Link tags: license



Openly Licensed Images, Audio and More | Openverse

A library of CC-licensed photos.

Next time you’re tempted to use a generative “AI” tool to make an image for a slide deck, use this instead.

A principled approach to evolving choice and control for web content

This would mean a lot more if it happened before the wholesale harvesting of everyone’s work.

But I’m sure Google will put a mighty fine lock on that stable door that the horse bolted from.

Openly Licensed Images, Audio and More | Openverse

A search engine for images and audio that’s either under a Creative Commons license or is in the public domain.

Гибкий веб-дизайн

Well, this is just wonderful! Students from Moscow Coding School are translating Resilient Web Design into Russian. Three chapters done so far!

This is literally the reason why I licensed the book with a Creative Commons Attribution‐ShareAlike license.

Terms of Service; Didn’t Read

This is a great idea: a community of volunteers distilling the Terms of Service agreements from websites into understandable terms.

Elena Font Family | Process Type Foundry

A lovely new typeface from Nicole Dotin that’s available to purchase as a web font under the very reasonable terms of the Process license agreement. » Unlicense Yourself: Set Your Code Free

A handy template for releasing code into the public domain.

Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 1: rel ~ A Blog Not Limited

A great article by Emily Lewis on the microformats that make use of the rel attribute (rel-tag, rel-license, XFN, etc.).

CcPublisher 2 - CcWiki

This is a tool for embedding licensing information in files (like MP3s). I'm going to try this out and see how it goes.