman, avitzur, ayse, basal_surge, batwrangler, bellinghman, bellinghwoman, beth_meacham, bibliogirl, blufive, bohemiancoast, botrytis, bravolimapoppa3, brigidsblest, brooksmoses, bryant, bugshaw, caper_est, carbonel, casidhe, cathrowan, catsidhe, cdodgson, cdybedahl, ceb, celestialweasel, cgbookcat1, cheriepriest, cheshyre, chess, citizenpsmith, ckd, clanwilliam, cogitationitis, connatic, conuly, countesskate, crazyscot, crazysoph, cuboid_ursinoid, danjite, darth_hamster, daveon, davidcook, davidlevine, dc, debgeisler, deborah_c, del, desert_dragon, desperance, devereux, devilgate, dewline, diemzone, digitalraven, doctor_toc, dorispossum, doug, drone, drpaisley, drplokta, dsrtao, duskpeterson, eagle, eanwulf, egypturnash, eleraama, eleyan, ellarien, elmyra, elsue, elynne, emperorzombie, exiledinpn, fadeaccompli, fallenpegasus, falsepositives, fanf, fengi, feorag, feyandstrange, ffutures, filkerdave, fjm, fledgist, flick, flippac, florbigoo, fmsv, fontosaurus, foxfirefey, fredrict, frogworth, funranium, gmh, gominokouhai, gothwalk, graydon, green_knight, grimjim, grimmwire, gths, gummitch, hairyears, hano, hathor, hattifattener, hawkwing_lb, heathwitch, helen_keeble, henrytroup, heron61, history_monk, illian, ironjeff, ironyoxide, jacey, james_davis_nicoll, jamesovei, jarodrussell, jayblanc, jazzfish, jbwoodford, jeffreyab, jemck, jenphalian, jered, jhnc, jiawen, jimhines, jjb, jjfranzen, joecrow, johncoxon, jpallan, jreynoldsward, julesjones, jwz, karmag, kellineil, kevin_standlee, khrister, kithrup, kiya, kjn, klwilliams, krfsm, kylinn, la_marquise, lethargic_man, liam_on_linux, lilfluff, lilithsaintcrow, lilysea, lizwilliams, llcoolvad, luckylove, luminalflux, lydy, maeve_the_red, major_clanger, marcelo, marjorie73, marthawells, martianmooncrab, martin_wisse, matgb, matociquala, melchar, metahacker, mhcat, miramon, miss_s_b, mithriltabby, mizkit, mlknchz, mmcirvin, movingfinger, mschatelaine, muninnhuginn, murphys_lawyer, mysterysquid, nancylebov, nelc, neowolf2, netdef, netmouse, nickys, ninjarat, njj4, nojay, norsellie, notsheldon, nwhyte, onyxlynx, original_aj, owlfish, pdcawley, peristaltor, perlmonger, pmrabble, pnh, po8crg, purplecthulhu, purplerabbits, purpletigron, pvaneynd, pxr5, queenoftheskies, rachelmanija, radiantfracture, rattleback, rawdon, rdm, real_dammitjanet, redbird, redheadedfemme, redwolf, replyhazy, reynardo, rezendi, rfmcdonald, ritaxis, rmc28, rolanni, romsfuulynn, rosefox, rowyn, rysmiel, sartorias, sassysf, sbisson, scott_sanford, sculpin, seabream, seawasp, secretagentmoof, sethb, shana, sidravitale, sillylilly_bird, sinclair_furie, skington, smilingslightly, soon_lee, sophia8, sparrowpunk, spz, sraun, stdesjardins, stevenagy, stormclouds, supergee, sweh, tamaranth, temporus, the_borderer, the_eggwhite, theandrewhickey, thette, thewayne, theweaselking, thornist, timill, tkingfisher, tmc4242, troutwaxer, tryslora, turtleshell, tuwr, uninvitedcat, ursula, vatine, vincentursus, voidampersand, watervole, webfarmer, were_gopher, will_plant, wiresandbooks, yhlee, zappo, zornhau, zotz, zxhrue
