Link tags: 2014



Gridset · Responsive Report 2014

Results of a survey of over 1000 people working on the web. It’s beautifully put together and the overall trajectory regarding responsive design looks pretty positive to me.

BBC World Service - Click, dConstruct Conference

This episode of Click on the BBC World Service does a great job of distilling some of the ideas and themes from this year’s dConstruct.

The Click podcast is available for your huffduffing pleasure.

Two years ago dConstruct’s theme was “Playing with the Future”. Last year it was “Communicating with Machines”. This year’s theme is “Living with the Network”. Click interviews artists, writers, hackers and coders about surveillance, connected devices, big data, and whether the ideals of the internet have been too far corrupted for them ever to be preserved.

Security and surveillance concerns aired at dConstruct | Deeson Creative

A round-up of the themes addressed at this year’s dConstruct.

dConstruct 2014 | Laura Kalbag

Laura’s thoughts on this year’s dConstruct.

dConstruct : dconstruct2014 on Huffduffer

All the audio from this year’s dConstruct. Each and every one of these talks is worth listening to …more than once.

Thoughtful, mind-expanding, brain-blowing stuff.

Valley of the Meatpuppets | superflux

Slides and transcript from Anab’s terrific dConstruct talk.

2030: Privacy’s Dead. What happens next? - YouTube

Tom Scott’s energetic dConstruct talk.

';">2030: Privacy's Dead. What happens next?

dConstruct 2014 - an album on Flickr

Tom’s photos from dConstruct.

Warren Ellis at dConstruct

Indie Tech Summit - Brighton, UK - July 4th, 2014

I’ll be speaking at this event that Aral is putting on here in Brighon on the fourth of July (independence day — geddit?).

Node School in Brighton

Tom is running a Node School at 68 Middle Street on the evening of March 27th. I plan to attend and finally wrap my head around all this Node stuff.

Orbit Ever After - Trailer on Vimeo

This fun-looking short film—funded by Brighton’s Lighthouse Arts—is screening at the Duke Of York’s Cinema on Saturday, March 1st followed by a panel discussion with the director and science-comedienne Helen Keen.