Joshua: you know sometimes I think about the inanity of the human experience and wonder why it is you people bother acting surprised that the universe doesn’t care about you. what is the purpose of the struggle for independence? you’re never truly free of the will of the angels, yet you continue to defy us I mean not us ahaha, them like petulant little children crying about the world you live in being unfair. what if you met god and he hated you. what if I told you that god is me
Neku, who stopped listening 20 minutes ago and got tired of waiting for him to shut up so they can kill a single frog noise:
i’ll look forward to hearing your statement if you ever make it out
Do americans actually live like this
Ai generated photo right. Right?
that looks like an entirely normal suburban american neighborhood so if its AI-generated, it’s realistically done.
So the rest of the world watches our movies and in a lot of our movies we mock and satirize the eeriness and soullessness of these manufactured communities but I’m guessing you guys thought it was exaggeration
at base i just think “women are more prone to mysticism and magical thinking due to their fundamental and irreconcilable soul differences from men, which is why astrology is inherently female-coded” is a much more overtly misogynistic thing to argue than “astrology is a noxious pseudoscience” could ever be
the point was that “people just hate astrology because they’re misogynists” implicitly makes the former argument because astrology = women please stop explaining why astrology actually does = women in the notes
Oh noes… I’ve only just found the “crumpled-up note” so I read it…
It’s basically G'raha having a massive stomp over not being allowed to accompany you at all times during the first CT expedition.
He’s super pissed about it and says it’s a hinderance to his work, and since it was found crumpled up - he obviously had second thoughts about it and tossed it away once he calmed down.
Preparing some more screenshots to post for my Crystal Tower Expedition run tomorrow… and I’m literally howling…
I have never seen a more sulkier, sad, heartbroken face in this damn game and this is early content, lmfao.
Damn… he got toldt… no WoL for you today.
This happens to him around three consecutive times during the expedition and he hates it - I mustn’t laugh but… then he pens a massive rant about it all, then severely crumples it up and hides it under some crates before locking himself in the tower.