OpenID[] 0ccam, 2muchexposition, 7leaguebootdisk, a-cubed, aaronace, abouttheauthor, abrinsky, addict-yin, affinity8, agent-mimi, agrumer, aimeempayne, akawil, akicif, al-zorra, alan-crowe, alecaustin, alex-holden, alexmc, alexx-kay, alg, alienspacebat, amberite, amberwitch, amend-locke, aml, ammitnox, andreas-black, andyhat, ang-grrr, anghara, angusabranson, ann-leckie, annafdd, antipope-cats, anton-p-nym, arafel2, arcaedia, archibear, armillary, armoire-man, artaud, asphalteden, attimes-bracing, avitzur, avva, awahlbom, ayse, badmovie, baralier, barbarienne, barthanderson, basal-surge, batswing, batwrangler, be-well-lowell, beamjockey, bellinghman, bellinghwoman, benpeek, benrosenbaum, bibliogirl, billyabbott, birdsedge, blackcoat, blindpew-faldo, blufive, blzblack, bohemiancoast, bookzombie, bopeepsheep, botrytis, brain-hurts, bram452, bravado111, brett-dunbar, briansiano, brightglance, bschilli, bugshaw, burger-eater, burkesworks, burningriver, cairmen, calcinations, calendula-witch, camies, cammykitty, caprine, captainlucy, carbonatedink, carbonel, carl-allery, carloshasanax, carnwrite, cartimandua, casaubon, cassiphone, cat-herder, catabolism, cataptromancer, catsittingstill, ccfinlay, cdodgson, ceb, celestialweasel, chaircrusher, charlesks, cherylmmorgan, chilperic, chris-moriarty, chronovore, chuck-lw, ciphergoth, circumbendius, ckn, clanwilliam, clarkesworld, cleodhna, clovenhoof, coaldustcanary, cobrabay, cogitationitis, connatic, corruptedjasper, cosmicdolphin, counslr-tragedy, cpxbrex, crazyscot, crazysoph, creed-of-hubris, cthulie, cuboid-ursinoid, cultureulterior, dagbrown, dancingwriter, dandyfunk, danguyf, darnia, darrkespur, davealaw, daveon, david-devereux, davidcook, davidlevine, davidstewart, dd-b, dduane, deannahoak, debgeisler, deborahb, del-c, dennyd, desperance, despotliz, deus-x, dev-iant, devilgate, digitalraven, digitalred93, docbrite, doctor-toc, doubt72, doug-palmer, dougs, dr-pipe, dr-scott, dragonet2, drasecretcampus, drieuxster, drplokta, dsgood, duncanid, dungeoneer, eclexys, eggwhite, elaine-brennan, elarasophia, eleraama, eleyan, elfs, ellen-datlow, ellen-kushner, elmyra, elsue, emeraldlake, enigmania, eqe, erikvolson, estimate-lad, etriganuk, fanf, fastfwd, felila, feorag, feyandstrange, ffutures, fhtagn, fierce-rabbit, filkerdave, filomancer, fivemack, fizzyboot, fjm, fledgist, florbigoo, fluffcthulhu, fmsv, fontosaurus, fractaltime, frandowdsofa, frogworth, funranium, fuzzyboo03, gailcarriger, galaxy-girl00, galbinus-caeli, gareth-wilson, garmacottar, gaspode-girl, gbsteve, geo-stationary, gfish, ghostwes, gmh, goblindegook, gothtart, gothwalk, grahamsleight, green-amber, green-knight, grimmwire, grrm, gths, gtrout, guest-informant, gummitch, guybles, hairyears, hal-obrien, hangingfire, hannu, hano, hashbangchris, hawkida, hawkwing-lb, heathwitch, helen-keeble, herewiss13, heron61, hideousallusion, hirez, hollowpoint, horrorofitall, huaman, i-ate-my-crusts, ianirving, ianmcdonald, icecreamempress, icedrake, ilovehpl, imnotandrei, imomus, intelligentrix, intemporaliter, irishkate, j03, j0ni, jackwilliambell, james-angove, james-nicoll, jamesovei, janetmiles, jarkman, jarodrussell, jautero, jaylake, jazzmasterson, jdigital, jeffreyab, jemck, jeriendhal, jesusandrew, jet-alone, jhnc, jijikat, jimhines, jimtbari, jjarrold, jjfranzen, jlassen, jlundberg, jmartenstein, jmswallow, jnassise, joe-haldeman