It’s conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I’m only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. Then again… perhaps I have the strength after all.
1987, dir. Rob Reiner
LEAP YEAR (2010)
dir. Anand TuckerWhen my 60 seconds came around i realized i had everything i ever wanted… but nothing i really needed. and i think what i need is here. and i came all this way to see if you maybe think so too. If you do, well… i don’t really have plans past that, which is new for me. So, Declan O'Callaghan and i should probably learn your middle name, here is my proposal; i propose we not make plans, i propose we give this thing a chance and let it work out how it works out. so what do you say, do you wanna not make plans with me?
THE LAST UNICORN (1982) dir. Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass
@paletmblr event xxxvii: cinema of 2024
TheWatchers(2024) dir. Ishana Night Shyamalan
— 2002, dir. Kelly Asbury, Lorna Cook