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Roe Johnson: Yoga Teacher & Sustainability Enthusiast

Roe Johnson: Yoga Teacher & Sustainability Enthusiast

Roe Johnson is someone you know you want to friends with, even before you meet her. At least, that was the case for me. I discovered Roe through Commune Yoga...
Curiosity 01 | Self Love

Curiosity 01 | Self Love

We find ourselves inquiring about Self Love… What is Self Love? What does it mean? What does it look like? What does it feel like? What is the art, the...
Flânerie with Alexandra Isabella

Flânerie with Alexandra Isabella

Flânerie with Auralie is an interview series that wanders on a walk (literal or imagined) and explores the current introspective thoughts and reflections with an Auralie muse. Alexandra Isabella is...
Curiosity 02 | Spring's Unspoken Ritual

Curiosity 02 | Spring's Unspoken Ritual

As the days waver on, daylight increases, temperatures rise, and the grass becomes greener, we find ourselves pondering the changing of seasons, the spring phenomenon, and the ritual of how...
Mindfulness Consumption: What Does it Really Mean?

Mindfulness Consumption: What Does it Really Mean?

Here at Auralie, we feel so strongly about mindfulness consumption, especially in fashion. We started the shop as a way to encourage our community to be more mindful in their purchase. But what...
Summer Swimsuit

Summer Swimsuit

I’m not one you typically would find in swimwear, even on the hottest summer days. But lately I’m crushing on a lot of good swimwear for some reason. Maybe because...
Index 01 | Market Week

Index 01 | Market Week

Explore snapshots of our founder, Tessa Jennifer, and brand director, Brooke Lindstrom as they experience Market Week in New York City. DAY 1 First stop: Palo Santo Studios Browsing the...
The Femininity Inside Us All

The Femininity Inside Us All

It’s so quiet now—except for the bird songs. And so still, too. This period of isolation can be chaotic, peaceful, melancholy, and tense all in one day, but I believe...
On Resilience

On Resilience

“I can’t wait for things to go back to normal!” I hear this phrase a lot these days. In the news, in conversations with friends — it’s hard to not...
Melissa Sonico, Educator, Writer, Designer, and Mother.

Melissa Sonico, Educator, Writer, Designer, and Mother.

What do you do for a living? And what about for fun? I’m lucky that my livelihood is supported by a few creative endeavors that I enjoy—to varying degrees: I...
Karina De Jesus, Founder, Haus Agency

Karina De Jesus, Founder, Haus Agency

Karina is one of the people who would make you feel instantly welcome at her space, and I’ll earnestly admit I’ve been a bit enamored with her. A Latvian Native,...
Jessica Reese: Owner and Designer, James Street

Jessica Reese: Owner and Designer, James Street

This week we got new James Street pieces up on the site, a no-fuss, easy to wear, yet also chic looking knitwear brand based in Utah (yes, you heard it...
Curiosity 03 | Solstice Reset

Curiosity 03 | Solstice Reset

As we celebrate the summer solstice, we invite you to take a moment to pause and join us as we reflect on spring and set intentions for the new season....
Karina Black, Creative Director and Digital Strategist

Karina Black, Creative Director and Digital Strategist

Karina is the founder of Interlude Creative Studios, a creative agency based in Los Angeles. She is one of the true creative souls out there and a community leader building...
Color Story: Cream

Color Story: Cream

What is it about the color cream that makes it feel so calming? Our team here swear by all the neutral color, but a shade of white and beige together...
Helen Yu Kuo, Marni's Mom and Fashion Blogger

Helen Yu Kuo, Marni's Mom and Fashion Blogger

I’ve long IG stalked and admired Helen and Marni, the San Francisco based mama and daughter duo. They’re basically the pair I’m dreaming to be if I ever have a...
Flânerie with Xanthea Riordan

Flânerie with Xanthea Riordan

Flânerie with Auralie is an interview series that wanders on a walk (literal or imagined) and explores the current introspective thoughts and reflections with an Auralie muse. Xanthea Riordan is...
Index 02 | Intentional Habits

Index 02 | Intentional Habits

As the days softly wane deeper into spring, we feel an underlying urge to evaluate our lives and shift our actions while nature transforms outside our windows, quietly preparing for...