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Customizing Agentforce agents with custom Slack actions

This guide will help you customize your Agentforce agent with custom Slack actions. Implementing custom Slack actions in your agent allows it to carry out certain tasks in Slack via the Slack Web API, such as sending a message to a channel or creating a canvas with content from the agent's response. To use standard Slack actions in your agent, refer to the Slack Agent Actions documentation.

This guide assumes you have a connected Salesforce org and Slack org, as well as an Agentforce agent that can be modified. If you don't, use the Connect Salesforce and Slack guide and the Salesforce Create Agents guide to get set up.

Step 1: Set up your Slack app

In order to use the Slack Web API in custom actions in Agentforce, you first need to set up a way for your agents to get proper Slack credentials. You do this by creating a Slack app and using an Auth. Provider in the Salesforce Platform to manage the authentication flow between your Slack app and Salesforce users.

  1. Start by logging into your Slack org and create a new app. In the Create an app modal, select From a manifest, then select a workspace in which to develop your app and click Next.

  2. Highlight the contents of the placeholder JSON and replace it with this:

    App manifest code
        "display_information": {
            "name": "Agentforce Custom Actions"
        "features": {
            "bot_user": {
                "display_name": "Agentforce Custom Actions",
                "always_online": false
        "oauth_config": {
            "scopes": {
                "bot": [
        "settings": {
            "org_deploy_enabled": true,
            "socket_mode_enabled": false,
            "token_rotation_enabled": false

  3. Click Next then Create.

  4. Select Install App in the sidebar. Click Install to Organization. Allow the app access to the org.

  5. Select Basic Information in the sidebar. Copy down your Client ID and Client Secret; we'll use these later.

Step 2: Create an Auth Provider

To use your Slack app credentials in your agent, you need to first create an auth provider, allowing you to complete the authentication flow needed for the Salesforce Platform to get the proper credentials.

  1. Log into your Salesforce org and open Setup from the gear icon in the upper right. Use the Quick Find to search for Auth. Providers, click on it, then click the New button above the list of existing providers to create a new provider. Enter the values for the fields listed below.

    Field Value
    Provider Type Open ID Connect
    Name Slack
    URL Suffix Leave the value created by entering a Name
    Consumer Key Client ID of your Slack app
    Consumer Secret Client Secret of your Slack app
    Authorize Endpoint URL https://slack.com/oauth/v2/authorize
    Token Endpoint URL https://slack.com/api/oauth.v2.access
  2. Click Save.

  3. Scroll down the page and copy the Callback URL.

  4. Navigate back to your Slack app settings and add the callback URL to your app in the OAuth & Permissions settings page.

    • In the Redirect URLs section, click Add New Redirect URL.
    • Enter the callback URL from the auth provider, then click Add.
    • Click Save URLs.

Step 3: Create an External Credential

Once you have an auth provider, it’s time to set up an external credential. External credentials are the actual record of credentials for external services. This is what stores your tokens and connects them to a Principal for use in permission sets or user profiles.

  1. Within your Salesforce org setup, search for and click on Named Credentials; then within the settings click the External Credentials tab, then click the New button located above the list of external credentials. Enter the following values for the fields listed below:

    Field Value
    Label Slack
    Name Slack
    Authentication Protocol OAuth 2.0
    Authentication Flow Type Browser Flow
    Scope Leave blank
    Identity Provider Select Authentication Provider as the type and select the auth provider you created in the previous step
  2. Save the external credential.

  3. In the settings for the external credential you created, under Principals, click New. Enter the following values for the fields listed below:

    Field Value
    Parameter Name Enter your Slack app name (Agentforce Custom Actions)
    Sequence Number 1
    Identity Type Named Principal
    Scope chat:write, chat:write.public, mpim:read, reactions:write, channels:history, canvases:write, channels:join, channels:read, team:read

    Note on Named Principal
    We want to use a Named Principal when we want to share credentials (i.e. agent actions on the agent's behalf) and a User Principal when we want to keep credentials scoped to a user (i.e. agent takes actions on your behalf).

  4. Save your changes.

  5. Click the drop-down toggle in the Actions section for your new Principal.

  6. Click Authenticate to start the browser authentication flow with your Slack app. When the Slack authentication browser page opens, be sure to use the workspace picker in the header to switch to installation at the org level. Problems can occur authenticating if the browser is used to log in to any other Salesforce or Slack orgs, so it's safest to create a separate browser profile or use an incognito browser if you run into issues.

