Link tags: miso



Fermented Code: Modelling the Microbial Through Miso - Serpentine Galleries

Y’know, I started reading this great piece by Claire L. Evans thinking about its connections to systems thinking, but I ended up thinking more about prototyping. And microbes.

Four Days Trapped at Sea With Crypto’s Nouveau Riche

A brilliantly written piece by Laurie Penny. Devestating, funny, and sad, featuring journalistic gold like this:

John McAfee has never been convicted of rape and murder, but—crucially—not in the same way that you or I have never been convicted of rape or murder.

How to Kill a Troll -

What Erin has written here makes me want to be a better person. Sticking With Delicious.

Paul explains why he won’t be moving from Delicious: the social network is too valuable.

Omkrets arkitektur: Typografi

Miso is rather nice; compact but legible.