Thematic series
Edited by: Mathieu Blanchette and Aïda Ouangraoua
Thematic series
Selected papers from WABI 2018
Edited by: Laxmi Parida and Esko Ukkonen
Thematic series
Selected papers from WABI 2017
Edited by: Knut Reinert and Russell Schwartz
Thematic series
Selected papers from WABI 2016
Edited by: Martin C. Frith and Christian N.S. Pedersen
Thematic series
Selected papers from WABI 2015
Edited by: Mihai Pop and Helene Touzet
Thematic series
Constraints in Bioinformatics
Algorithms for Molecular Biology
Edited by: Sebastian Will, Agostino Dovier, Alessandro Dal Palu', and Rolf Backofen
Thematic series
Phylogenetics: New data, new challenges
Algorithms for Molecular Biology
Edited by: Mike Steel, Vincent Moulton, and Tandy Warnow
Thematic series
Selected papers from WABI 10
Algorithms for Molecular Biology
Edited by: Vincent Moulton, and Mona Singh
Thematic series
Selected papers from WABI 09
Algorithms for Molecular Biology
Edited by Tandy Warnow and Steven Salzberg
Call for Papers: RNA Algorithms
Algorithms for Molecular Biology is calling for submissions to our Collection on RNA Algorithms. We welcome submissions from the broader computational RNA research community that develop the next generation of methods to enhance RNA structure prediction, including 2D and 3D features, identify functional RNA elements within genomes, and synthesize novel classes of functional RNAs.
Featured Collection: Selected papers from WABI 2024
Algorithms for Molecular Biology is proud to publish the extended proceedings of WABI 2024, an international conference covering research in algorithmic work in bioinformatics, computational biology and systems biology.
Finding high posterior density phylogenies by systematically extending a directed acyclic graph
Fractional hitting sets for efficient multiset sketching
On the parameterized complexity of the median and closest problems under some permutation metrics
TINNiK: inference of the tree of blobs of a species network under the coalescent model
ViennaRNA Package 2.0
Maximum Parsimony on Phylogenetic networks
Metabolite-based clustering and visualization of mass spectrometry data using one-dimensional self-organizing maps
Multiple sequence alignment with user-defined anchor points
DIALIGN-TX: greedy and progressive approaches for segment-based multiple sequence alignment
Prof. Peter Stadler, University of Leipzig, Germany
Prof. Sebastian Will, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Aims and scope
Algorithms for Molecular Biology publishes articles on novel and improved algorithms and methods in bioinformatics. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: algorithms for RNA and protein structure analysis, gene prediction and genome analysis, comparative sequence analysis and alignment, phylogeny, gene expression, combinatorial algorithms, statistical methods, machine learning, and network analysis.
Where appropriate, manuscripts should also describe applications to real-world data and/or evaluations of algorithms on simulated data. Pure algorithm papers are welcome if future applications to biological data are to be expected, or if they address complexity or approximation issues of novel computational problems in molecular biology. Articles about novel software tools and benchmarking studies will be considered for publication if they contain algorithmically interesting aspects. The journal does not publish applications of established tools, methods, or workflows to particular biological case studies and descriptions of incremental improvements of software tools or data resources.
Annual Journal Metrics
Citation Impact 2023
Journal Impact Factor: 1.5
5-year Journal Impact Factor: 1.3
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.561
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.654
Speed 2024
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 12
Submission to acceptance (median days): 104
Usage 2024
Downloads: 235,471
Altmetric mentions: 43