    • Once you’ve switched the install destination to your org, click Allow.
    • On the Salesforce auth page, click Confirm.
    • You’re credentials are now configured for use!
  7. Now we can enable external credentials for the Einstein Agent User and System Administrator profiles.

    • From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Profiles, then select it from the options.
    • Find the Einstein Agent User profile and select it. In the Apps section, select External Credentials Principal Access.
      • In the Enable External Credential Principal Accesssection, click Edit.
      • Select the checkbox for the external credentials principal that you created.
      • Save your changes.
    • Repeat for the System Administrator profile.

Step 4: Create a Named Credential

Now that you have an external credential to allow proper access to your Slack app, you’ll need a Named Credential to finalize your API configuration with the proper base URL and any custom headers you may want to include. This is what will be used in Apex classes for interacting with the Slack Web API.

  1. Search again for Named Credentials in Salesforce Setup.
  2. From the Named Credentials tab, click New.
    • For label enter Slack API.
    • For name enter Slack_API.
    • For the URL, enter https://slack.com/api.
    • For external credentials, select Slack from the drop-down.
    • Save your changes.

Step 5: Set up your Salesforce Platform developer environment

There are two methods of developing with Apex: using the Code Builder developer environment within the Salesforce Platform or using VSCode with the proper Salesforce extensions installed. This guide focuses on using VSCode as your developer environment.

  1. Install the Salesforce CLI.
    • Navigate to this instruction page and install the CLI for your given environment.
    • Confirm your installation by running sf --version in the terminal of your choice.
  2. Set up VSCode for Salesforce Platform development.
    • Open VSCode and navigate to the extensions tab.
    • Search for and install the following extensions:
      • Salesforce Extension Pack—You can install the extended pack for Salesforce extensions which has all these packages included (and a few others that aren’t needed for this guide).
      • Prettier
      • ESLint
      • XML
    • Reload the window to activate the new extensions.
  3. Set up a Salesforce development project.
    • From the VSCode command palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P), search for SFDX:Create Project and select it from the list of options.

    • For the template type, leave Standard selected and press Enter.

    • Give your project a name like Custom Slack Actions and press Enter.

    • Choose a destination on your computer for the project and click Create Project. If you see an error about Apex not being able to find a Java runtime, then you’ll need to install OpenJDK version 21 (if not already installed) and set the path in your workspace settings. See Install JDK below.

      Install JDK

      If you see an error about Apex not being able to find the Java runtime, follow these steps:

      1. Navigate to this install page and select the options for your specific OS and architecture. Then download the .dmg (for macOS) or .msi (for Windows) for the latest version for your set up.
      2. Install the .dmg or .msi, leaving all defaults as is.
      3. Open VSCode settings and search for java: home.
      4. For the Salesforcedx-vscode-apex › Java: Home property, enter /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-21.jdk/Contents/Home for macOS or C:\Program-Files\Zulu\zulu-21\ for Windows.
      5. Reload the workspace (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P, search for and select Developer: Reload Window).
    • From the VSCode command palette, search for SFDX: Authorize an Org and select it from the list of options.

      • Leave Project Default selected for login URL source and press Enter.
      • Set an org alias like customActionsOrg or leave the default and press Enter.
      • On the Salesforce login page, enter your Username and Password and click Log In.
      • Allow access for the Salesforce CLI to act on your behalf by clicking Allow.
      • You will get a notification in VSCode if authentication was successful.

Now that your credentials and developer environment are ready, we move on to the real fun—creating custom actions.

Step 6: Create custom Agentforce actions with Apex

Apex actions use the Invocable Method annotation syntax to define how the class can be used in platform features that support actions, like Flow and Agentforce. You'll use invocable methods that call out to the Slack API using the named credentials you created to authenticate. For this guide, you'll create two actions:

Here is an example request with a named credential:


Why do I need two actions to send a message?
Technically you don't. You could have one action take the channel name, the org, and the message content to complete the task. However, it's useful to think of actions as composable steps.

Looking up a channel by it's name is useful in a lot of use cases so it makes sense to be it's own action! Then we can rely on the instructions in our topics to inform how the agent uses these actions together, in this case allowing users to provide channel names when sending messages, and the agent can use the get channel action to get the proper data needed to send the message in Slack.

  1. Create your first custom action Apex class.
    • From the VSCode command palette, search for SFDX: Create Apex Class and select it from the list of options.

    • Name your class GetSlackChannelAction and press Enter.

    • Leave the default path for the destination and press Enter.

    • Replace the contents of the file with the code shown here, then save the file.

