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Site Redesign

Hey y’all! It’s been, gosh, what, ten years? I finally finished a total site redesign: all-new backend, HTML, CSS, modern image formats, etc. It’s finally readable on mobile now!

There’s a lot of accumulated cruft in the database and filesystem–aphyr.com is old enough that it still has redirects for CGI scripts written circa 2005. While I’ve tried as hard as I can to preserve compatibility, older posts may not look great, or there might be subtle formatting/text-processing issues. If you notice anything that looks super broken, leave a comment (either on the post itself or here), and I’ll try to get it sorted out!

Alex on


I follow your RSS/Atom feed at /posts.atom — and your post’s links are relative, which in practice means that RSS feed readers will malfunction.

Egg Syntax
Egg Syntax on

Ooh, the expanding Voronoi menu is great!

Aphyr on

I follow your RSS/Atom feed at /posts.atom — and your post’s links are relative, which in practice means that RSS feed readers will malfunction.

Ah, thank you! That should be fixed now. I’ve also adjusted feeds to report an updated timestamp which is always the post publication date, rather than the last update–it looks like in practice, clients were sorting by updated, which was confusing when I made small edits.

Craig on

Hey! Just found your side off a satisfactory post. Absolutely love your website. Bit of feedback, the Voronoi menu isn’t working on mobile… or at least my mobile… very specifically Safari on iPad. I’m sorry I can’t post a photo, I’ll describe it like this. The main menu button is a rectangle, and all of the menu options that spawn from it are also rectangles. There’s also no spawn animation. It’s menu items hidden, or menu items not hidden with no animation in between. Really sorry if this is just something that happening on my end and I’m totally wasting your time. I just really love the site!

Brent Millare
Brent Millare on

Mind sharing what are you doing for handling comments? Is this all from scratch? Off the shelf CMS? I like the minimalism design overall and was considering doing all static but I like that I can comment here and I don’t want to outsource to like twitter.

Aphyr on

This is all custom; aphyr.com is a Clojure service backed by Postgres.


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