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Genetically modified organisms (GMO) is a good example of the new phase in agricultural, scientific and commercial relations in globalised world. The Convention on Biological Diversity and Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Nagoya Protocol... more
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This is the first article in a series dedicated to colonization as a cause of cultural change. The present study focuses on the different meanings of the concept of “colony” and discusses the effects of colonization on prehistoric... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryFood Production
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the phenomenon frequently called the “Ubaid expansion” or “Ubaid interaction sphere” in which the material culture of Southern Mesopotamia appears in Upper Mesopotamia and the bordering... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
The purpose of this article is to examine the complex relationship between Ancient Egypt and Nubia, involving cultural transmissions, trade expeditions and military raids from the Neolithic times to the Egypt’s Old Kingdom (5000-2700 BC).... more
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This article (translated into turkish by İzzet Çıvgın) gives information on Bektashi and the Bektashism based on the Tahrir books dated end 15th and start of 16th centuries. After close investigation of these books belonging to the reign... more
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      Alevism and Sunnism in TurkeyAlevism and Bektashism Literature
Mon approche étant socio-historique en ce qui concerne les faits sociaux, j’ai une tendance de plaider pour une vision historiciste du phénomène religieux, une vision s’appuyant sur la négation des thèses essentialistes et refusant de... more
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      Islam in TurkeyHistory of Turkish RepublicHistory of Modern Turkey
To this day, the question of the internal or external origin of the “Indo-Aryan speaking Vedic people” is one of the most popular subjects of scientific speculation. While some scholars (archaeologists, linguists, geneticists,... more
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      Dravidian LinguisticsRig VedaIndo-European LanguagesVedas
This study is the fifth of an article series dedicated to colonization as a cause of cultural change. It discusses the effects of culture contact between lower (northern) and upper (southern) Egypt and the southern Levant during so-called... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Bu kitap, Orta-Çağ Tarihi hakkında bilgilenmek isteyen okura dönemin temel karakteristiklerini tanıtmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kitabın merkezinde Akdeniz Havzası ve onun yarattığı uygarlıklar duruyor. Dönemi, üç ana coğrafya etrafında... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval History
Kitabın en başında, Avrupa’nın büyük bir zihinsel devrim geçirmesine neden olan Coğrafi Keşifler, Rönesans ve Reform dönemleri aktarılmaya çalışıldı. Daha sonra, Orta-Çağ’a özgü devlet anlayışını simgeleyen Kutsal Roma-Cermen... more
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      European HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ChristianityRenaissance Studies
This study discusses the effects of cultural contact between lower and upper Mesopotamia during the so-called ‘Uruk expansion’ in the 4th millennium B.C. 1- The paper argues that the world’s first cities were developed in Southern... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
The present study discusses the effects of cross-cultural contact between lower and upper Mesopotamia, during so-called “Uruk expansion” (widespread distribution of southern Uruk-style material culture at sites at the North) in the 4th... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Sosyoloji dersi notları
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"İslam Öncesi Türk Tarihi" dersi için hazırlanan notlar.
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      Turkish HistoryIslamic StudiesIslam in TurkeyHuns
"Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi" dersi için hazırlanmış notlar
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      Political PhilosophyHistory of Political ThoughtEarly Modern Political ThoughtModern Political Philosophy
Fransa ve Türkiye'deki demokrasi eğitimini karşılaştırmayı hedefleyen makale, temsili demokrasinin "antik demokrasi" modelinden hareketle kurgulandığını, ancak Türkiye'de bu koşutluğun yeterince vurgulanmadığını öne sürmektedir.
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      DemocracyDemocracy and schoolTurkish EducationFrench education
This study is the 8th of an article series dedicated to cross-cultural encounters (trade, emulation, colonization, conquest) as a primary cause of social and political change. Its purpose is to examine the complex relationship between... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Near EastAncient Egyptian HistoryCross-Cultural Communication
Yüksek Lisans tezinde, Cumhuriyet tarih yazıcılığının gelişimi “Türk Tarih Tezleri”, “Anadoluculuk akımı”, “Hümanist Akım” ve “Türk-İslam Sentezi” yaklaşımları çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Tezin genel amacı, bu akımların ilk-orta öğretimde... more
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      Turkish NationalismEducation in TurkeyModern TurkeyHistory of Turkish Republic
This study is the 7th of an article series dedicated to cross-cultural encounters (trade, emulation, colonization) as a primary cause of social change and State formation. Its purpose is to examine the complex relationship between Ancient... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Book Review.
Reviewed Work: Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights (by Will Kymlicka).
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      MulticulturalismCross-Cultural StudiesCultural EncountersMinority Rights