      View file code
      * GetSlackChannelAction
      * This class provides a Flow-invocable action to search for a Slack channel by name within a specific workspace
      * in a Slack Enterprise Grid environment. It handles the pagination of results and provides detailed channel information.
      * The process:
      * 1. Takes a workspace name and channel name as input
      * 2. Queries auth.teams.list to find the workspace ID from the name
      * 3. Uses the workspace ID to search for the channel using conversations.list
      * 4. Returns channel details if found
      public class GetSlackChannelAction {
          * Input class for the Flow action
          * Requires both workspace name and channel name to perform the search
          public class ChannelSearchInput {
              @InvocableVariable(required=true description='Name of the channel to search for')
              public String channel_name;
              @InvocableVariable(required=true description='Name of the Slack workspace')
              public String workspace_name;
          * Output class containing channel details or error information
          * Returns basic channel information including ID, name, member count, and topic
          public class ChannelSearchOutput {
              @InvocableVariable(description='Channel ID')
              public String channel_id;
              @InvocableVariable(description='Channel Name')
              public String channel_name;
              @InvocableVariable(description='Number of members in the channel')
              public Integer num_members;
              @InvocableVariable(description='Channel topic')
              public String topic;
              @InvocableVariable(description='Error message if search failed')
              public String error_message;
          // ------------------------
          // API Response Structures
          // ------------------------
          * Response structure for auth.teams.list endpoint
          * Used to find workspace/team ID from workspace name
          private class TeamsListResponse {
              public Boolean ok;
              public List<Team> teams;
              public ResponseMetadata response_metadata;
              public String error;
          * Structure representing a Slack workspace/team
          private class Team {
              public String id;
              public String name;
          * Response structure for conversations.list endpoint
          * Contains list of channels and pagination metadata
          private class SlackResponse {
              public Boolean ok;
              public List<Channel> channels;
              public ResponseMetadata response_metadata;
              public String error;
          * Metadata structure containing pagination information
          private class ResponseMetadata {
              public String next_cursor;
          * Structure representing a Slack channel
          * Contains only the fields we need for our output
          private class Channel {
              public String id;
              public String name;
              public Integer num_members;
              public Topic topic;
          * Structure representing a channel's topic
          private class Topic {
              public String value;
          * Main invocable method for the Flow action
          * Processes a list of inputs (bulk processing support) and returns corresponding outputs
          @InvocableMethod(label='Get Slack Channel' 
                          description='Searches for a Slack channel by name in specified workspace and returns its details')
          public static List<ChannelSearchOutput> searchChannel(List<ChannelSearchInput> inputs) {
              List<ChannelSearchOutput> outputs = new List<ChannelSearchOutput>();
              // Process each input in the list (supporting bulk operations)
              for(ChannelSearchInput input : inputs) {
                  ChannelSearchOutput output = new ChannelSearchOutput();
                  try {
                      // Step 1: Get the workspace ID from the workspace name
                      String teamId = getWorkspaceId(input.workspace_name);
                      if (teamId == null) {
                          output.error_message = 'Workspace "' + input.workspace_name + '" not found';
                      // Step 2: Search for the channel in the identified workspace
                      Channel foundChannel = searchAllChannels(input.channel_name, teamId);
                      // Step 3: Process results
                      if (foundChannel != null) {
                          // Channel found - populate output with channel details
                          output.channel_id = foundChannel.id;
                          output.channel_name = foundChannel.name;
                          output.num_members = foundChannel.num_members;
                          if (foundChannel.topic != null) {
                              output.topic = foundChannel.topic.value;
                      } else {
                          // Channel not found
                          output.error_message = 'Channel not found';
                  } catch(Exception e) {
                      // Handle any errors that occur during processing
                      output.error_message = 'Error: ' + e.getMessage();
                      System.debug('Error details: ' + e.getStackTraceString());
              return outputs;
          * Gets the workspace ID for a given workspace name using auth.teams.list
          * This method handles the Enterprise Grid workspace lookup
          * @param workspaceName The name of the workspace to find
          * @return The workspace ID if found, null if not found
          private static String getWorkspaceId(String workspaceName) {
              // Initialize HTTP request
              Http http = new Http();
              HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
              // Make the API call
              HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
              // Check for successful response
              if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
                  throw new CalloutException('Teams list failed with status code: ' + response.getStatusCode());
              // Parse the response
              TeamsListResponse teamsResponse = (TeamsListResponse)JSON.deserialize(
              if (!teamsResponse.ok) {
                  throw new CalloutException('Teams list not OK: ' + teamsResponse.error);
              // Search for matching workspace name
              for (Team team : teamsResponse.teams) {
                  if (team.name.equalsIgnoreCase(workspaceName)) {
                      return team.id;
              // No matching workspace found
              return null;
          * Searches for a channel by name within a specific workspace
          * Handles pagination to search through all available channels
          * @param channelName The name of the channel to find
          * @param teamId The ID of the workspace to search in
          * @return Channel object if found, null if not found
          private static Channel searchAllChannels(String channelName, String teamId) {
              String cursor = null;
              do {
                  // Construct endpoint URL with team_id and pagination cursor
                  String endpoint = 'callout:Slack_API/conversations.list?team_id=' + teamId;
                  if (String.isNotBlank(cursor)) {
                      endpoint += '&cursor=' + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(cursor, 'UTF-8');
                  // Initialize HTTP request
                  Http http = new Http();
                  HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
                  // Make the API call
                  HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
                  // Check for successful response
                  if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
                      throw new CalloutException('Failed with status code: ' + response.getStatusCode());
                  // Parse the response
                  SlackResponse slackResponse = (SlackResponse)JSON.deserialize(
                  if (!slackResponse.ok) {
                      throw new CalloutException('Slack API response not OK: ' + slackResponse.error);
                  // Search through current page of channels
                  for (Channel channel : slackResponse.channels) {
                      if (channel.name.equalsIgnoreCase(channelName)) {
                          return channel;
                  // Get cursor for next page of results
                  cursor = (slackResponse.response_metadata != null) ? 
                          slackResponse.response_metadata.next_cursor : null;
              } while (String.isNotBlank(cursor)); // Continue while there are more pages
              // Channel not found after searching all pages
              return null;
    • Deploy the class to your org by running the following command in the VSCode command palette: SFDX: Deploy This Source to Org. You can also access this command by right-clicking in the file and selecting the option from the menu.
  2. Test your custom action.
    • From the VSCode file explorer, navigate to scripts/apex/hello.apex.

