Our Mission:
The ENSP Student Advisory Board (ENSPire) exists to bring together ENSP majors and to voice ENSP students’ concerns and suggestions about the ENSP program to staff, faculty, and administrators. With twelve different concentrations spanning 3 advising colleges, ENSPire works hard to create a sense of community within the major across our diverse interests.
- Examples of Past Events: Choose your Concentration, Faculty and Staff Q&A, Dog Walking, Campus Creek Clean-up, Campus Garden Volunteering, Walk Along Lake Artemesia,
- Examples of Past Event Partners: UMD Arboretum, Prince George’s County Animal Shelter, UMD Community Learning Garden, BSOS Student Advisory Board, AGNR Dean’s Student Advisory Council
Our Role:
The Board is made up of two or three representatives from each class, members are selected in the spring of their freshman year and generally serve until they graduate. ENSPire plans various events which center around environmental education, professional development, academic support, and making new friends in the major. Events are open to current and prospective ENSP students.
- Academic Peer Advising: Advisory Board members will meet with students one-on-one to discuss career plans, internship advice, academic schedules, four-year plans, using Testudo, joining student clubs and organizations, or to answer any other academic or social questions students might have. Reach out to them via their individual emails, find their emails below in “Meet Our Students”.
- Feedback Form: Find a google form here where you can leave suggestions about future events and give us general feedback.
- Open Bi-weekly Meetings: Our Board meetings are bi-weekly and open to students, student groups, and other organizations who would like to give us feedback or partner with us for events or initiatives. Please contact us at enspireatumd@gmail.com to find a time to attend an ENSPire meeting.
- Facebook and Instagram Group: Find our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/umdenspire and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/enspire_umd/?hl=en, where we post information for ENSP majors about upcoming ENSPire events, university events, used textbooks, clubs, and much more!
Meet Our Students

Shayna Silverman is a senior Environmental Science and Policy student with a concentration in Wildlife Ecology and Management and a minor in Disability Studies. Shayna currently serves as the ENSPire Co-President alongside Emilia Ross. In addition to her work on the board, she works for the Center for Global Sustainability as a Research Assistant on the Subnational Climate Action Leaders’ Exchange (SCALE) Project and represents AGNR as an ambassador. In the past, she served as Delta Gamma’s Director of Sustainability. After graduation, she would like to pursue a career in environmental consulting. Over the summer, Shayna studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark and spent a week studying Arctic Ecology in Svalbard, Norway.
Email: shaysil7@terpmail.umd.edu

Emilia Ross is a junior Environmental Science and Policy student with a concentration in
Environmental Economics, as well as a minor in Business Analytics. Post graduation, she hopes to find work in environmental consulting. Currently, Emilia serves as Co-President for ENSPire and returns for her third year on the board. She is also the Communication Chair for AGNR’s Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC), and the Sustainability Coordinator for the greek organization Alpha Omicron Pi. Over the summer Emilia had the opportunity to travel parts of Europe and Africa, including Madrid, Amsterdam, and Morocco!
Email: eross12@terpmail.umd.edu

Vivian Maneval is a sophomore Environmental Science & Policy major with a Marine & Coastal Management concentration. When she is not helping out with ENSPire’s Advising Committee, she is on campus working alongside SustainableUMD or the College of AGNR as an Ambassador. She is also a part of Epsilon Eta, the co-ed environmental fraternity on campus. Over the summer, she interned for the Maryland Department of the Environment’s Wetlands & Waterways Protection Program, where she realized her passion for advancing coastal resilience. Outside of academics, she loves spending time outdoors and reading novels!
Email: vmaneval@terpmail.umd.edu

Allyson Young is a junior Environmental Science and Policy major with a concentration in Wildlife Ecology and Management and a minor in Geographical Information Systems. She is a member of the events committee in ENSPire. She is also a member of Epsilon Eta, the environmental science professional co-ed fraternity, and a teaching assistant for ENSP 101 and 102. Over the summer she interned with Arundel Rivers Federation in Annapolis, which is a river company where she worked on monitoring water quality and discovered her love for watershed science. In her free time, she loves to go on hikes, read books, and bake!
Email: ayoung31@umd.edu

