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Full weaxen cattbera

Cattbera oþþe gærsbēambera (hātte on Nīwenglisce Panda) is bera and sycedēor.

Þēah he hafaþ lytelne ēðel on Asie is hē brēme geond þā worulde. Hē is ēac tācn þæs World Fund for Nature, for þȳ þǣr sind nū efne 1000 oþþe 2000 cattberena nū būton on wēstne.

Cattberan etaþ mǣst plantan, hūru gærsbēamas.


[adiht | adiht fruman]

Cattberan lifiaþ frēcedlīce and is be brycum in hire eardbegengnese tōþrungen. He hæfþ ēac lytlu gelomlicnes on tydrunge.[1]Seo eardbegengnes hæfþ nū mearca bewestan hiera gewyrdelicena earda, þe frumlīce þurh sūðēaste Asia wæs[2].

  1. Earth's Changing Environment. Learn & Explore. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 2010. p. 49.
  2. Lü, Z.; Wang, D.; Garshelis, D. L. (IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group) (2008). "Ailuropoda melanoleuca". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species