    • Replace the contents of the file with this testing script. Be sure to change workspaceName and channelName to yours.

      View test script code
          GetSlackChannelAction.ChannelSearchInput input = new GetSlackChannelAction.ChannelSearchInput();
          input.workspaceName = 'SDO';  // Change this to match your workspace
          input.channelName = 'general'; // Change this to match your channel
          List<GetSlackChannelAction.ChannelSearchInput> inputs = new List<GetSlackChannelAction.ChannelSearchInput>();
          List<GetSlackChannelAction.ChannelSearchOutput> results = GetSlackChannelAction.searchChannel(inputs);
          // Print results
          GetSlackChannelAction.ChannelSearchOutput result = results[0];
          if(String.isNotBlank(result.errorMessage)) {
          System.debug('Error: ' + result.errorMessage);
          } else {
              System.debug('Success! Channel found:');
              System.debug('Channel ID: ' + result.channelId);
              System.debug('Channel Name: ' + result.channelName);
              System.debug('Members: ' + result.numMembers);
              System.debug('Topic: ' + result.topic);

    • From the VSCode command palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P), search for and select SFDX: Execute Anonymous Apex with Editor Contents to execute the script.

    • In VSCode’s OUTPUT tab, check to ensure you were successfully able to look up a channel by name.

  3. Now we'll do the same for the SendSlackMessageAction.
    • From the VSCode command palette, search for SFDX: Create Apex Class and select it from the list of options.

    • Name your class SendSlackMessageAction and press Enter.

    • Leave the default path for the destination and press Enter.

    • Replace the contents of the file with the code shown here, then save the file.