, john-d-owen, johnbowker, johncoxon, johncwright, jojomojo, jonathanstrahan, jonsinger, joyful-storm, jpallan, jrittenhouse, judip, julesjones, justinar, jwm, jwz, k0shi, kaitiana, kajafoglio, kasman2004, katfeete, katymulvey, kellineil, kespernorth, kestrell, kevin-standlee, kfringe, khiemtran, kiltnihonside, king-espresso, kinzel, kip-w, kithrup, kitrik, klingonguy, kmo, koyote, krfsm, ktempest, l0stfutur3, lacuna-raze, landsmand, lavenderbard, leahbobet, leila-child, lemuriapress, lensedqso, lethargic-man, limyaael, lisa-bouchard, lisatuttle, liveavatar, llcoolvad, lokicarbis, lostcarpark, lproven, lrc, luckylove, lukey-boy, luminalflux, lunablack, maalekar, mac-stone, madtom-o-bedlam, major-clanger, makyo, malafreta, maleficent, malwen, manigault, mapzter, mark-argent, marmalade-jack, marsgov, martling, martyhalpern, marykaykare, marypcb, mastadge, matt-arnold, mattapp, mattia, mayakda, mayhemwench, mcurry, mearls, megasquid, meico, melissa-writing, metageek, metahacker, mevennen, mhacdebhandia, mike-harre, mindelemental, miramon, missedephemera, mistersleepless, mistri, mizkit, mjlayman, mmcirvin, motive-nuance, mr-hand, mrgeddylee, mrgoodwraith, mrissa, mrsveteran, mrteufel, msagara, msisolak, mssrcrankypants, muninnhuginn, murphys-lawyer, mycroftxxx, myrdinx, mysterysquid, mytholder, nancylebov, naominovik, nashmeister, natural20, neilf, nelc, nescafe, netmouse, nickwarne, nickys, nihilistic-kid, ninebelow, nmg, nnaloh, noble-zone, nojay, noksadayu, non-trivial, norilana, notthebuddha, nuttyxander, nwhyte, obadiah, oddhack, ogre6369, ohilya, oilygrrl, oldmotherchaos, oletheros, omni-ferret, orangemike, origamilady, original-aj, ortho-bob, otfrom, outerego, oxfordhacker, ozarque, p-n, palatinate, palfrey, pantryslut, papersky, pauldrye, pdcawley, peake, perlmonger, petermorwood, peteyoung, pfarley, pfrank, pgmcc, phalaena, phanatic, philfoglio, pigeonhed, pilgrim3, pir-anha, pmcray, pmrabble, pnh, polly-walnuts, pompe, postrodent, pretentiousfool, princealbert, princejvstin, prometheano, protocol-rain, psycho-machia, ptevis, purgatorius, purplecthulhu, purplerabbits, pvaneynd, pwilkinson, pxr5, pyropyga, qcjeph, queenoftheskies, quercus, racebannon42, rachelmanija, rambleflower, ramtops, randallsquared, ratmmjess, rattleback, rawdon, razorsmile, red-mike-yog, redbrown, redknight, redwolf, remotepush, retch, retrobabble, rev-e, rezendi, rfmcdpei, rfreebern, rgovrebo, rhionnach, ricdavis, rickbooth, ritaxis, robertcr5, robling-t, romsfuulynn, rozk, rypcord, rysmiel, safewrite, samhudson, samildanach, sammywol, sandial, sarahq, sargent, sartorias, saxifrage00, sbisson, sbp, scalzi, sceptre1067, sciamanna, scott-lynch, scs-11, scunthorpe, sdn, seanan-mcguire, seanmcguire, seawasp, selectnone, selfavowedgeek, serendipoz, serial-elder, sethb, sethop, several-bees, sfrose, shana, sharan, shimgray, shsilver, sibelian, sigrdrifa, silmaril, simonb, sinclair-furie, skapusniak, skington, skullculture, skzbrust, sleary, sleepycinderell, slimmeroftheyea, slithytove, slovobooks, snowking, sokmunky, soon-lee, sophia8, space-parasite, spacecrab, spacelem, sparrowpunk, spring-violet, spudtater, sqferryman, stakebait, stegoking, stephanieburgis, stevegreen, stevenagy, stevendj, stillsostrange, stina-leicht, suaveswede, supergee, supermouse, surliminal, suzych, sweh, swisstone, syntaxhorror, tagmeth, talvalin, tamaranth, tandw, tankatanka, tanngrisnir, tav-behemoth, tehblahhh, teroyks, testerscot, the-maenad, the-magician, the-monkey-king, theauldhoose, thedivinegoat, thereisnomagic, thesideshow, thette, theturbonerd, theweaselking, thornist, time-shark, tina-anghelatos, tmc4242, tnh, tomsdisch, torrain, touch-of-ink, treefell, turtleshell, txanne, uglychicken, uke, underpope, unless-spring, urlgirl, velochicdunord, vertigoranger, vicarage, vincentursus, voidampersand, voidrandom, von-krag, vulpine137, wallyohoser, watervole, webfarmer, webofevil, webserf, wendyg, were-gopher, werejud, willplant, wishus, wistling, womzilla, wouldyoueva, wrathchylde, writer-space, x-mass, yfel, young-judas, zanate, zappo, zarq, zeecat, zenmonkeykstop, zibacco, zornhau, zotz, zwol, zxhrue, zyxwvut
OpenID[org] jeremy
OpenID[] __marcelo, la_marquise_de_

Open Has Access To (283):

7leaguebootdisk, a_cubed,, agent13, akawil, akicif, al_zorra, alan_crowe, alanfleming, alessandriana, alicebentley, amberite, andrewducker, ang_rosin, ann_leckie, anne, antiqueight, arabellaxo, armiphlage, ashnistrike, audieb, averybadman, avitzur, ayse, basal_surge, batwrangler, bellinghman, bellinghwoman, beth_meacham, bibliogirl, blufive, bohemiancoast, bookzombie, botrytis, bravolimapoppa3, brigidsblest, brooksmoses, bugshaw, caper_est, carbonel, carl_allery, cathrowan, catsidhe, catsittingstill, cdybedahl, celestialweasel, cgbookcat1, cheriepriest, chess, citizenpsmith, ckd, clanwilliam, cogitationitis, coldthing, connatic, countesskate, crazyscot, crazysoph, cuboid_ursinoid, cynthia1960, danjite, daveon, davidcook, davidlevine, dc, debgeisler, deborah_c, desert_dragon, desperance, devereux, devilgate, dewline, diemzone, digitalraven, dmwcarol, doctor_toc, dorispossum, doug, drpaisley, drplokta, dsrtao, duskpeterson, eanwulf, egypturnash, eleyan, ellarien, elmyra, elsue, elynne, emperorzombie, fadeaccompli, fallenpegasus, falsepositives, fanf, fengi, feorag, feyandstrange, ffutures, filkerdave, fjm, flaviomatani, fledgist, flick, flippac, florbigoo, fontosaurus, foxfirefey, fredrict, frogworth, funranium, gmh, gominokouhai, gothwalk, graydon, grayestofghosts, green_knight, grimjim, grimmwire, gths, gummitch, hairyears, hano, hathor, hawkida, hawkwing_lb, heathwitch, heron61, history_monk, jacey, james_davis_nicoll, jamesovei, jarodrussell, jazzfish, jbwoodford, jducoeur, jeffreyab, jennyaxe, jered,, jhnc, jiawen, jjb, jjfranzen, joecrow, johncoxon, jreynoldsward, julesjones,, jwz, katyakoshka, kellineil, kevin_standlee, khrister, kithrup, kiya, kjn, klwilliams, krfsm, la_marquise, laramie, lethargic_man, lizwilliams, llcoolvad, lydy, machiavellijr, maeve_the_red, major_clanger, martianmooncrab, martin_wisse, mecurtin, melchar, metahacker, mhcat, miramon, miss_s_b, mithriltabby, mizkit, mlknchz, mmcirvin, movingfinger, mschatelaine, muninnhuginn, murphys_lawyer, mylescorcoran, nancylebov, nelc, neowolf2, netdef, netmouse, ninjarat, njj4, nojay, norsellie, notsheldon, nwhyte, onyxlynx, oracne, original_aj, owlfish, pdcawley, peristaltor, perlmonger, pmrabble, po8crg, purplecthulhu, purplerabbits, purpletigron, pvaneynd, pxr5, queenoftheskies, rachelmanija, radiantfracture, rawdon, rdi, rdm, real_dammitjanet, redbird, redwolf, replyhazy, reynardo, rezendi, rfmcdonald, riderius, ritaxis, rmc28, rolanni, romsfuulynn, rysmiel, sartorias, sassysf, sbisson, scott_sanford, sculpin, seawasp, secretagentmoof, sethb, shana, sidravitale, sillylilly_bird, skington, smilingslightly, soon_lee, sophia8, sparrowpunk, spudtater, spz, sraun, stevenagy, stormclouds, supergee, suzannekmoses, sweh, tamaranth, temporus, the_borderer, the_eggwhite, theandrewhickey, thette, thewayne, theweaselking, thornist, threeringedmoon, timill, turtleshell, tuwr, ursula, vatine, vincentursus, vivdunstan, voidampersand, volterator, watervole, webfarmer, wendyg,, were_gopher, will_plant, x_mass, yhlee, zappo, zornhau, zotz, zxhrue

Open Subscriptions (183):

a_cubed, akawil,, al_zorra, alan_crowe, alexxkay, alicebentley, andrewducker, ang_rosin, ann_leckie, anne, armiphlage, ashnistrike, autopope, avitzur, basal_surge, batwrangler, bellinghman, bellinghwoman,, beth_meacham, blufive, bohemiancoast, botrytis, bravolimapoppa3, brooksmoses, bugshaw,, cdodgson, cdybedahl, ceb, cgbookcat1, cheriepriest,, chess, ckd, clanwilliam, cogitationitis, connatic, crazyscot, darth_hamster, daveon, davidcook, davidlevine, debgeisler, devereux, dewline, digitalraven, dorispossum, doug, drone, drplokta, dsrtao, eagle, eanwulf, egypturnash, ellarien, elmyra,, fadeaccompli, falsepositives, fanf, feorag,, ffutures, filkerdave, fjm, flick, flippac, florbigoo,,, fredrict, frogworth, funranium, gothwalk, graydon, green_knight, hairyears, hano, hathor, hawkwing_lb, heron61, james_davis_nicoll, jazzfish, jeffreyab, jemck, jenphalian, jered, jimhines,, jjb, jjfranzen, joecrow, jpallan, jreynoldsward,, khrister, kithrup, kiya, kjn, krfsm, la_marquise, liam_on_linux, lilithsaintcrow, lizwilliams, llcoolvad,, luckylove, major_clanger,,, matgb, matociquala, metahacker,, mhcat, miss_s_b, mithriltabby, mizkit, mlknchz, mmcirvin, murphys_lawyer, nancylebov, nelc, ninjarat, njj4, nojay, nwhyte, onyxlynx, original_aj,, peristaltor,,, pnh, purplecthulhu, purplerabbits, purpletigron, pvaneynd, queenoftheskies, rachelmanija, rattleback, rawdon, real_dammitjanet, redbird, redheadedfemme, replyhazy, reynardo, rmc28, rolanni, romsfuulynn, sartorias, sbisson,, scott_sanford, seawasp, secretagentmoof, sillylilly_bird, sinclair_furie, skington, soon_lee, sparrowpunk, stdesjardins, stormclouds, supergee, sweh, tamaranth, theweaselking, tkingfisher, tmc4242, troutwaxer, turtleshell, tuwr, uninvitedcat, ursula, vincentursus, voidampersand, watervole,,, wiresandbooks, yhlee

Open Subscribers (347):

7leaguebootdisk, a_cubed, a_d_medievalist,, agent13, akawil, akicif, al_zorra, alan_crowe, alanfleming, alessandriana, alexxkay, alicebentley, amberite, andrewducker, ang_rosin, ann_leckie, anne, antiqueight, arabellaxo, armillary, armiphlage, ashnistrike, audieb, autopope, averybadman, avitzur, ayse, basal_surge, batwrangler, bellinghman, bellinghwoman, beth_meacham, bibliogirl, bktheirregular, blufive, bohemiancoast, bookzombie, botrytis, bravolimapoppa3, brigidsblest, brooksmoses, bugshaw, caper_est, carbonel, carl_allery, casidhe, cathrowan, catsidhe, catsittingstill, cdodgson, cdybedahl, ceb, celestialweasel, cgbookcat1, cheriepriest, cheshyre, chess, child_of_the_air, citizenpsmith, ckd, clanwilliam, cogitationitis, connatic, conuly, coth, countesskate, crazyscot, crazysoph, cuboid_ursinoid, cynthia1960, danjite, daveon, davidcook, davidlevine, dc, debgeisler, deborah_c, del, denny, desert_dragon, desperance, devereux, devilgate, dewline, diemzone, digitalraven, dmwcarol, doctor_toc, dorispossum, doug, drone, drpaisley, drplokta, dsrtao, duskpeterson, eanwulf, egypturnash, eleraama, eleyan, ellarien, elmyra, elsue, elynne, emperorzombie, exiledinpn, fadeaccompli, fallenpegasus, falsepositives, fanf, fengi, feorag, feyandstrange, ffutures, filkerdave, flaviomatani, fledgist, flick, flippac, florbigoo, fmsv, fontosaurus, foxfirefey, fred_mouse, fredrict, frogworth, funranium, gabe, ginger_rude, gmh, gominokouhai, gothwalk, graydon, grayestofghosts, green_knight, grimjim, grimmwire, gths, gummitch, hairyears, hano, hathor, hawkida, hawkwing_lb, heathwitch, helen_keeble, henrytroup, heron61, hilarita, history_monk, illian, ironjeff, jacey, james_davis_nicoll, jamesovei, jarodrussell, jazzfish, jbwoodford, jducoeur, jeffreyab, jennyaxe, jered,, jhnc, jiawen, jimhines, jjb, jjfranzen, joecrow, johncoxon, jreynoldsward, julesjones,, jwz, karmag, katyakoshka, kaylarudbek, kellineil, kevin_standlee, khrister, kiya, kjn, klwilliams, krfsm, kylinn, la_marquise, laramie, leecetheartist, lethargic_man, lilfluff, lizwilliams, llcoolvad, lsanderson, luminalflux, lydy, machiavellijr, madgastronomer, maeve_the_red, major_clanger, mallorys_camera, marcelo, marjorie73, martianmooncrab, martin_wisse, matgb, mcnutcase, mecurtin, melchar, metahacker, mhcat, mindways, miramon, miss_s_b, mithriltabby, mizkit, mlknchz, mmcirvin, movingfinger, mschatelaine, muninnhuginn, murphys_lawyer, mylescorcoran, mysterysquid, nancylebov, naraht, nelc, neowolf2, netdef, netmouse, nickys, ninjarat, njj4, nojay, norsellie, notsheldon, nwhyte, onyxlynx, oracne, original_aj, owlfish, pameladean, pauldrye, pdcawley, peristaltor, perlmonger, pmrabble, po8crg, princessofgeeks, psybelle, purplecthulhu, purplerabbits, purpletigron, pvaneynd, pxr5, qnm, queenoftheskies, radiantfracture, rattleback, rawdon, rbos, rdi, rdm, real_dammitjanet, redbird, redheadedfemme, redrose, redwolf, ree, replyhazy, reynardo, rezendi, rfmcdonald, riderius, ritaxis, rmc28, rolanni, romsfuulynn, rosefox, rysmiel, sabotabby, sartorias, sassysf, sbisson, scott_sanford, sculpin, seabream, seawasp, secretagentmoof, sethb, shana, sidravitale, sillylilly_bird, sinclair_furie, skington, skyfaller, smilingslightly, soon_lee, sophia8, sparrowpunk, spudtater, spz, sraun, stdesjardins, stevenagy, stormclouds, supergee, suzannekmoses, suzdal, sweh, tamaranth, temporus, the_borderer, the_eggwhite, theandrewhickey, thette, thewayne, theweaselking, thornist, threeringedmoon, timill, tmc4242, tree_and_leaf, turtleshell, tuwr, uninvitedcat, ursula, vatine, vincentursus, vivdunstan, vivtek, voidampersand, volterator, watervole, webfarmer, wendyg,, were_gopher, widmerp00l, will_plant, wiresandbooks, x_mass, yhlee, zappo, zarkonnen, zornhau, zotz, zxhrue
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