Zenia Kaovasia is a senior Environmental Science and Policy major with a concentration in Politics and Policy, along with a minor in Geographic Information Science (GIS). She is currently the Public Relations director for the ENSPire Board. Beyond the ENSPire Board she is in the global fellows program and interns at the EPA in their Office of Budget. This past summer Zenia spent 6-weeks studying Environmental Philosophy and Arctic Ecology in Copenhagen, Denmark. With her interests in environmental justice and consulting efforts, she is in the 4+1 Masters program in Public Policy with a Environmental Justice specialization and hopes to continue working for the EPA upon graduation.
Email: zeniak14@terpmail.umd.edu

Alicia Barnett (she/her) is a sophomore majoring in Environmental Science and Policy with a concentration in Policy and Politics, and she is also pursuing a minor in Spanish. When she isn’t assisting with the ENSPire Advising Committee, Alicia can be found planning events as the Deputy Director of the SGA’s Sustainability Committee, collaborating with her fellow Scholars Peer Mentor Captains, or recording her podcast, “Everything in Between.” This summer, Alicia interned with the Applied Spatial Wildlife Ecology Lab at UMD, where she focused on data analysis and tick sampling across Montgomery County parks. Looking ahead, Alicia plans to engage in federal work through her participation in the Global Fellows Program. She aims to advance her passion for environmental policy by pursuing a career in federal environmental advocacy, with a particular interest in addressing environmental justice issues and promoting
sustainable development through effective policy solutions.
Email: barnett5@umd.edu

Malachi Peavey (he/him) is a sophomore Environmental Science and Policy major interested in the Biodiversity and Conservation Biology concentration. He also is pursuing a dual degree in Public Health Science. He is also a JIFSAN Intern for FDA, Social Outreach Committee Chair for College Success Scholars program, and an ambassador for the CESG College Park Scholars program. During his free time, he enjoys listening to music, snow sports, and caring for his pet fish. Malachi plans to go to graduate school for toxicology and aspires to work at the DOD, NIH, or FDA in the future.
Email: mpeavey@umd.edu

Jena Vernon is a sophomore ENSP student with a concentration in Environmental Justice. She is also pursuing a double major in Economics. This semester, she is interning at USDA’s Office of Inspector General through the UMD Federal Fellows program, and she is also a brother in Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity. This winter, she studied abroad in Vietnam, focusing on agriculture and sustainable development. In the future, Jena wants to pursue a career in environmental law with the federal government. Outside of ENSPire and other school activities, she enjoys reading, crocheting, and going to the gym!
Email: jvernon4@terpmail.umd.edu

Megan McCrann is a Freshman Environmental Science and Policy student with an intended concentration of Politics & Policy and a double major in Public Policy. Besides being a member of ENSPire’s advising committee, she works at Eppley Recreation Center and is a member of UMD’s Sustainable Ocean Alliance. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, spending time outside, staying active, and listening to music. In the future, Megan plans to pursue a career in environmental policy and potentially work with federal or state governments!
Email: mmccrann@terpmail.umd.edu

Assata Makonnen is a Freshman Environmental Science and Policy major with an intended concentration of Politics and Policy, as well as an intended minor of Law and Society. On campus, Assata serves as a Community Advocate for the University Student Judiciary, one of the most exemplary student government bodies in the state of Maryland. She is also a past participant of the Do Good Institute’s Impact Bootcamp, where she developed the creation of a climate literary magazine that will be launching in Late August 2025. For recreation, Assata enjoys reading, writing, anime, and visiting amusement parks. Currently, Assata aims to pursue a career in international environmental law.
Email: amakonn2@terpmail.umd.edu

Alexa McCabe is a Freshman Environmental Science and Policy student with an intended concentration of Land Use. She is currently a member of ENSPire’s Events Committee. Outside of ENSPire, Alexa is also a member of the Student Alumni Leadership Council under the Alumni Association to plan events and build connections with current and past Maryland Students. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, reading novels, and traveling. In the future, Alexa wants to pursue a career in urban planning and design cities to be more sustainable.
Email: amccabe6@terpmail.umd.edu