      View file code
      * SendSlackMessageAction
      * Invocable Apex action that sends a message to a Slack channel.
      * Requires direct Channel ID and Workspace ID rather than names.
      * Uses Named Credential 'Slack_API' for authentication.
      public class SendSlackMessageAction {
          * Invocable method input class
          public class MessageInput {        
              @InvocableVariable(required=true description='ID of the channel to send to')
              public String channel_id;
              @InvocableVariable(required=true description='ID of the workspace to send to')
              public String workspace_id;
              @InvocableVariable(required=true description='Message text to send')
              public String text;
          * Invokable method output class returned to Flow/Process Builder
          * Provides message send status, timestamp for reference, and any error details
          * Message timestamp (ts) can be used as a message identifier for later updates/deletion
          public class MessageOutput {
              @InvocableVariable(description='True if message was sent successfully')
              public Boolean is_success;
              @InvocableVariable(description='Timestamp of sent message')
              public String message_ts;
              @InvocableVariable(description='Error message if send failed')
              public String error_message;
          * Main invocable method to send a message to Slack
          * Handles a list of inputs for bulk processing but typically receives one input
          * Returns a corresponding list of outputs with success/failure details
          * @param inputs List of MessageInput objects containing message details
          * @return List<MessageOutput> Results of the message send operation(s)
          @InvocableMethod(label='Send Slack Message To Channel')
          public static List<MessageOutput> sendMessage(List<MessageInput> inputs) {
              List<MessageOutput> outputs = new List<MessageOutput>();
              // Process each input (usually just one)
              for(MessageInput input : inputs) {
                  MessageOutput output = new MessageOutput();
                  output.is_success = false; // Default to false until success confirmed
                  try {
                      // Setup HTTP request to Slack API
                      Http http = new Http();
                      HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
                      request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
                      // Construct message payload
                      Map<String, String> body = new Map<String, String>{
                          'channel' => input.channel_id,
                          'text' => input.text,
                          'team_id' => input.workspace_id
                      // Send message to Slack
                      HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
                      // Parse the JSON response
                      Map<String, Object> responseBody = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
                      // Check for success and process results
                      if(response.getStatusCode() == 200 && responseBody.get('ok') == true) {
                          output.is_success = true;
                          output.message_ts = (String)responseBody.get('ts');
                      } else {
                          // Capture API error message if present
                          output.error_message = 'API Error: ' + responseBody.get('error');
                  } catch(Exception e) {
                      // Handle any exceptions (callout errors, parsing errors, etc)
                      output.error_message = 'Error: ' + e.getMessage();
                      System.debug('Error details: ' + e.getStackTraceString());
              return outputs;

    • Deploy the class to your org by running the following command in the VSCode command palette: SFDX: Deploy This Source to Org. You can also access this command by right-clicking in the file and selecting the option from the menu.

  4. Test your custom action.
    • From the VSCode file explorer, navigate to scripts/apex/hello.apex.

    • Replace the contents of the file with this testing script. Be sure to change workspaceName and channelName to yours.

      View test script code
      SendSlackMessageAction.MessageInput input = new SendSlackMessageAction.MessageInput();
      input.workspace_id = 'T06HLNFMU22';  // Replace with your workspace ID
      input.channel_id = 'C06HT8GNC03'; // Replace with your channel ID
      input.text = 'Test message from Salesforce ' + Datetime.now();
      List<SendSlackMessageAction.MessageInput> inputs = new List<SendSlackMessageAction.MessageInput>();
      List<SendSlackMessageAction.MessageOutput> results = SendSlackMessageAction.sendMessage(inputs);
      // Print results
      SendSlackMessageAction.MessageOutput result = results[0];
      if(result.is_success) {
          System.debug('Message sent successfully!');
          System.debug('Message Timestamp: ' + result.message_ts);
      } else {
          System.debug('Failed to send message');
          System.debug('Error: ' + result.error_message);

    • From the VSCode command palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P), search for and select SFDX: Execute Anonymous Apex with Editor Contents to execute the script.

    • In VSCode’s OUTPUT tab, check to ensure you were successfully able to look up a channel by name.

Step 7: Make your custom actions available in Agent Builder

Now that you have your Apex classes deployed to the org, it’s time to create the custom actions for use in Agent Builder.

Assign permissions for the Einstein Agent User to use your Apex classes

  • Navigate back to your Salesforce org setup. Search for Profiles in Search Setup and select it from the list of options.
  • Select Einstein Agent User from the list of profiles.
  • In the Apps section, select Apex Class Access.
  • In the Apex Class Access section, select Edit.
  • Find the two new Apex classes you deployed to your org and select them. Click Save. You need to save per page of classes, and your classes may appear on different pages.

Create custom actions from your Apex classes

  • In the Quick Find search in Setup, search for Agent Actions and select the setting.
  • In the top-right, click + New Agent Action.
    • For Reference Action Type select Apex.
    • For Reference Action, search for Get Slack Channel. It may take a few moments for this option to show up; give it a moment!
    • For Agent Action Label and Agent Action API Name leave the default values.
    • Click Next.
  • In the Agent Action Configuration form:
    • Leave the default values for Agent Action Instructions and the Inputs and Outputs instructions.
    • For each parameter in Outputs, check the Show in conversation checkbox.
    • Click Finish.
  • Now repeat for the Send Slack Message Apex class you created. In the Quick Find search in Setup, search for Agent Actions and select the setting.
  • In the top-right, click + New Agent Action.
    • For Reference Action Type select Apex.
    • For Reference Action, search for Send Slack Message.
    • For Agent Action Label and Agent Action API Name leave the default values.
    • Click Next.
  • In the Agent Action Configuration form:
    • Leave the default values for Agent Action Instructions and the Inputs and Outputs instructions.
    • For each parameter in Outputs, check the Show in conversation checkbox.
    • Click Finish.

