Welcome to Waloed
Sideblog for my final fantasy related rambles and art!
May rb other fandoms occasionally, but will mainly be final fantasy!
Just here to have fun YIPPEEEE \o/
20+ || final fantasy sideblog for all things final fantasy // insane for the characters i like but i try to restrain myself.....
twitter is @/akashicblade
Sideblog for my final fantasy related rambles and art!
May rb other fandoms occasionally, but will mainly be final fantasy!
Just here to have fun YIPPEEEE \o/
Art fight attack of some penguins! The pink one is owned by user @akashicblade on tumblr, and the black one is owned by user mkdanish20 on ArtFight.
artfight attack for ~Sirulyn/@akashicblade's norinne!
i have many reasons for existing. genesis rhapsodos is one of them