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Curriculum Vitae

Aarhus University, Department of Culture and Society, PhD Student in Digital Heritage
CURRICULUM VITAE Peter Jensen SUMMARY PETER JENSEN SKOVGAARDSGADE 2, 1. DK-8000 AARHUS C TH. TEL. +45 2425 5941 WORK: FARKPJ@CAS.AU.DK HOME: PETER@ARKAEOLOGI.DK WEB: WWW.ARKAEOLOGI.DK/IT DATE OF BIRTH: TH JULY 26 1978 NATIONALITY: DANISH LANGUAGES PROFICIENCY: DANISH: NATIVE ENGLISH: FULL PROFESSIONAL GERMAN: LIMITED WORKING SPANISH: ELEMENTARY SWEDISH: PROFESSIONAL NORWEGIAN: PROFESSIONAL KEY INTERESTS: ARCHAEOLOGY PROGRAMMING & SCRIPTING DATABASE DESIGN WEB DESIGN & ONLINE DATA VISUALISATION & 3D MODELLING GIS M.A. in Prehistoric Archaeology and Informatics for Cultural Historians, specialising in the use of information technology for solving archaeological theoretical and methodological issues. Key interests include development of database- and web applications, visualisation/3D modelling and development of digital strategies focusing on archaeological excavation methods and practices. SKILLS OUTLINE - Prehistoric Archaeology - Excavation and documentation strategies University teaching experience - B.A, M.A. and PhD-level students Database design - MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access Programming and scripting - .NET, C#, PHP, Python, Javascript, VB, ASP, Flash Actionscript 3D Photogrammetry - Structure From Motion, Multiview, Stereo Photogrammetry GIS - MapInfo, ArcGIS Desktop/Server, Openlayers, WMS/WFS Web Services CAD - 3D Studio Max, AutoCAD Surveying - GNSS (DGPS/RTK) and TS; Leica, Trimble, TopCon, Sokkia EDUCATION 2002 - 2009 AARHUS UNIVERSITY M.A. in Prehistoric Archaeology - Indicative modelling in Archaeology – a study of methodological problems and conditions of operative implementation 1999 - 2002 AARHUS UNIVERSITY B.A. in Prehistoric Archaeology and Informatics for Cultural Historians 1994 - 1997 AMTSGYMNASIET I HADSTEN (FAVRSKOV GYMNASIUM) General Upper Secondary School 1984 - 1994 HADSTEN SKOLE Primary School ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 1 IT SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE MAP GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION : ARCGIS DESKTOP ●●●● MAPINFO ●●●● WMS/WFS ●●●○ QGIS ●●○○ ARCGIS SERVER ●●○○ EXPERIENCE 2009 - AARHUS UNIVERSITY Academic Staff, Head of Archaeological IT - - MARKUP LANGUAGES: HTML 4 & 5 ●●●● XML ●●●○ GML, WRML ●●●○ - PROGRAMMING/SCRIPTING: C# ●●●● PHP ●●●● PYTHON ●●●○ JAVASCRIPT ●●●○ SQL ●●●○ ASP ●●○○ FLASH ACTIONSCRIPT ●●○○ MAPBASIC ●●○○ DATABASE: MYSQL MICROSOFT ACCESS POSTGRESQL MICROSOFT SQL - 2007 - 2009 - ●●●● ●●●● ●●●○ ●●●○ ●●●● ●●●● ●●●● ●●○○ 2005 2005 ●●●● ●●●● ●●●○ GENERAL APPLICATIONS: MICROSOFT WORD ●●●● MICROSOFT EXCEL ●●●● MICROSOFT ACCESS ●●●● ADOBE INDESIGN ●●●○ OPEN OFFICE ●●●○ Archaeological Theory and Method III, Prehistoric Archaeology. M.A.level. SKANDERBORG MUSEUM Archaeologist, part time - Excavations and development/implementation of digital strategies. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF DENMARK Archaeologist, part time - 2003 - 2007 Database design in relation to research projects. AARHUS UNIVERSITY Assisting Teacher - 2003 - 2009 Archaeological Theory and Method III, Prehistoric Archaeology. M.A.level. MOESGAARD MUSEUM Research Assistant - 2004 Development of database applications for archaeological research projects. 3D visualisation projects AARHUS UNIVERSITY Assisting Teacher - 2003 - 2007 OPERATING SYSTEMS: WINDOWS 3.1-8.1 LINUX/UBUNTU MAC OS X AARHUS UNIVERSITY Programmer - VISUALISATION/3D MODELLING: 3DS MAX ●●●● MESHLAB ●●●○ ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ●●●○ ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR ●●●○ BLENDER ●●○○ AUTOCAD ●●○○ PHOTOGRAMMETRY: AGISOFT PHOTOSCAN VISUALSFM AIRPHOTO IMAGEMASTER - Development of database applications with focus on specific archaeological problems and projects. Digital distribution and dissemination of archaeological projects and data, e.g. visualisation (3D, GIS) and development of internet applications. Development of implementation strategies concerning new digital methods in archaeological research, e.g. documentation strategies in field archaeology. Digitisation of archaeological