Add your actions to a Topic

  • From the Agents settings in Setup, click on the agent of your choice and select Open in Builder.
  • From the Topics tab in the left sidebar, click the New button and select New Topic:
    • For Topic Label, enter Send a Slack Message.
    • For Classification Description, enter: Helps the user send messages in Slack to specific channels. Can also look up a Slack channel by name and workspace to assist in sending messages.
    • For Scope, enter: You assist users with sending messages in Slack. You may look up Slack channels by name and workspace to help you identify any IDs needed to send Slack messages.
    • Instructions help the agent understand how to best use the actions within the given topic. For Instructions, enter the following instructions (you may need to click Add instructions to enter them as separate instructions):
      • If a user asks you to send a message to a channel and provides the channel name instead of an ID, use the Get Slack Channel action to look up the appropriate channel ID.
      • When users provide channel names, remove the ‘#’ at the beginning if they include one.
    • Click Next.
    • Search for the Slack actions you created and add them to the Topic.
    • Click Finish.

Test your agent in Agent Builder

  • Click the refresh icon in the Conversation Preview sidebar to refresh your agent.
  • Click the Activate button to start the agent.
  • Test the agent by asking it to send a Slack message to the #general channel for you, then confirm the message was posted in your Slack workspace.

Look at that; you built an agent that works with Slack! Let's deploy it there next.

Step 8: Deploy your agent to Slack

Follow these steps to deploy your agent to Slack.

  1. First, we'll add a connection to Slack for our agent.
    • Download the Slack Platform Connector and select Install for All Users
    • Navigate back to the Salesforce Setup Quick Find and search for Einstein Bots. Select Einstein Bots under Einstein Platform, then switch the toggle in the upper right to On.
    • There are two ways to add the connection to your agent.
      Method 1: Agent Builder
      • If your agent is still open in Agent Builder, click on the Connections tab in the sidebar nav; it looks like a stack of squares. Under Connections, click Add.
      • Select API and give it a descriptive name in the Integration Name field. This must be distinct from other agent connections you've created.
      • Search for "Slack" in the Connected App field. Click on "Slack" as it appears in the autocomplete.
      • Save the connection.
      • Make sure your agent is Active before moving on to the next steps.

      Method 2: Agent settings
      • In the Quick Find, search for and select Agents under Agent Studio. Find your desired agent in the list of agents and click the arrow button on the far right, then select Edit.
      • On the Connections tab, under Connections, click the Add button.
      • Select API and give it a descriptive name in the Integration Name field. This must be distinct from other agent connections you've created.
      • Search for "Slack" in the Connected App field. Click on "Slack" as it appears in the autocomplete.
      • Save the connection.
      • Make sure your agent is Active before moving on to the next steps.
  2. Install your agent in Slack
    • In your Slack org settings navigate to Salesforce > Agentforce
    • Under Requested Agents find the agent you added your Slack actions to and click Review Agent. Only agents with the word Agent in their label will show up in your Slack org for review and installation.
    • Review the agent's information and click Install Agent
    • Next, click Choose Workspaces and add to any workspaces you want the agent in, click Next, then Next again
    • For Who can use this agent?, select Everyone
    • Agree to terms and click Add Agent
    • Save
  3. Test your agent in Slack
    • Navigate to the Agentforce tab in your Slack workspace.
      If Agentforce tab is not present, follow these instructions
      • In Slack, click on the workspace name, then select Preferences.
      • Under Navigation, select the checkboxes for Show app agents and the name of your agent.
      • Close Preferences and reload Slack. You should now see Agentforce in the side nav. Click on it.
    • Select the agent you installed to start a conversation with it
    • Ask the agent to send a message for you
    • Verify the message was sent to the proper channel

Next steps

While this guide explored just two Slack Web API methods for getting a channel and sending a message, there are a wealth of methods available to customize your agent's capabilities even more. Check out the full scope of the Slack API here, create Apex actions for them as outlined in this guide, and use the created actions as topics in your agent!

Looking to customize your agent without the code? Explore the available standard Slack actions here.