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Two different and physically separated chemosynthetic communities of bacteria are responsible for the formation of the Beeri native sulfur deposit hosted in a Late Quaternary sandstone on the southern coastal plain of Israel. The enriched... more
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The Afiq submarine canyon was one of a series of canyons initially incised in a drowned shelf edge and slope of the eastern Mediterranean margins in early Oligocene times (P19 zone). During most of the Early Miocene submarine erosion or... more
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An updated compendium of δ13C data offer compelling evidence that δ13C positive excursions of unsurpassed magnitude in the recorded Earth history (> 8‰, and up to 18‰ PDB) occurred in the early Proterozoic (the Lomagundi event). Questions... more
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Abstract Coral reef terraces consisting of an upward succession of fringing and barrier reef types are preserved on land along the raising coast of Huon Peninsula, New Guinea. Seven coral reef units, I–VII from the coast landwards spaced... more
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Whereas the physical links between solar irradiance and terrestrial climate are still poorly understood, an increasing number of proxy climate records provide circumstantial evidence suggesting solar inputs as a dominant controlling... more
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Abstract The driving forces of global climate change are poorly understood in part due to the lack of high-resolution terrestrial climatic records. The study of carbonate cave formations (stalagmites) often provides uninterrupted annual... more
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Abstract Recent studies have suggested that ENSO may have been switched off prior to 5 Ka raising the possibility that El-Niño waxes and wanes over the millennia. An understanding of ENSO past irregularity may give important clues to our... more
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On the northern Gulf of Mexico slope, foraminiferal communities in surface sediments associated with methane-hydrate dissociation exhibit a reduced species diversity (compared to the diversity in isobathyal, non-seep sediments from the... more
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Description/Abstract Documentation of O-18 variations imprinted on Late Quaternary marine carbonates leads to the inference that temporal and spatial redistribution of O-18/O-16 isotopes occurred episodically between the ocean and the... more
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Description/Abstract Barite chimneys and crusts recovered by submersible dives from hydrocarbon seeps at water depths of 510-670 m in the Gulf of Mexico offshore Louisiana are enriched in {sup 226} Ra and {sup 228} Ra at levels of 780... more
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Abstract Alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and 13 C profiles from seep sites on the northwestern Gulf of Mexico upper slope show anomalously negative 13 C values of up to–4.5 PDB, increased levels of DIC of up to 2.45... more
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Microbial mats were collected from a variety of sites near hydrocarbon vents along the slope in the northern Gulf of Mexico and, for comparison, from Warm Mineral Springs, Florida, USA. A predominant microorganism in each of the mats was... more
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A storm layer identified in Lake Shelby, AL, a freshwater lake positioned only~ 250 m from the Gulf shoreline, was deposited by a powerful hurricane in 1717 AD that changed the culture of the South. Known to historians as “Pénicaut's... more
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ABSTRACT Niue Island, a former atoll in the South Pacific, contains unusually well-resolved successions of dolomites recording repeated episodes of Late Cenozoic dolomitization. The massive Upper Dolomite unit consists of shoaling-upward... more
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Stable carbon isotope values of organic carbon have proven useful in identification of the salinity regime of marsh deposits in the Mississippi Delta plain. Using a mixing model and empirical measurements of the of marsh sediments, we... more
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ABSTRACT Research submersibles are being used in a study of massive carbonate buildups on the Louisiana continental slope. Geohazard survey data (high resolution seismic profiles and side-scan sonographs) as well as submersible... more
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Substrates associated with active hydrocarbon vents in bathyal Gulf of Mexico support numerous foraminiferal species, with a few of them showing unusually high relative abundances. In the 584-to 695-m-depth range, Bolivina ordinaria,... more
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Abstract. Two kinds of records preserve the imprints of microbial processes in submarine seep environments. One record tracks transient changes in pore fluid chemistry and is based on the fact that microbial activities leave indelible... more
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