Vitamin Features » The thrill of launch
A great narrative by Peter Nixey detailing the ups and downs of launching a web app (Clickpass in this case).
A great narrative by Peter Nixey detailing the ups and downs of launching a web app (Clickpass in this case).
Dan Hon's very extensive notes from Alex Wright's great talk at South by Southwest, The Web That Wasn't.
Quite a few people got sick after South by Southwest. There seems to be some kind of virus going around. Inevitably, the virus now has a Twitter account.
A nice summary of the technologies presented at my SXSW panel.
An iPhone-optimised schedule for South by Southwest.
Look what Taylor made: a handy schedule of everything going on at South By Southwest. Smart kid.
The guys from Viddler have put together a little site dedicated to video coverage from South by Southwest.
Bowling is back. Skip the web awards ceremony at South by Southwest (it inevitably blows) and come hang with the geeks attempting to participate in a sporting event. It's bound to be fun.