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The question of how to efficiently and effectively manage ocean resources in a sustainable way has reached the forefront of discussion at an international level, but women's contributions to this process have been underestimated or... more
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      Gender and ScienceGender, Environment and DevelopmentMultidisciplinaryWomen and Gender Studies
Biovolume is an important characteristic of cells that shapes the contribution of microbes to total biomass and biogeochemical cycling. Most studies of bacterial cell volumes use DAPI (4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole), which stains nucleic... more
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      MicrobiologyAquatic Microbial EcologyEcologyQuantitative PCR
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      MicrobiologyBiomassAquatic Microbial EcologyEcology
UNESCO analysed 56 research topics of relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals to identify national research priorities and track change since 2011. The study found that developing countries showed strong specialization in research... more
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      Development StudiesClimate ChangeRenewable EnergyBibliometrics
Globally, women have achieved parity (45–55%) at the bachelor’s and master’s levels of study and are on the cusp at PhD level (44%) but the gender gap tends to widen as they pursue their career. Women represented 33.3% of all researchers... more
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      Science PolicyUnited NationsScience and Technology PolicyWomen and Gender Studies
The UNESCO Science Report monitors trends in science governance worldwide to identify which development path countries are following. The seventh edition in the series explores how countries are using science to realize a digitally and... more
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      Science PolicySustainable DevelopmentUnited NationsScience and Technology Policy
The SOEC 2020 examines the status and trends of 31 regional environment indicators in 22 Pacific island countries and territories and updates the 2013 State of Conservation in Oceania assessment, focusing on the period 2015 – 2020. This... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesRenewable EnergyConservationWater quality
The effects of climate change on Pacific Islands are expected to have significant implications for society, culture and gender. Social and cultural groups will be impacted differently, with some being disproportionately affected by... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesGender and EnvironmentSustainable Development
This seventh edition of the UNESCO Science Report monitors the development path that countries have been following over the past five years from the perspective of science governance. Countries will need to invest more in research and... more
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      Management of InnovationScience and Technology PolicyDisruptive InnovationSustainability Science
Esta sétima edição do Relatório analisa a trajetória de desenvolvimento que os países têm seguido nos últimos cinco anos sob a perspectiva da governança científica. os países terão de investir mais em pesquisa e inovação se quiserem ter... more
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    • Science, technology and Innovation Policy
This seventh edition of the report monitors the development path that countries have been following over the past five years from the perspective of science governance. It documents the rapid societal transformation under way, which... more
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      Science, Technology and SocietyScience, technology and Innovation PolicySustainability ScienceDisruptive Technologies
En esta séptima edición del Informe se analiza la trayectoria de desarrollo que los países han recorrido en los últimos cinco años desde el prisma de la gobernanza científica. Se documenta la rápida transformación de la sociedad en curso,... more
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      Science, Technology and SocietyScience, technology and Innovation PolicySustainability ScienceDisruptive Technologies
Cette septième édition du Rapport analyse la trajectoire de développement suivie par les pays au cours des cinq dernières années du point de vue de la gouvernance scientifique. Il rassemble des informations sur la transformation rapide... more
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      Science, Technology and SocietyScience, technology and Innovation PolicySustainability ScienceDisruptive Technologies
В этом седьмом издании доклада отслеживается путь развития, пройденный странами в области управления наукой за последние пять лет. Здесь на основе документов показаны происходящие в обществе быстрые преобразования, которые открывают новые... more
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      Science, Technology and SocietyScience, technology and Innovation PolicySustainability ScienceDisruptive Technologies
The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of... more
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      Science, Technology and SocietyScience, technology and Innovation PolicySustainability Science
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      Women and Gender StudiesWomen's EntrepreneurshipWomen in Science, Technology and EngineeringFourth Industrial Revolution
ويرصد هذا التقرير في نسخته السابعة مسار التنمية الذي اتبعته البلدان خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية من وجهة نظر حوكمة العلوم. ويوثق التحول المجتمعي السريع الجاري، الذي يوفر فرصاً جديدة للتجارب الاجتماعية والاقتصادية ولكنه ينطوي أيضاً على مخاطر... more
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      Science, Technology and SocietyScience, technology and Innovation PolicySustainability ScienceDisruptive Technologies
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      MicrobiologyAquatic Microbial EcologyEcology
Microbial communities dominate the fluxes of organic material in the ocean, in part due to their high abundance. To determine the amount of carbon processed by bacteria, bulk properties, such as production, abundance, biomass, and... more
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