Tags: tweets



Monday, November 7th, 2022

Syndicating Posts from Your Personal Website to Twitter and Mastodon · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer

A very timely post on using If This Then That to automatically post notes from your own site (via RSS) to Twitter and Mastodon.

I’ve set this up for my Mastodon profile.

Monday, September 16th, 2019

I’m Taking Ownership of My Tweets—zachleat.com

I fully expect my personal website to outlive Twitter and as such have decided to take full ownership of the content I’ve posted there. In true IndieWeb fashion, I’m taking ownership of my data.

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

This is the story of the ZX81…

This could’a, should’a, would’a been a great blog post.

March 1981: Shakin’ Stevens was top of the charts, Tom Baker was leaving Doctor Who and Clive Sinclair was bringing computers to the masses. Britain was moving into a new age, and one object above all would herald its coming.

Saturday, April 9th, 2016

Day-of-talk countdown (with images, tweets) · larahogan · Storify

If you’re at all interested in public speaking, this is a great insight by Lara into what it’s like on the day of a talk.

Friday, March 27th, 2015

Tweets out of Context

Primer, but Twitter.

Monday, July 8th, 2013


There’s something quite lovely about this: pairs of tweets that are anagrams of one another.

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

How to get your tweets displaying on your website using JavaScript, without using new Twitter 1.1 API

A little piece of JavaScript to strip out the styling from Twitter widgets.

Oh, no! How horrid! Now Twitter won’t control the “user experience” of that widget!

Instead, the person who actually posted the tweets in the first place gets to decide how they should be displayed. Crazy idea, isn’t it?

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Exquisite Tweets from @genmon, @kellan, @anildash

I need to get Matt to an Indie Web Camp.

Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Quietweet - A Simpler Twitter Reader

A cute little read-only Twitter client from James that only displays fully-formed tweets: no hashtags, no @-replies.

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

Twitter conversation with ftrain

Lance Arthur uses a tweet from Paul Ford as a starting point for a text adventure.

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

oldtweets - Laughing Meme

Kellan explains the tech behind Old Tweets …and also the thinking behind it:

I think our history is what makes us human, and the push to ephemerality and disposability “as a feature” is misguided. And a key piece of our personal histories is becoming “the story we want to remember”, aka what we’ve shared.

Monday, July 9th, 2012


A public service from Kellan: the ability to search through your oldest tweets.

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

That can be my next tweet

A fun bit of Markov chaining of your tweets. Some of mine:

Had a burrito in Barcelona. Thank you get the peacocks plumage.

Stand by to the most helpful. The Fuck Was That type shop and David Byrne walked into a Wikipedia entry?

Last Waltz again. This Is A demonstration of The office doors are they talk right now. Cool your plans.

Picking salad leaves from the people who own them. They’re just resting” at the communal testing lab is!

Heading out the standard option. Alas, there’s no signs of spending Bloomsday as constructive feedback?

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Pentametron: With algorithms subtle and discrete / I seek iambic writings to retweet.

Algorithmically-generated combinations of tweets in iambic pentameter. Some of the results are really quite lovely. I’m imagining a poetry reading of this stuff in a hip café …it would be fun.

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

a world of tweets

A very pretty visualisation of tweets on a map using canvas.