February 2025
The “IndieWeb Carnival” prompt for this month is “Affirmations”.
What is an affirmation?
“Affirmations” are sayings or slogans I say to myself which represent ideas or feelings I want to reinforce in myself.
“I listen to my inner voice and let it guide me in my life.”
“I am gentle with myself.”
You are invited to create a post on affirmations on your own website. Text or multimedia. Prose or poetry. Factual or fictional. Lengthy or brief.
NOTE: “Affirmations” may mean something different to you. That’s cool, write whatever the provocation of “affirmations” brings out of you.
Submitting your post
Once you’ve posted your post, please share link from your own website.
You can share it by sending a webmention to this page.
You can share it by leaving a comment on this page.
You can share it by sending a message via my contact page.
You can share it via email joe@artlung.com.
And then
I will include a link to your post here. Thanks for your consideration, I look forward to seeing what you write and create!
Submissions so far…
- Math-ffirmations
- Affirmations
- Affirmations: Be Here Now
- Small things I am proud of today
- Affirmations – Huentitán’s ravine (y en español)
- Affirmations – Indieweb Carnival
- Stop telling yourself lies about yourself
- affirmations
- One Of A Thousand Ways
- Adjusting My Inner Narrator
- even when it hurts
- Special Edition — Affirmations
- Just Keep Swimming
- The Liberation of Limitations.
- Affirmations and Aspirations
- Affirmations
- Different kinds of affirmations
- My mom believes there’s a silver lining
- Be Curious, Always
- Therapy Takeaways
About IndieWeb Carnival
Each month, the carnival has a different host. At the beginning of the month, the host comes up with the topic, and posts it both on their website and here. Then, other people post their submissions and alert the host about them. At the end of the month, the host collects all the received submissions and posts an overview of it. (source)
fourteen comments...
I posted for the carnival! https://www.fractalkitty.com/math-ffirmations/
Affirmations are short, repeatable statements to help you think more positively about your life and purpose in this world. I don’t practice them in this sense, however I do have a number of rituals which help me understand my structure, purpose and identity since stopping work in 2019, aged 51. This was probably the single […]
This post is part of the February 2025 Indieweb Carnival, where Joe Crawford invited us to share personal affirmations – the sayings and mantras that…
I posted my contribution to this month’s IndieWeb Carnival.
Hi, here’s my entry: https://blog.avas.space/indieweb-affirmations-2025/
I wrote this for the Carnival: https://drmollytov.bearblog.dev/even-when-it-hurts/
I haven’t read the book, but there’s a quote from by Mark Manson that people keep sending me:
“Wanting positive experience is a negative experience; acce…
Hello there! Here’s my entry https://www.sarahgebauer.com/desk/just-keep-swimming/
Hello! I made an entry! (https://brucebeaumont.bearblog.dev/the-liberation-of-limitations)
What a long year January 2025 was. Even if we expected destabilizing chaos and power grabs out of the gate from this president, actually experiencing…
I don’t really do affirmations, in the way I’ve seen them online or hanging on people’s walls. A calendar or a bot telling me to repeat that “I’m strong and capable” or whatever — that just feels insincere to me; and not helpful at all. It feels empty. Affirmations have to come from me. If I do “affirmations” then they come in the form of arguing with myself.
Just thinking about some Roky Erickson today: “The moon to the left of me is a part of my thoughts; is a part of me;…
Here’s my entry: https://rishikeshs.com/be-curious/
(Note: this is part of a series of posts where I publish old drafts. This post was started on 21/2/2024 – exactly a year ago! Coincidentally, it fits into th…