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An article in Wired highlights a key feature of the new Apple watch—to free us from the tyranny of the smartphone screen.

I’ve never set up email on my phone.

If I install an app on my phone, the first thing I do is switch off all notifications. That saves battery life and sanity.

The only time my phone is allowed to ask for my attention is for phone calls, SMS, or FaceTime (all rare occurrences). I initiate every other interaction—Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, the web. My phone is a tool that I control, not the other way around.

Have you published a response to this? :


Frank Chimero

@adactio I’ve never used notifications, save texts and calls. I thought this was common usage, but I am learning not. Misanthropy FTW!

Fulvio Romanin

wrote a book about this - being constantly interrupted is the perfect way to lose productivity and enthusiasm overall

Cécile R.

Pareil pour moi. J’ai juste activé les notifs pour Messenger et Whatsapp.

# Posted by Cécile R. on Tuesday, July 25th, 2017 at 9:29am


adactio.com/journal/8658 作者说,他用手机,除了电话、短信、FaceTime 的通知外,其它所有通知都关了 - 是他在控制手机,而不是手机控制他。我想了想,他如果在中国,可能连短信通知也要关。


You don’t need a watch to be distraction free April 6, 2015 In March 2013 I turned off all notifications on my phone, tablet, and computer. In May of that year I went one step further and closed most applications that would keep me distracted and only opened them when I wanted to. To this day the only notifications I get on my devices are for SMS and calendar events. I do not allow any other applications to send notifications. Jeremy Keith recently wrote “My phone is a tool that I control, not the other way around.” Many are saying that the Apple Watch was made, in part, to help us be less distracted but in reality it will make it easier for us to be distracted. It is true that with an Apple Watch you’ll see notifications that you receive much quicker than needing to fumble around with your phone. A quick glance at your watch and you’ll know who is calling you, as an example. Responding to notifications should be easier too. However, if there was any feeling or desire not to be rude that held you back from checking your phone while you were talking to your friend, that feeling or desire may be lessened or altogether removed with the Apple Watch because it will be so quick and easy to check it. The issue is that any notification, for any reason, will pull your mind and attention away from whomever you’re talking to no matter what device you read it on. Let’s say you’re talking with a friend and they are pouring their heart out to you about a personal issue. You’re trying to empathize with them and maybe even provide a bit of advice. Suddenly your watch taps you on the wrist and the message on the face is from your significant other and it reads “I can’t believe you.” Whether you pulled out your phone or read that message on your wrist — how much attention will your friend really be getting after reading that message? Your mind will be swirling, you won’t be able to focus. While I think the Apple Watch is a really cool and useful device I do not see it cutting down on distractions at all. Turning off all notifications does though. I know that for a fact. View all posts

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Previously on this day

16 years ago I wrote Shrtr

Avoiding short URL link rot.

19 years ago I wrote Bootcampilicious

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20 years ago I wrote Feed me

Molly’s been busy lately. Not only has she been interviewing the father of CSS, she’s also found time to put together a table of syndication link locations.

20 years ago I wrote Buying music

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22 years ago I wrote One Cool Cucumber

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23 years ago I wrote Paris in Spring

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23 years ago I wrote Web Designer Builds Home out of Flash

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