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Aims and scope

Aims and scope

Annals of Forest Science is an international research journal devoted to multidisciplinary research for forests and wood in a changing world. It is one of the journals of the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), a public non-profit research institution.

The scope of Annals of Forest Science covers the following research areas:

  • Biology of trees and associated organisms
  • Forest dynamics and ecosystem processes under environmental or management drivers (ecology, genetics)
  • Risks and disturbances affecting forest ecosystems (biology, ecology, economics)
  • Forests as drivers of a sustainable, circular and inclusive bioeconomy (tree breeding, forest management and productivity, ecosystem services, silviculture)
  • Wood sciences (relationships between wood structure and tree functioning, and between forest management or environment and wood properties)

The Editorial Board encourages:
  • New ideas or methods for measuring or monitoring any property of interest for tree biology, forest ecosystem dynamics, wood
  • Model-based papers focused on the forestry wood chain, including carbon accounting investigations, ecosystem services, quantification of the relationships between forest management and the properties of end products
  • Studies addressing economic and social issues of forest management under climate change and forest based bioeconomy
  • Review articles on timely topics in the scope of the journal
  • Data papers presenting databases made available to a wider community
  • Opinion papers presenting arguments about open research questions

The Editorial Board does not encourage:
  • Local case studies based on single stand experiments or small samples under local conditions, unless the addressed questions are innovative and timely
  • Purely technological papers presenting applications without a broader scientific perspective
  • Wood science papers that address purely technological questions unless the topic is very innovative or in relation to tree biology, forest ecology, or forest management

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