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On Hiatus

Mostly Cloudy  9°C •   •  ~1 min read

I really thought that moving this site to a new provider would reinvigorate my interest in it. That simply hasn’t happened, for a whole gamut of reasons, mostly to do with Covid-19. I haven’t even had the energy to get my scripts for updating here working.

I’ve tried, I’ve written and written words to put here, but simply haven’t.

I will write here again, I hope, but probably to try to explain myself more. I have things I need to say about why I am doing this.

Just not today. I’m still writing on port 70, though.

Sorry if things regenerated and so forth.

I had to move my entire infra to a new server; my old one had been in use so long that the hosting company decided they weren’t willing to support it any more.

So, new server, who dis?

  •  Windy  5.1°C •   • 

Started Reading The Gutter Prayer, by Gareth Hanrahan πŸ“š

  •  Dangerously Windy and Mostly Cloudy  6°C •   • 

Started Reading Finder, by Suzanne Palmer πŸ“š

  •  Dangerously Windy and Mostly Cloudy  7.6°C •   • 

Started Reading Rosewater, by Tade Thompson πŸ“š

  •  Overcast  8.1°C •   • 

Started Reading Ninth House, by Leigh Bardugo πŸ“š

  •  Overcast  7.8°C •   • 

Started Reading Embers of War, by Gareth L. Powell πŸ“š

  •  Rain  6.4°C •   • 

Started Reading Velocity Weapon, by Megan E. O’Keefe πŸ“š

  •  Clear  4.4°C •   • 

Started Reading Salvation, by Peter F Hamilton πŸ“š

  •  Light Rain  7.2°C •   • 

Started Reading The Wild Dead, by Carrie Vaughn πŸ“š

  •  Mostly Cloudy  2.9°C •   • 

Started Reading Blood of the Mantis, by Adrian Tchaikovsky πŸ“š

  •  Partly Cloudy  6.6°C •   • 

Started Reading A Darker Shade of Magic, by V. E. Schwab πŸ“š

  •  Partly Cloudy  9.2°C •   • 

Ashamed of Ireland when I read shit like this.

Load of fucking racists being manipulated by alt-reich wannabe nazis like Gemma O’Doherty, Peter Casey and their ilk. Direct Provision, as a system, is terrible and needs to end. Emergency accomodation for asylum seekers will always be needed, and these scumbags are doing untold harm.

  •  Windy and Overcast  10.5°C •   •   • 

Started Reading Wanderers, by Chuck Wendig πŸ“š

  •  Mostly Cloudy  8.8°C •   •   • 

Started Reading Gods of Jade and Shadow, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia πŸ“š

  •  Partly Cloudy  7.9°C •   •   • 

Started Reading Children of Ruin, by Adrian Tchaikovsky πŸ“š

  •  Clear  7.8°C •   •   • 

Started Reading The Red-Stained Wings, by Elizabeth Bear πŸ“š

  •  Mostly Cloudy  4.7°C •   •   • 

Unsure who would be surprised or scandalised by this report: British Museum is world’s largest receiver of stolen property, leading human rights lawyer claims

Almost everything in the place which isn’t from the Island of Britain has been variously stolen, thieved, expropriated, plundered and pilfered from everyone else in the world. Even in this article, some worthy from the Museum trots out the basic lie that the Elgin Marbles were “acquired legally”, and cites the ludicrous 1816 inquiry as justification.

I tried visiting it once and was literally nauseated by the implicit Great White Saviour narrative the place emits. Kudos to Robertson for speaking truth to power. Now to get the thieving bastards to give it all back.

  •  Partly Cloudy  11.2°C •   •   • 

Started Reading The Dreaming Stars, by Tim Pratt πŸ“š

  •  Mostly Cloudy  11°C •   •   • 

Started Reading Gideon the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir πŸ“š

  •  Partly Cloudy  11.3°C •   •   •