data including elements of archaeological interpretation and scientific augmentation of data. Coordination of archaeological data transfers; e.g. from paper to digital media or between different software platforms. Courses in areas of field archaeological methods and the usage of information technology in archaeology, e.g. GIS, GPS, TS. Assisting teacher in areas of field archaeological methods and the usage of information technology in archaeology; Phd/Field Schools and B.A.level students. Excavation projects with responsibility of digital documentation development, implementation and strategies. MUSEET PÅ SØNDERSKOV Archaeologist, part time - Excavation projects with responsibility of digital documentation development, implementation and strategies. 2002 - 2008 MOESGAARD MUSEUM Programmer 2002 - 2003 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Assisting Teacher - Informatics for Cultural Historians, B.A.-level. 2 TEACHING PORTFOLIO 2014 (2 weeks) GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN 2014 DARIAH International Digital Humanities Field School - 2014 (1 month) HARVARD UNIVERSITY Harvard University Summer School – Viking Studies in Scandinavia - 2013 (1 month) Assisting teacher AARHUS UNIVERSITY Archaeoloigical Theory and Method III, M.A.-level - 2002 - 2003 (1 year) Assisting teacher of field archaeological methods. AARHUS UNIVERSITY Archaeoloigical Theory and Method III, M.A.-level - 2003 (3 months) Assisting teacher of field archaeological methods AARHUS UNIVERSITY Omgaard Educational Excavation - 2004 (3 months) Lecturer and teaching field archaeological methods AARHUS UNIVERSITY Borum Eshøj Field School and Educational Excavation - 2008 (1 month) Assisting teacher of field archaeological methods HARVARD UNIVERSITY Harvard University Summer School – Viking Studies in Scandinavia - 2011 (2 months) Lecturer and teaching field archaeological methods AARHUS UNIVERSITY Solbjerg and Hummelure Educational Excavations - 2011 (1 month) Lecturer and teaching field archaeological methods HARVARD UNIVERSITY Harvard University Summer School – Viking Studies in Scandinavia - 2012 (1 month) Lecturer and teaching 3d modelling Assisting teacher AARHUS UNIVERSITY Informatics for Cultural Historians, B.A.-level - Assisting teacher PRESENTATIONS AND CONFERENCES (SELECTION) 2014 PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES OF COPENHAGEN, HOLSTEBRO & SYDDJURS Lecturer - 2013 AARHUS UNIVERSITY GIS CONFERENCE Lecturer - 2012 3D photo-documentation by Structure From Motion THE ASSOCIATION OF DANISH MUSEUMS Lecturer - 2011 The dead warriors of Alken Enge. Excavations and documentation. 3D photo-documentation by Structure From Motion COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN ARCHAEOLOGY 2011: REVIVE THE PAST. BEIJING. Lecturer - Event-based Archaeological Documentation Principles 3 PROJECTS (SELECTION) 2012 - 2014 ALKEN ENGE Aarhus University, Moesgaard Museum and Skanderborg Museum (prof. Mads Holst & Ejvind Hertz) - - 2010 - 2011 AGGERSBORG Aarhus University (prof. Else Roesdahl & prof. Søren Sindbæk) - 2009 - 2014 - - Excavation, field officer Coordination, digitisation and scientific augmentation of older excavation data ILLERUP PROJECT, THE IRON AGE OF NORTHERN EUROPE Moesgaard Museum (Dr. Jørgen Ilkjær) - 2003 - 2004 Excavation of Iron Age war sacrifice Coordination, digitisation and scientific augmentation of older excavation data. Assisting teacher at educational excavation. OMGAARD Ringkøbing-Skjern Museum (Torben Egeberg) - 2003 - 2012 Digitisation and publication illustrations of Viking Age fortresses Aggerborg, Fyrkat and Trelleborg. VÆDEBRO (ALKEN ENGE) Aarhus University and Skanderborg Museum (prof. Mads Holst & Ejvind Hertz) - 2007 - 2008 Excavation of Viking Age royal site. GIS-coordinator and developer of digital archaeological documentation principles. Excavation test-ground for the Event-based Documentation Principles. Coordination, digitisation and scientific augmentation of older excavation data. THE KINGS FORTRESSES Moesgaard Museum & Aarhus University (PhD Andres Dobat) - 2007 – 2009 Coordination, digitisation and scientific augmentation of older excavation data from Viking Age fortress Aggerborg THE JELLING PROJECT (UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE) The National Museum of Denmark (prof. Mads Holst and PhD Anne Pedersen) - 2008 - 2009 Excavation of Iron Age og offeri gs: Ar a d post-war rituals in the Iron Age: warriors sacrificed in the bog in the Alken Enge wetlands in the Illerup Ådal river valle GIS-coordinator and developer of digital archaeological documentation principles. Excavation test-ground for Structure From Motion/3D photogrammetry. Database re-design.of Illerup and Nydam sacrificial weapon deposits SKELHØJ The National Museum of Denmark (prof. Mads Holst) - Excavation, suerveying of Bronze Age burial mound Photo-documentation, registration and digitisation. 4 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO (SELECTION) EXCAVATION DATABASES: 2012 - 2014 AARHUS UNIVERSITY ERAS Extending on the Event-based Registration Principles; an online objectoriented database for handling excavation data. Build in Php and MySQL with custom GIS-solution. SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH DATABASES: 2013 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Lateglacial Online, interactive, open-access data repository and geographic research tool of the late glacial Northern Europe. Based on Php and MySQL 2008 THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF DENMARK Pollen Database a d Dendrochronological Database Online databases based on Php and MySQL containing a complete searchable, georeferenced, dynamic index of all dendrochronological and pollen analysis performed by the National Museum. 2007 - 2013 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE AND CONSERVATION, MOESGAARD MUSEUM “ ie tifi I de Online database based on Php and MySQL containing a complete searchable, georeferenced, dynamic index of all scientific analysis of excavations performed by Moesgaard Museum. VISUALISATIONS: MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITIONS 2013 - 2014 NEUES MUSEUM BERLIN, BRITISH MUSEUM, DANISH NATIONAL MUSEUM VIKING 3D animation showing the construction of the royal Viking Age monuments of Jelling. Widescreen in-exhibition. 2012 VEJLE MUSEUM Hvesager 3D animation showing reconstruction of Iron Age settlement from postholes to buildings, including character animation. Touch-screen inexhibition. 2008 MOESGAARD MUSEUM The graves of the Mound People 3D animation showing construction principles of Bronze Age burial mounds. Widescreen in-exhibition. 2006 MOESGAARD MUSEUM Laguthewas Journey Flash animation for interactive, historical game-board 5 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO (CONTINUED) VISUALISATIONS: TV & DOCUMENTARY 2015 MOVISION FILM Det Kongelige Puslespil i press Several 3D models, reconstructions, and motion-captured animations made for documentary about the excavations of the royal Viking Age site of Jelling. 2011 DK4 Arkæologie Ru dt: Jelli g 3D models and illustrations for documentary about the Jelling excavations 2003 DANISH NATIONAL BROADCAST COMPANY (DR) Vide O : “kelhøj 3D modelling of burial mound for use by the host in TV studio (virtual reality) DESKTOP APPLICATIONS WMS EXTRACTOR & PROFILE TWEAKER Windows applications written in C# as tools for aiding in archaeological field work. Specifically rectifying sections or profiles in 2D/3D and working with large datasets from WMS services. ORGANISATIONS 2012 - AARHUS UNIVERSITY GIS COMMITTEE Representative of Institute for Culture and Society 2003 – 2006 AARHUS UNIVERSITY BOARD OF STUDIES IN PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGY Vice-president (student representative) 2003 – 2004 AARHUS UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE COMMITTEE Student representative 2003 - 2007 AARHUS UNIVERSITY STUDENT ASSOCIATION HIKUIN Member of board 2003-2007, Vice chairman 2004-2005, Chairman 2005-2007 6 ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS 2012 - 2014 Aarhus University, Moesgaard Museum & Skanderborg Museum Alke E ge , Iron Age bog offerings - 2012 Aarhus University & Moesgaard Museum Gl. “ol jerg , Medieval church Hummelure , Iro Age settle e t - 2011 Surveying (TS), field documentation, digitisation Aarhus University Ko gshøj , Bronze Age Burial mound with preserved oak coffin, male skeleton and bronze sword - 2000 (3 weeks) Excavations and surveying with responsibility of digital documentation The National Museum of Denmark “kelhøj , Bronze Age Burial Mound - 2003 (1 month) Excavations and development/implementation of digital strategies. Field director. Museet på Sønderskov Øster Havgaard , Iron Age settlement Ma ehøj , Bronze Age settlement - 2003 - 2007 (6 months) Teaching. Excavations and development/implementation of digital strategies Skanderborg Museum Godthaa , Iron Age settlement “dr. Ege , Stone Age settlement Kilde jerg , Iron Age Settlement Elli g , Iron Age Burial Væde ro , Iron Age bog offerings - 2003 - 2004 (12 months) Excavation and development/implementation of digital strategies. Photogrammetry and data structure. Aarhus University & Ringkøbing Skjern Museum O gaard , Iron Age settlement - 2004 - 2009 Teaching. Excavations and development/implementation of digital strategies The National Museum of Denmark & Aarhus University Jelli g “ ededa , Viki g Age settle e t Jelli g Markedsplads , Viking Age settlement Jelli g Kirke , Viking Age rune stones Jelling Nord- og “ dhøj , Viking Age burial mounds Jelli g Nord , Viking Age settlement - 2008 Teaching. Excavations. Aarhus University & Moesgaard Museum Boru Eshøj , Bronze Age burial mound - 2009 - 2013 Excavation and development/implementation of digital strategies. Structure From Motion Surveying (TS) Aarhus University Nørre arksgaard II , Stone Age passage grave - Excavation 7 PUBLICATIONS Andresen, J., Iversen, R.B. & Jensen, P. 2008, "On the War-path: Terrestrial Military Organisation in Prehistoric Denmark" in Layers of Perception. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Berlin, Germany, April 2–6, 2007 (Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Vol. 10), eds. A. Posluschny, K. Lambers & I. Herzog, pp. 283-290. Jensen, P. 2012, "Event-based Archaeological Registration Principles" in Revive the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) : Proceedings of the 39th International Conference, Beijing, April 12-16 2011, eds. M. Zhou, I. Romanowska, Z. Wu, P. Xu & P. Verhagen, Pallas Publications, Amsterdam, pp. 209-216. Jensen, P. & Holst, M.K. 2013, "The Construction of Skelhøj: The kerb" in Skelhøj and the Bronze Age barrows of Southern Scandinavia: The Bronze Age barrow tradition and the excavation of Skelhøj. (Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab. Skrifter, Vol. 78), eds. M.K. Holst & M. Rasmussen, Jutland Archaeological Society, Højbjerg, pp. 341-358. Jensen, P., Sindbæk, S.M. & Vandkilde, H. (eds) 2008, IX Nordic TAG Århus: Globalization, identity, material culture ... and archaeology, Institut for Antropologi, Arkæologi og Lingvistik, AU, Højbjerg. Jessen, M.D., Andersen, S.W., Holst, M.K., Jensen, P. & Pedersen, A. 2011, "Kongens gård i Jelling? - et nyt anlæg fra Harald Blåtands tid", Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark, vol. 2011, pp. 60-73. Sindbæk, S.M. & Jensen, P. 2014, "Opmålinger og digitalisering" in Aggersborg i Vikingetiden – Bebyggelsen og borgen, eds. E. Roesdahl, S.M. Sindbæk & A. Pedersen, Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab, Højbjerg, pp. 480-483. Sindbæk, S.M. & Jensen, P. 2014, "Surveying, measuring and digitisation" in Aggersborg The Viking-Age settlement and fortress, eds. E. Roesdahl, S.M. Sindbæk, A. Pedersen & D.M. Wilson, Jutland Archaeological Society, Højbjerg, pp. 421-422. CREDITED CONTRIBUTIONS TO PUBLICATIONS (SELECTION) Illustrations, data management, digitisation, mapping and analysis. Biborski, M. & Ilkjær, J. 2006, Illerup Ådal - Die Schwerter. Jutland Archaeological Society, Højbjerg. Dobat, A. S. 2013, Kongens Borge – Rapport over undersøgelserne 2007-2010, Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab, Højbjerg Holst, M.K. & Rasmussen, M. 2013, Skelhøj and the Bronze Age barrows of Southern Scandinavia: The Bronze Age barrow tradition and the excavation of Skelhøj. (Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab. Skrifter, Vol. 78), Jutland Archaeological Society, Højbjerg, pp. 341358. Laursen, J. 2009, Herregårdsjagt i Danmark, Gads Forlag. Vandkilde, H. 2007, Culture and Change in Central European Prehistory, Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 8