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...to my little slice of the internet. Take your coat off, stay a while.

 Fediring?  | melonland surf club? | nojs webring (no longer operational, RIP fairies.directory)


sleepy dot inkthe meme sniper dot devlars from mars dot neo cities dot orgswift ees h q dot neo cities dot orgm a r q 42 dot x y zkawaii zen bow dot megirl t h i dot n g slash tilde therm eee ahfluorite byte dot neocities dot orgm j d x p dot neo cities dot orgkawaii zen bow dot meri ni ci dot de

Zoom AI? No!ASCIIMOGUS, with a string literal 'backslash x 1 c ~ a - m ~', and a repeating grid of among us spacemen in the backgroundRain falling on the text ah may HUT, shelter from the rain. The top stroke of the ah may kanji is extended, sheltering the text from the rain.H info dot network dot

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